by Paul Blosser
The Complete Law, in very few words, describes what man, the thinker, must do to cause his soul growth and spiritual evolution. It is man’s soul growth and evolution which is the mechanism that moves man the thinker towards his ideal or reason for existence. This reason is taught by many of the major religions of the world. In the Judeo-Christian sense, this ideal is expressed in these words from the book of Genesis in the Bible; “God created man in His image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (fn NAB)
To be created in the image of God means that man is an offspring of God and that he is to be like God. To be created illustrates that we are God’s creation and therefore His children with the same attributes as the parent God. This man’s ideal is expressed as “to be like” our mental and spiritual parent.
This is similar to the physical experience of giving birth to a child. The child inherits the physical DNA of the parents as well as the mental DNA which will develop as the child grows, becoming attitudes, thoughts and perceptions. To be like the parent also means to have the same potential.
From this perspective, man is different from all other creatures and all other creations of the Creator. He is unique in his ability for sentience or self-awareness.
God has blessed all of creation with existence. Everything in creation because of its existence in the physical and the creative intelligence of the Creator, has the inherent physical ability to continue its existence. For example, in the simpler root races of gases, a gas such as hydrogen or nitrogen has the stability in its chemical structure to remain as hydrogen or oxygen. In other instances where the atomic structure of a gas is unstable, the atoms either attempt to ‘throw off’ electrons in the outer shell to cause electrical balance or to share electrons from other atoms to bring about balance.
In the more advanced root races such as plants and animals, existence extends to permit the organism to reproduce to assure the continuation and longevity of the species. For example, a tomato plant produces blooms which yield fruit. Within each fruit or tomato are hundreds of seeds, each with the potential to reproduce an offspring of the parent plant. Animals, whether insects or cattle for example, have a similar potential to procreate and insure the continued existence of the species. In both these third and fourth root races, there is also an advanced ability to adapt to the environment permiting the evolution of the physical structure. Within the first two root races of gases and minerals, there is little room or allowance in the physical form and structure for adaptation to the environment and no mechanism for a rock or gas to reproduce itself.
Man which appears as the fifth root race, possesses the natural right of existence with the ability to adapt to the environment conditions as well as the ability to reproduce and continue his species. In addition to existence, man also possesses the gift of free will. It truly is free will which separates man from the other root races and sets forth the conditions and requirements that man seek first the kingdom of God.
God’s gift of free will permits man the thinker to make choices, and as a result of a choice made, to be responsible for the choice. Through free will, man can learn about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, how his thought is cause and effect is the physical manifestation of the thought.
With the idea of free will man is responsible for his rate of spiritual progress. All the rest of creation must progress according to natural law, but man can make choices to accept or reject learning opportunities. He can choose to learn from a particular experience or set up the mental, emotional, and physical conditions for a similar experience with like learning opportunities to occur again.
Here is an example which many people in the United States experience as evidenced by a more than 50 percent divorce rate. A man and woman meet, fall in love and marry. Their marriage does not work out because each is selfish. The marital partnership has presented the opportunity for each individual to learn about their respective selfishness and to learn about giving and sharing. The two divorce thinking that their problems are over. One or both marry a second time and since the lesson of the previous experience is still unlearned, through the Universal Law of Attraction, a mate with similar selfish qualities has been drawn to the partnership so that the thinker can learn a lesson from this experience. Here once agin is a perfect opportunity for the thinker to use his free will and make a choice that will cause his learning and soul growth. Universal law and subconscious mind have brought together the elements so that the thinker can view the new marital partnership and the new partner as a reflection of the self and the entire experience as a way to become honest, more self-reflective, more self-aware and self-correcting. In this example, if the thinker chooses to learn about his or her selfishness, then soul growth is accelerated. Free will has caused more rapid spiritual progression. If the thinker again chooses to reject the partnership, the experience, by blaming the circumstances or the other person, the soul growth is retarded. Free will in this instance has caused stagnation and slowing down of spiritual evolution. To claim individual responsibility in any of life’s experiences is to accelerate one’s evolution.
Many years ago, my wife was in a serious automobile accident. Driving while tired, she went to sleep at the wheel and drove off the road. She wrecked the car and her physical body in the process. While recovering in the hospital, she said she decided “to milk it for all it was worth”. This phrase means to make the most from a particular situation. Her idea was that she had a strong desire to learn from this traumatic experience so that she would not have to repeat this type of mentally, emotionally and physically painful experience in her life. As a thinker her atttude, and the choice she made was to accelerate her soul growth.
Students in the School of Metaphysics exercise their free will daily to accelerate their soul growth by choosing to meditate, read their lesson and perform their spiritual disciplines. Individuals that choose to remain engrossed in their day-to-day physical existence, and to use the will-busters of drugs, alcohol, excessive sleep and excessive television, choose to cause stagnation in their soul growth.
The Complete Law became necessary, like the Law of Cause and Effect, when man became entrapped in the physical body. The Law of Karma was activated for all intents and purposes as man’s physicalness manifested into the fifth level of mind, or the lower astral level of mind. This is because, by the time thought reaches the fifth level of mind, the thought has gained enough matter (density) and energy (motion) that it is stable stable enough in form and structure so that the thought is unchangeable. The manifesting thought is no longer plastic or pliable as it is in the third or fourth level of mind.
When the vehicle for the thinker manifested into the seventh level body, man could and did become distracted. This was the cause of entrapment in the times of Atlantis. In the physical, man with the full ability to imagine and with the mental ability to visualize also became distracted by needs and desires of the physical body, the need for food, companionship, warmth and shelter. Early in the 20th Century the noted psycholigist Abraham Maslow defined the needs of man, arranging them according to priority. This is known as Maslow’s Hiearchy of Needs.
Jesus recognized the validity of man’s basic needs as he taught the crowds at the Sermon on the Mount. His instructions to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ presents the idea that the many needs and desires of the physical are not to become distractions from man’s one real need which is to be like his Creator.
In our Western society of the United States, and indeed in many other countries striving to be civilized like the United States, the emphasis has been placed on the physical acquisition of goods and ownership. The US economy is consumer based. Each American has been raised, educated and molded to be a trained buyer. Shopping has become and is a major pastime in our country. Americans go to malls, shopping centers, mail-order catalogs, street fairs, flea markets and now the internet to buy, buy, buy. The opportunities to gain physical things is virtually endless and with the availability of credit cards, the acquisition of things to fulfill our physical needs and wants is unhampered by the amount of money in our checking account or cash on hand.
A student in the Palatine School of Metaphysics was born and lived in Poland for the first 26 years of her life. She said when she went shopping in Poland, there was very little selection in what to buy. She said that when she first came to the United States, she was amazed by everything available to buy on the store shelves as well as all the places to buy.
The point is that there are many ways for man to become distracted and engrossed in what he is to eat and what he is to wear, unlike the birds of the air or the grass in the fields that Jesus teaches about.
Jesus’s preaching to ‘seek ye first the kingdom of God’ offers the guidance to the thinker about his priorities, that the kingdom of God is to be the first priority. The thinker needs to exercise his free will to make a choice that will produce something permanent and produce permanent fulfillment rather than the temporary fulfillment provided by physical accoutrements.
The word seek means ‘to look for, go in search of; to try to find or obtain’. So Jesus’s desire is for man to obtain the kingdom of God first and then his physical needs for food, shelter and clothing will be provided for.
©2002 SOM, v. 6/04