Kundalini Rising by Barbara Condron, B.J., D.M.

Kundalini Rising

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Kundalini Rising

Mastering Creative Energies

by Barbara Condron, B.J., D.M.

copyright 1994, School of Metaphysics
ISBN: 0-944386-13-X

“…a likely next step in human and global evolution.” — Leading Edge Review.

“…A scholarly fusion of myth, legend, biblical, historical, scientific, and metaphysical data… offset by segments of sensitive counseling for the emotional, psychological needs of the self as it lets go of limitation consciousness.” — Friends Review

excerpt from Kundalini Rising


Kundalini. Her name aptly conveys the mysticism that has eluded most of Mankind for centuries. Yet, she is described as a sleeping serpent coiled three and a half times at the base of your spine. In fact, her name comes from the Sanskrit kundala which means coiled. A storehouse of creative energy awaiting the command to spring into action, Kundalini is the active property, unconscious in most, which functions under the direction of Universal Law, DNA, and the subconscious mind. In Eastern legends she is a Goddess, and to know her is to possess the wisdom of a creator.
At a seminar on Kundalini, C. G. Jung told his colleagues the awakening of this force had rarely, if ever, been witnessed in the West. Yet, he believed the knowledge and use of Kundalini was paramount to understanding the nature of man. He suggested it would take 1000 years for Kundalini to be set into motion, and only then through in depth analysis. Jung gave this speech in 1932.
Since that time, mankind has caused his knowledge to expand rapidly through science, technology, and most importantly through communication. The world has become a neighborhood, reorganizing the consciousness of man to expand to meet the demands of newfound awareness of who we are and how we live as humanity. With each new creation, whether scientific or artistic, man is constantly changing the way he sees himself and his relationship to his creations.
Rapidly, man is realizing the need to understand the nature of his creativity to empower and insure the perpetuation of physical evolution. He is realizing the need to reach further than he ever has before, expanding creativity beyond the realm of physical manifestation alone and into the realms of spiritual consciousness. He has seen the benefits of understanding the finite world around him, building the desire to know what causes his sensory world to exist and believing himself capable of understanding these causes. Seized by a restlessness of Spirit, he is no longer content to remain unconscious of these causal forces. He is ready to explore the nature of his own creativity with full awareness and responsibility. When willing, Mankind is capable of wielding the commands to awaken the Kundalini.
Developing conscious control of Kundalini opens the thinking to higher states of creativity and deeper levels of consciousness. When uncoiled, streams of creative energy known as prana are released, drawing energy from the inner levels of consciousness for mental creation or for physical procreation. This outpouring of energy would drain the mind unless there was a means to return the used energy back into the inner levels of consciousness from whence it came. Thus the activation and use of Kundalini shares an independently intimate relationship with the mind's centers of recycling often referred to as chakras. After the Kundalini rises the action of the chakras must be set into motion so energy can be replenished for future creative endeavors. Exploration of the nature of the chakras brings the knowledgeable practice necessary for continued fulfillment of desires. Pursuit of the raising of the Kundalini eventually unveils the state of desirelessness which is the spiritual destiny of man.
Using creative energy as a means to manifest physical desires prepares the waking consciousness for inner revelation. Once the awareness is awakened, the needs of the soul become paramount to our existence. When soul progression is assured through thought and action, we are ready to embrace the true meaning of Kundalini Rising. This is the involution of consciousness toward the highest ideals of mankind. One must be willing to prepare the inner Self for the full realization of Kundalini powers for she shows no grace nor mercy to the one who beckons her into action. She is merely a means to an end, a tool for man to wield in his journey toward the Spiritual enlightenment existing beyond physical creation. She is a means to elevate awareness and transcend perceived limits of our existence. With her, as it is well described in one of the world's greatest anthologies of spiritual literature, our "eyes are opened and we become as gods" living forever. 


