Establishing Order in an Individual’s Universe

FAMILY of YOUNG SOULS, health analysis


Intuitive Analysis as an alternative to labeling and drugging the creative, energetic young soul


Establishing Order in an Individual’s Universe

The incredible resource of Intuitive Health Analysis has advanced the art and science of psiology light years ahead of commonly-accepted modalities. Here we find the truth of thought as cause in action in the lives of men, women, and children of all ages, backgrounds, nationalities. These analyses describe what is occurring within the individual’s psi. They reveal how specific patterns of thinking cause specific patterns of illness through mind and in the body. They also relate what will reestablish order within the individual’s universe. From vibrations sounded mentally that will interrupt seizures and stabilize brain function to attitude adjustments which free mind and body from long-standing, stagnation-producing concepts to the mental and emotional state of the comatose, the research is astounding and deserves to be noted, explored, and utilized more widely.

Analyses on children are particularly insightful for the parents and loved ones, and to all of us in a universal sense for they reflect societal, mass consciousness.

The following health analysis was performed on a seven-year-old boy upon his mother’s request. A divorcee with four other children, “Bradley” is “Rachel’s” youngest and the only child who lives with her. Recently school officials said her son would not be able to return to public school unless he saw a psychiatrist/medical doctor. Upon doing so, the doctor wanted to put her son on Ritalin, a drug widely prescribed for prepubescents diagnosed as being hyperactive. This was an option Rachel did not want but felt “trapped” into taking.

Bradley’s health analysis reveals the importance of parental environment in shaping a child and what can be changed to improve that influence. In so doing, it also addresses the current trend to place “disruptive” young boys on a drug that mimics the affects of amphetamines (“speed”) in adults. The analysis begins:

“We see within this one there is an extreme degree of confusion. We see that this one is very quick in the thinking and that there are many stimuli around this one that barrage this one much of the time. We see that this one has very little control of the attention and reacts very quickly to whatever stimulus is the most apparent, the most strong to this one. We see that, therefore, this one has very little understanding, of the self, of the environment, of what is stable, or truthful.”

The first time I met Bradley he was attending a family camping weekend at the College of Metaphysics with his mother. He acted shy, as is common for four year olds, hiding behind his mom who alternately fed the attachment and ridiculed him for it. This tendency to one moment soothe her son and the next minute encourage him to be adventurous could have been a nurturing action in the hands of a self-aware mother.

At times this was true for Rachel, but just as often the soothing came from her own need for love rather than a response to him; the encouragement was from her desire to be free of his voracity for her attention and an obvious reaction to what she believed someone in her environment expected from her. The result was Bradley never knew how his mom would respond or if she would. He was beginning to learn ways, not all productive ones, to get her attention. Even hearing “Stop it! I told you not to do that!” was better in Bradley’s eyes than being ignored or abandoned particularly since he lived apart from the rest of his family.

This analysis followed almost three years later and by now the patterns are well established. The constant shifting, the unreliability of the most profound influence in his young life – his mother- has shaped Bradley’s consciousness into what it now is. He is confused with little stability in his thinking. This leads to displays of temper and fearfulness that school officials don’t know how to respond to. Rachel, the strongest influence, can “control him” but nobody else can. They don’t know how to reach him because he does not know how to reach himself. This is the source of Bradley’s problem.

The answer comes in methods for gaining self awareness and self control:

“Would suggest to this one that there is a need for some solid source of security, for some point of focus for the attention. There is a need for this one to develop the will and the will power. Would suggest concentration exercises. Would suggest that this one extend effort to direct the attention and to hold it for given periods of time. For this one to have some kind of structure or boundaries for this one to use as parameters for not only this one’s mental attention but also for this one’s physical body.”

The source of security for Bradley could come in many forms. As is true with every child, being certain of his home life is essential to well-being. Simple representations of security: who he lives with and the place he calls home are especially important to Bradley now. These can be given to him when his mother and father resolve any differences they may have. When Rachel is more secure, she will provide stable energy for Bradley be it in the form of regular meals, bedtime stories and hugs, or weekly religious communion.

