The Top Ten Reasons to Study at the College of Metaphysics

college of metaphysics, the best place for soul growth

COLLEGE OF METAPHYSICSthe best place for soul growth


The Top Ten Reasons to Study at the College of Metaphysics

by 2002 graduating class….Shawn Stoner, Tina Coleman, Stacey Ferguson, John Mestyanek








Students who have completed the first cycle of the Course of Mastery and received their Respondore’ certificate are eligible for a year to a year and a half of internship at the College of Metaphysics. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to accelerate their soul growth and spiritual development and live as Spiritual Intuitive Man. Come to the College of Metaphysics!

1) Come here to experience the most accelerated soul growth on this planet. Lifetimes worth of knowledge can be gained in weeks and months. You know that when you leave here, you will be different mentally, emotionally, and physically. Instantaneous and miraculous changes occur because the conditions are right.

2) This beautiful, serene, and loving environment creates the perfect atmosphere to experience a deeper more meaningful relationship with your Creator.

3) You live with great master spiritual teachers. The Doctors of Metaphysics have been actively studying and teaching for over a quarter of a century. These are the individuals who authored the Course of Mastery lessons and books such as Permanent Healing and Dreamer’s Dictionary. Over the course of a year there are many opportunities to ask them questions and receive guidance.

4) Living at the college you benefit from the awe-inspiring privilege of being present during Intuitive Health Analyses each week. These experiences allow you to learn from the Universal wisdom of subconscious mind given to others. You see how the energy of the mind effects the physical body.

5) The way to change is to apply what you are learning. Here at the College of Metaphysics you have the opportunity to apply metaphysical principles in everyday life–morning, noon, and night. In this way, you begin to embody what it means to be a metaphysician.

6) Through your year of study you expand in ways you never thought possible. You realize that you exist in more than one level of mind and vertical time becomes a reality.

7) You learn how to learn through your relationships-communication, communication, communication. You learn what communication really is. Spiritual family provides connectedness at its finest as people come together to learn and experience as souls.

8) Through living at the World Headquarters of the School of Metaphysics you are part of the directing intelligence of an organization that is elevating the consciousness of humanity. You are present for events such as the first reading of Remembering Atlantis: The History of the World Volume 1 as it was being written.

9) You will learn about the four stages of growth (infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and wisdom) through planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting the lavish, organic gardens. By talking to, thanking, and nurturing the plants you watch them grow and thrive well into the winter months.

10) As a College of Metaphysics student you commune with and care for nature–animal, vegetable, and mineral. Through caring for the animals, plants, trees, and minerals on the college campus you come to know that all expressions of life have mind and awareness. As you still your mind and listen to the voice of nature you realize this through experiences such as listening to the plants to know when they need to be watered or weeded and using your mind and attention to visualize and direct the animals. Life takes on new meaning as you understand that knowing is a multi-dimensional experience.

© 2002 School of Metaphysics

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©2002 SOM


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