Our Program of Study
The Dreamschool Scholar Program is an online study of the art and science of dream interpretation based upon a core teaching at the School of Metaphysics. The School of Metaphysics is a 501(c)3 educational institute founded in 1973 in the United States of America. Its mission is to develop consciousness beyond the confines of normal physical thinking by exploring the Whole Self. One part of this endeavor is the study of dreams.
Dreaming is Mind’s means of intrapersonal communication. Dreams that come when the waking Mind sleeps are from the inner Self. Heeding these messages, establishes a strong relationship with the individual’s Inner Teacher, connecting that one with soul consciousness. The Dreamschool Scholar Program teaches the language Mind uses in its communication. It has been called the language of the soul, the language of the Gods. We describe it as the Universal Language of Mind©.
Embarking upon a dream study that will culminate in certification as a dreamologist is rewarding. It requires the time, effort, and focus of any professional discipline. You progress at your own rate of speed, your own experience being the determining factor of when you move on
to new lessons. Be consistent. Set daily and weekly goals tailored to the material at hand.
Be concerned with gaining the experience you need to develop a well-rounded understanding of the language you are learning. It will seem familiar to the inner you and probably, in the beginning, be a curiosity to the outer you. That is to be expected. You are making your conscious mind aware of what your subconscious mind already knows.
At first, use your own dreams as your laboratory. As you begin feeling familiar with basic theory and symbols, begin asking others about their dreams. Do this for your own practice, not as an expert or counselor for them. Let others know that you are studying and they will often be most generous and willing to help. In this way, you encourage others to remember their dreams and offer them an avenue to give unconditionally.
Your goal is to become proficient in the oldest and most enduring language known to our species – the Universal Language of Mind. The journey there will be many dreams. You will record, hear, and interpret over a 1000 dreams before you are complete and this will give you the skill and inner confidence needed by a dreamologist. As in any profession, experience and
understanding will make you an adept in this field.
Origins of the Study
This program has evolved from the core teachings of the School of Metaphysics concerning Mind, the Universal Language it speaks, and the universal laws which govern creation. The focus is dreams and dream interpretation. Each course includes a number of written lessons which are designed for daily reading.
The program is designed to assist everyone. Since the field of experience lies within one’s dreams, everyone can benefit from this study. What is learned is practiced in the life and passed onto others, particularly our children. In this way, we value the Universal Truth, known in indigenous cultures around the world, that dreams are doorways into the realms of existence before this life and after.
The program was designed by Dr. Barbara Condron in response to a perceived evolutionary readiness in humanity for ascension into the inner levels of consciousness. She, Dr. Laurel Clark, and Dr. Daniel Condron are primary authors of the coursework. Contributors to
the second course include Dr. Terry Martin, Dr. Sheila Benjamin, Dr. Christine Madar, Amy Pawlus, and Dr. Paul Madar.
Current students studying at Schools of Metaphysics in the U.S. find this program useful in accelerating their growth personally and interpersonally. For these students, the Dreamschool Scholar Program is coursework in teacher’s training, providing the additional experience and confidence that comes from the global view of dreaming the program offers. Access to the program is given to those pursuing correspondence study. Alumni find the program keeps them attuned to the Inner Teacher while offering a means to include friends and loved ones in study.
Those who are just now “awakening” to the mysteries of the dreamworld, who are new to dreamwork, have the good fortune of studying dreams with masters of consciousness. Weekly webinars and online virtual classrooms afford students valuable interactive time. Personal
mentoring and consultations are also available by individual arrangement.
At Dreamschool, dreams are part of a much bigger picture of Mind, consciousness, and the nature of reality. In keeping with the purpose of the School of Metaphysics to accelerate the evolution of humanity, one individual at a time, your choice to learn at Dreamschool contributes
to your soul progression.