Bradley is a testament to the fact that these parents have not always put their children first. If they want the best for him, if they want him to change, then they must be willing to lead the way, to demonstrate how. This will go farther in aiding Bradley to develop will than any words. Example is a most powerful teaching too.

Concentration exercises will give Bradley a sense of self control he has not yet experienced in his young life. It is universally true that when you can make your thoughts do what you want them to do rather than feeling like a victim of them (something Bradley has imitated that his mother does) your security immediately grows. Within is where the real security lies.

The suggestion for “structures” can be met in any of various forms of athletic disciplines where mental attention is paired with physical strength and development. This could be in martial arts, a favorite of many young boys, any Olympic sport, or in hatha yoga or dance. The choice should be Bradley’s for this will insure motivation from his interest.

“This one does not even have a strong concept of this one’s own strength, this one’s own ability. The use of martial arts would be of great benefit in aiding this one to learn how to direct the energy mentally, emotionally, and physically. And to learn how to wield this one’s own power mentally, emotionally, and physically. This one needs a teacher. This one needs some kind of strong image or influence to imitate and to give this one guidance and direction.”

If Bradley agrees, the martial art suggestion will be the most compatible for his development. One of the reasons martial arts is effective for boys is the presence of a strong, directed older male in a parental position of authority. The relationship of teacher to student is one of trust, obedience, strength, and love – all the qualities every child deserves and needs for wholistic development. Since Bradley does not live with his father or any other male whom he can interact with and learn from, it is essential he receive this kind of attention from a male who is invested in his well-being.

So essential to well-being is the balance of family structure – mother, father, and child – that I predict one day soon a study will link the absence of the father from the home to ADHD diagnosed boys.

“We see within the emotional system, this one is extremely angry much of the time.”

Confusion, a lack of understanding, breeds anger in anyone. Bradley’s anger has been learned, as we will see, and is the result of the unhappiness in those to whom he is entrusted.

“We see that this one is also fearful much of the time. We see that this is a result of the confusion that has been described. This one has very little concept of parameters or truth. We see, therefore, that this one allows the emotions to rule this one much of the time. And much of this is what this one has learned through imitation.”

As those who care for Bradley are willing to look at themselves, becoming cognizant of their influence, they are much more equipped to make changes that will in turn affect Bradley. When a child is diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder, the parents’ egos immediately motivate them into action. One parent may wear it as a badge, “My son has ADHD”, as if that explains most things and excuses the rest. Another parent is ashamed, wanting to deny that there is anything wrong or hide what is. Both foster the willingness to say “yes” to the quick fix of drugging their own child.

As Rachel said, “What am I supposed to do? They won’t let him back in school unless he goes on Ritalin.” Not one to accept the closed doors of limitations, I suggested alternatives: private school or home schooling. Rachel’s tendency to box herself in, to feel forced into action, affects Bradley as well as herself. I later learned what she had been told was not a true statement. In this state school, officials cannot force a child to be on drugs, nor can they refuse to teach one who isn’t. Rachel was fed a line that she heard through the filter of her own ego, her own badge. If her son went on the drugs, it would solve her problem.

Truth is, it doesn’t, and the drug can have life altering side-effects. After Bradley developed a couple of these, his mom took the first step in controlling her ego and her emotions by saying no to the drugs.

“It would benefit this one to direct the emotions in a loving manner, in an affectionate manner. It would benefit this one to have a plant or a garden that this one could tend in order for this one to give love, in order for this one to use the sense of touch, in order for this one to have the means of learning cause and effect in a direct manner, in which this one could give and receive directly.”

