In the future, dream interpretation will be a valuable asset for people of all ages and in all walks of life. As people begin looking for answers, Self-awareness and Self-referencing will become more important in the quest for a fulfilling and satisfying life. Dreams, arising from the individual's inner mind, afford each person knowledge and insight that promotes health and well-being. Until every person knows how to interpret their own dreams, qualified dreamologists will be in demand in business, education, and government.
A complete program of study in understanding dreamstates begins with course 101 Introduction to Dreams and ends with course 401 Intuition & Dreamstates. Students explore the universal and personal experience of dreaming progresses to an understanding of both content and state in dreams. The curriculum is a combination of online at-home study, teleconferencing class, and a final on-site extended learning weekend at the College of Metaphysics. Upon successful completion, the student is certified as a Dreamologist.