About the Program
The Dream Scholar Program consists of six levels of proficiency in dreamwork. These are
✴ Level I: Course 140: Dream Theory and Experience
✴ Level 2: Course 210: Mind Linguistics and Understanding
✴ Level 3: Course 260: Dream Themes and Interaction
✴ Level 4: Course 320: Dream Consciousness Circuit©
✴ Level 5: Course 350: Dream Holography
✴ Level 6: Course 380: Intuitive Dreaming
The six levels are meant to be studied sequentially and uninterrupted for the greatest mastery impact. Whatever your degree of previous dream knowledge, you will be enriched through this program.
Course 140 Dream Theory and Experience
Our dreams contain the secrets we all long to find – the very personal answers to the universal questions of “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?” Learning to interpret dreams gives you a new perspective on life, and aids you in developing your awareness of the Real You, the spiritual You that lives eternally. In this dream course, you learn what dreams are and why it is important to interpret them. Five golden keys for remembering your dreams set your dreaming mind into motion while the systematic 15-count relaxation of the body supports the flow of information. Detailed instructions on recording your dreams, identifying and translating symbols, and decoding their message are given in 10 easy to follow steps. The foundation for learning the language of dreams – the Universal Language of Mind© – provides proficiency in understanding this oldest language used around the world throughout time.
Course 210 Mind Linguistics and Understanding
Every dream tells a story about you. Your dream journal is a living dream catcher, recording these messages from the inner you. This course teaches how to deepen your understanding of the dream-people, dream-places, and dream-things. Learning to interpret dreams begins with
knowing what the dreamer is dreaming about.
✴ What is highlighted in the dream?
✴ Are the people and the relationships between them what stands out the most?
✴ Is the dreamer more involved in the scenes and how they change?
✴ Are there repetitive themes?
✴ Are there many different animals that appear throughout the dream?
Learning how to ask the right questions, at the right time, reveals dream patterns which quicken our understanding of ourselves and life. This Mind Linguistics course teaches ways to interpret how the mind uses images for mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being. By the time you complete this part of the Dreamschool Scholar Program, you will better understand the messages in any dream, be it your own or someone else’s.
Course 260 Dream Themes and Interaction
Resting the waking mind allows the inner Self to freely experience the inner levels of creation. In those inner levels, patterns in Universal Mind are revealed. These patterns are reflected in the three theme schemes where archetypal dream-characters and dream-plots literally come to life! Themes arise from a combination of dream-people and dream-actions. What is happening in your dream tells you how you are thinking, the patterns or forms your thoughts create. Who is making things happen in your dream tells you about the intelligence driving the energy you call your life. It is the difference between riding in the backseat of a car and driving it. The impact upon the theme is revelatory. This is the course that makes a dream interpreter!
Our courses have a dual purpose: optimal Self awareness combines with an expanded empathy toward others. As you progress, you will be interpreting others’ dreams as well as your own. When you have completed all lessons in a course, you proceed to “The Art and Science of
Capturing Your Dreams”, a downloadable workbook with practice dreams from dreamers around the world. Each of the first three levels of the dreamschool program is supplemented in this Dream Catcher Series.
• Dream Catcher I teaches how to “Decode a Dream” in three steps. Dream Decoding exercises your powers of reason, establishing the brain pathways between mind and body which will bring accuracy and eventually ease in interpreting dreams. This series follows Course 140.
• Dream Catcher II introduces the classical elements of story as they apply to dreams. By learning how to “Discern Dream Themes”, students cultivate the perception that allows them to identify the message in any dream.
• Dream Catcher III, “Illustrating a Dream”, focuses on a dream’s core image. Illustrating dreams strengthens the dreamer’s recall which, with repeated practice, will lead to lucid dreaming.
Webinar forums offer students opportunities for interacting with qualified dreamologists and fellow students, becoming comfortable with talking with others about dreams, interpreting dreams, and leading group discussions.