My first impression of Bradley is a revealing mental image. The adults were talking and Bradley’s mom was somewhere else, leaving him to his own devices. Bradley entertained himself by using his foot to push on Sir, the College of Metaphysics collie/Australian sheepdog, who was resting on the ground quietly. Sir was very good natured about the whole thing but I could tell the boy was, with each push, becoming more intent on sparking a reaction.

I pulled my chair next to his and bending down to stroke Sir, said, “Sir likes it better when you pet him with your hands instead of your feet.” I didn’t think Sir would hurt the boy, but I didn’t know what might happen if the boy hurt the dog. It was apparent Bradley was a bundle of emotions, wondering where his mom was and how long she would be gone, feeling a bit at a loss among many people he didn’t know, and Sir was the recipient of all this energy.

I offered Bradley a way to direct that energy saying, “Did you know that energy is received and given through the palms of your hands?” I showed him by having our palms face each other without touching. By expanding my electromagnetic field Bradley could feel my energy pressing, then mingling, with his. His eyes lit up.

Years before this suggestion was given in his analysis, the truth of it was very real in Bradley’s life. He was highly affectionate then, just as his mother could be. Throughout the weekend I remember seeing them several times cuddling and hugging. Bradley always had a big smile on his face. Then there were the times his face would distort into anger because he wasn’t getting what he wanted or he would be trying to hide tears of frustration when he wasn’t being understood. It seemed the times Bradley needed love and affection the most, both were missing, a common occurrence when one parent is absent.

“We see within the physical system there is a great degree of imbalance that occurs within this body. We see that the nervous system is extremely taxed. We see that much of this is from the barrage of stimuli without direction that this one experiences. The concentration exercises that have been related will be of great benefit.”

When the attention is allowed to scatter there is little identification or intelligence in its use. Attention is the muscle of the mind, the precursor of will power. It controls accuracy in memory and freedom in imagination. You are where your attention is is a universal truth. If you are preoccupied about a job interview next week, you will miss part of the conversation now or maybe run a red light. Likewise, if you are consumed by a sense of loss from the parting last week of a loved one, you will forget to stop at the store for needed supplies or lack motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Living in the future or the past, keeps you from the present, the time when you can effectively learn and grow.

Adults who understand the nature and control of attention are examples for children. They teach concentration in the way they communicate with the child and with others, in the way they approach work and play. Concentration is the developed skill of focusing your attention on one point, at will, for whatever period of time you desire. It can be practiced and is important to the development of the human nervous system at any age, particularly during the first seven years of life when the brain is receiving the foundation of information that will shape all the years to come.

“We see that there is a lack of oxygen to the brain and that this one needs to breathe fresh air out of doors daily. This one needs daily exposure to sunlight. The use of picnogenol from pine bark would be of benefit.”

The incidence of asthma in young children has skyrocketed in the past decade. This is the result of two primarily factors: first, demands are being placed on children at younger and younger ages to mature, to separate from their parents, to leave their homes, to act in certain ways far beyond their years. In some children this creates a web of restrictive thinking that inhibits expression, the productive part as well as the unacceptable. “Feeling like you can’t breathe” describes an attitude, a frame of mind that is taught. When it becomes your own, the body eventually responds with respiratory difficulties.

The secondary factor is the type of lives we live including big city pollutants and poor diet from processed foods that weaken the child’s growing system rather than support it. Parents must be willing to examine their own expectations, fulfilling their own desires rather than expecting their children to do so. Parents must also be willing to make life changes that will produce health in their children – spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well as physically. Often this is more than moving to a smaller town or the country, it is moving the self, changing our level of self-awareness and self-discipline.

“We see that there is inadequate nutrition for this one. There is a need for B vitamins, protein, all trace minerals. Would suggest that this one eat whole foods rather than processed foods or chemicals. Fresh vegetables, whole grains, and a variety of protein sources are needed by this body.”