Course 320 Dream Consciousness Circuit©
Dreaming cultures have a connection with the elemental forces that falls into the background of post-modern living. A sequence of 10 steps establishes the Dream Consciousness Circuit© to unlock the healing impact in dreaming. This powerful medicine, designed for the individual, can have far-reaching effects upon our communities. Indigenous peoples have accessed this power for millennia. In shamanic form, Dreamschool Coaches provide the space for these transformations. From ancient cultures to today’s Global Lucid Dreaming Experiment, this
course teaches how to accumulate authentic power from your individual dreams and through six ways of sharing them with others.
Course 350 Dream Holography
There is a slow awakening happening on the planet. We are becoming conscious creators. As a species, we are moving toward greater awareness of ourselves as creators. Sound and image is projected onto movie screens revealing a fascination with daydreams. Each night, sound and image is captured in our dreams opening a soul’s diary waiting to be read and understood. Now, more than ever before Dream Consultants are needed. The four-step process of dream interpretation is taught and practiced in this course. The fundamentals of coaching, creating your mission statement, and methods for interacting with those you want to guide are developed.
Course 380 Intuitive Realities in Dreaming
Life coaching has gained popularity in the Information Age because people desire wisdom and companionship as they navigate the waters of their life. People who are in major transition phases in their lives often seek someone who has had similar experiences with favorable outcomes. In this course, we explore several ways dreaming comes in the service of the dreamer. These include:
✦ Visitation Dreams …. sharing dream space with another, most often someone familiar to the dreamer who has passed from the physical life
✦ Precognitive Dreams ….. revealing probable events or outcomes.
✦ Healing Dreams ….. provide information, knowledge, or an experience that brings wellness, restoration, or recovery to the dreamer
✦ Group Dreaming ….. sharing common dream themes or happenings with others, either through conscious intent or unconscious occurrence
✦ Lucid Dreaming ….. wakefulness during the dream state
✦ Dream Telepathy ….. communicating mind to mind in the dreamstate
✦ Dream Incubation ….. preparing the conscious mind to consciously program the subconscious mind of the dreamer
✦ Dream Inventions ….. inspirations arising in/from the dreamstate The Dreamschool Scholar Program focuses on aiding you to understand the purpose, function, and wisdom in any dream. Upon successful completion of this course and laboratory assignments, the student may apply to the School of Metaphysics Education Board for certification as a dreamologist.
Should you want personal attention during your studying, tutoring is available when you feel this can enhance your study. This is arranged privately between you and a Psi Counselor of your choosing. Contact lists of qualified individuals is supplied upon written request. Their
professional fees vary and can often be negotiated.
Course 101 Introduction to Dreams
✴ Level I: Course 140: Dream Theory and Experience
✴ Level 2: Course 210: Mind Linguistics and Understanding
✴ Level 3: Course 260: Dream Themes and Interaction
✴ Level 4: Course 320: Dream Consciousness Circuit©
✴ Level 5: Course 350: Dream Holography
✴ Level 6: Course 380: Intuitive Dreaming
Dream Theory and Experience, Course 140 is the initial level for your dreamwork. This course consists of ten lessons. Each lesson includes:
• an overview of the focus for that lesson
• printable lesson material
• a movie on one of the 10 Powers of Dreaming
• a review of key points
• an evaluation quiz
You progress at your own rate of speed, according to your desire and will. There are many resources at dreamschool.org to supplement your lesson materials. As long as you are active in the Dreamschool Scholarship Program, all membership privileges are yours. Get to know them
and you will find your progress accelerated.
Reference Books
The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Dr. Barbara O’Guinn Condron
Understanding Your Dreams by Dr. Daniel Condron
Every Dream is about the Dreamer by Dr. Barbara O’Guinn Condron
Lucid Dreaming ed. by Dr. Laurel Clark and Dr. Teresa Martin
Intuitive Dreaming by Dr. Laurel Clark
Required Reading List
Course 140 The History of Dreaming by Robert Moss
Course 210 Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung
Course 260 The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
Recommended Book List
The Moon’s Effect on Dreams ed. by Dr. Christine Madar
International Association for the Study of Dreams annual conferences (live and online) Visit www.asdreams.org for current offerings.