It has been only in the past decade that I have come to know and understand the nature of Western diet. Built around processed foods, the nutrients we expect and that our bodies need are often absent. Processed foods are not just candy bars, boxed cakes, and flavored cereals, they include white flour and sugar and most of the foods you find on supermarket shelves. Often the food in restaurants comes from large cans instead of fresh ingredients, cans filled with chemicals that preserve the ingredients for months and years. Heat and pressure often used in sterilizing and preserving rob the food of nutrients. So do pesticides and herbicides used in producing the food, or hormones given to animals. All of these are to some degree passed on to man, the consumer of the food.

Again I predict connections will be verified between these realities and the rise in liver disorders in American society and between added hormones and early juvenile puberty.

Physically, the answer is supply the nutrients, by supplements when necessary, needed by a building body. Know what’s in your food. Eat the best food possible, organic, natural, grow your own when you can. Receiving from all the earlier life forms – gas, mineral, plant, animal – is essential for a strong human body. Be willing to give your child the fresh air, trace minerals, fruits and vegetables, and red organ meats needed for building his or her body.

“There is a need for this one to drink water when thirsty rather than other kinds of beverages.”

For four and a half years our son has lived without knowledge of soda pop. It can be done. Once started, the amount of sugar and caffeine carbonated beverages supply can be an addiction hard to beat at any age. For instance, twenty years ago soda vending machines in public schools did not exist, now they are commonplace.

No matter what, do not give your child fake sweeteners (see story on aspartame in our next issue). You will find when you drink water, your child will want to be like you. Keep up the good example.

“There is a need for this one to eliminate sugar from the diet.”

What, no sugar!? If your child is eating canned or boxed food he or she is eating sugar. Not long ago a popular brand of juice advertised as all natural was exposed to contain corn syrup. To eliminate sugar first means refraining from putting the white stuff in food you make. When your child won’t eat it unless it’s sweet, try stevia, an herb that tastes just like the white cane sugar he’s used to without the same effects on the body.

“Would suggest that this one listen to certain types of music to aid this one in directing the attention as well as soothing the emotions, and calming the body. Particularly types of classical music would be especially helpful. This would also aid to some extent in synchronizing to some extent the nervous system and the brain. This is all.” (122298LJC5)

The influence of Mozart’s music upon temperament and intelligence is becoming widely known. Science has entered the realm of why certain melodies endure over time and cultures thus earning the title “classic”. Every style of music from jazz to marches, from waltzes to heavy metal, produce vibrational patterns that affect the energy of anything the sound touches, including people. That’s why certain music makes you happy or sad or peaceful or angry. There are universal principles behind these conclusions. The science of resonance is one of the most startling.

In recent decades research has been conducted throughout the world regarding musical patterns that promote learning. The entire concept called “superlearning” is one of the best. For Bradley and all children with growing bodies, the best learning music is baroque melodies with distinct, metered rhythms. The largo movements from Bach’s Concerto in G Minor, Handel’s Twelve Concerti Gross, Opus 6, or Vivaldi’s Winter from The Four Seasons are excellent choices.

Each Intuitive Health Analysis is unique to the individual receiving it therefore the suggestions for Bradley may or may not be the best for another child. A personal analysis offers the greatest benefit for anyone desiring wholistic health. When used as a tool of intuitive research, analyses do however offer insights into the cause and effect relationship of the mind and body, parent and child, health and illness.

By drawing upon intuitive knowledge, psiologists seek to understand the wholistic nature of the human being and his connectedness with all of Creation. They understand the health of each part is essential to the health of the whole, be it the cells that make up the human body or the individuals that make up humanity. In time we will come to God knowledge, understanding it all. –from the Wholistic Health & Healing Guide Vol. 8, No 2. Copyright 1998, School of Metaphysics

Dr. Barbara Condron is author of First Opinion: Wholistic Health Care in the 21st Century the most extensive book on Intuitive Health Analyses yet written. A teacher, psi counselor, and intuitive reporter, she finds intuition is a personal link to her Maker and our universal link to each other. 


©2002 School of Metaphysics

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