Chapter One Creative Genius

Everyday, we can see the results of man's creativity in ourselves and the world around us. The book you hold in your hands is an example of singular creative endeavors unified and ordered to produce a greater creative manifestation. The author draws on her experience and understanding not only of the subject matter but of language to fill blank pages with communicated thought. The editors use what they have learned in life to streamline what is communicated and verify its contents. The artists conceptualize in picture form the ideas conveyed. The designers give this book its look and the printers reproduce it. The distributors make it available for others. The act of reading communicates the thoughts of the author to you so your experiences may be enriched. Moving this book from the mind of its creator to you is a process of many creative minds working in harmony.
The room you are sitting in is a creative manifestation of many minds. From the creators and designers of furniture to the inventor of the light bulb, the room you occupy exemplifies an ordered and unified manifestation of man's creativity. When you dine in a restaurant you experience the efforts of creative endeavor, from the growing of food to its preparation to its serving. When you use a telephone you experience much more than being able to talk to someone who is separated from you by physical distance. You are using the benefits of others' creative endeavors from Alexander Graham Bell and Nicola Tesla to the local telephone company employees who make your call possible.
To begin conceiving the essence of creative energy is to appreciate its expression in our everyday lives. Most take their own and other's creativity for granted and for this reason settle for much less than they are capable of producing. Bound by habit, they become mentally lazy causing their minds to dwell in the mediocrity of normalcy thus perpetuating the ills of mankind. In truth, it is easier to create than destroy, to love than to hate, to trust than to fear, to evolve than to stagnate. To become free of self-imposed limitations, break free from compulsion by becoming aware of the freedom inherent in your ability to think. Thinking frees you to see, to hear, to feel, to taste, to smell, and most importantly to perceive.
As reasoning is understood and utilized, creativity flourishes. Wherever you experience expressions of man's creativity, you will find the use of creative energy. When this creativity is used by an evolved soul with the highest ideals and purposes in mind, you will find the use of the Kundalini for in this type of expression all of humanity benefits.
In our pursuit of knowledge of Kundalini, it is well that we examine the lives of those possessing expanded awareness. In their thoughts we find the Universal Truth, and Universal Truth can be applied in anyone's life at any time. The thinking of these evolved souls rises above the normal, challenging limitations accepted by the masses and paving the way for advancement for all. Those displaying this expanded consciousness are often described as living before their time. Yet it is their willingness to stimulate others–even in the face of severe opposition–toward the attainment of the visions they conceive that propels them to a place reserved for history's greats. As it has been said, "Talent does what it can, genius does what it must." By investigating and putting to use the talent you possess, you can become known for your creativity. By expanding your consciousness to include all of mankind, you can become known for your genius. The creative genius' thinking includes the world and all of humanity, for this reason, in time he is revered and remembered.
Creativity is abundant in man's search for Self expression. From a piece of art that captures the soul to the preparation of a meal that delights the senses, from the ability to explore outer space to the composition of a letter, every day the mind is used for creative endeavors. Yet many are restless in the accepted limitations of complacency. They desire to soar beyond what is considered normal and expand their consciousness to ever evolving states of creativity. By exposing ourselves to the quality of thinking of those remembered in our history as masters of reasoning, we can begin to align our thoughts with our own inner urge to create. What faculties does the individual who comes to be known as a genius possess that elevates his status to that of a master of creativity? What thoughts fill the consciousness of the creative genius?
History is filled with evidence of great thinkers. These individuals have furthered our progress as individuals, as societies, and as a race known as mankind. Their lives are varied. The consequences of birth hold no limitation for these individuals, for we find the complete range–master or slave, rich or poor, educated or not–of experiences represented in their lives. From the early thinkers who learned to harness the four basic elements of air, fire, water, and earth to make physical life easier to more recent thinkers who use the same elements to enhance the mental evolution of man, we find inspiration in the lives of these thinkers. They embody the finest we can become and the wisdom in their thoughts enables us to share their vision of the spiritual unfoldment that is our destiny. To become acquainted with these thinkers is to witness the benefits of the awakening of the Kundalini energy available to man. Their lives are evidence of Kundalini in action for the benefit of all and their conclusions reflect the awareness of a consciousness expanded.
The willingness to extend the boundaries of our thinking is well described in a quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.:

"Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension."

It is true that as we reach for food for thought, just as the legendary woman in the garden of Eden, we become like gods enhancing our awareness of creation. Embracing new ideas strengthens our ability to move beyond limitations no longer dependent upon someone or something outside of ourselves for spiritual salvation, mental guidance, emotional balance, or physical stability.
Holmes was an American jurist born in 1841. A Harvard graduate, he taught law there until he was appointed to the Massachusetts Supreme Court. He believed that law was made for man, not the other way around. Laws were an answer to man's need for cooperative order rather than a body of absolute rules. Theodore Roosevelt appointed him to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1902 where Holmes served for thirty years.
Holmes' observation of the expansion of consciousness is the backbone of individual evolution sparking the rise of Kundalini. By considering, evaluating, and embracing new ways of thinking the progression of the soul is promoted. This continual exercising of creative power and authority precipitates the arousal of Kundalini. Activation of the serpent power demands a change in consciousness. Moving beyond previously accepted limitations, it is the mind in its imaginative glory that is the parent conceiving new ways of thought and life which will culminate in the enlightenment of man.
The founding fathers of the United States knew of esoteric truths since most of them were free masons and many were Unitarian in religious thought. They intended the new country to be the first nation in the world founded on the basis of reason. Esoteric meaning shines throughout the symbols, such as the Great Seal, created to represent the new alliance. The notation of "In God We Trust" was an affirmation of their belief that the mind of man reflects the mind of God. They also believed it is reason which puts man in touch with God, and since all people are capable of reason this served as the fundamental principle of democracy. Their creativity reached far beyond its physical manifestations, and they revered the individual's spiritual birthright to excel and progress.
In the original draft of America's Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable; that all men are created equal and independent, that from the equal creation they derive rights inherent and inalienable, among which are preservation of life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

He is remembered as the third president of the United States, yet Thomas Jefferson expressed his creativity in a variety of ways. He was a lawyer, a farmer, a statesman, a governor, a minister to France, and an architect. He believed his greatest life accomplishment was the founding of a university. It is the expansiveness of his consciousness which qualifies him to be considered a creative genius.
Jefferson's use of physical existence serves as an example of the rewards enjoyed by someone who uses creativity to envision activities based on the highest principles of the good for all. His burning desire to give excellence shows much more in how his creations affected others beyond his own time than in the status and position he attained during his lifetime.
By the time the final draft of the Declaration of Independence was written, Jefferson's words were slightly altered. One change affirmed the Founding Fathers' belief in man's divine nature and is expressed in the phrase "are endowed by their Creator". Far beyond any ideas of conflicts of church and state, the free masons who founded our country spoke from what was then occult knowledge of the existence, nature, and purpose of man and his inherent right to become like his Creator.
This was recognized by an outstanding individual over one hundred years after the formation of the United States. A Nobel prize winner who became a U.S. citizen in 1940, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) once remarked,

"Making allowances for human imperfections, I do feel that in America the most valuable thing in life is possible, the development of the individual and his creative powers."

An independent, uncompromising thinker, he expressed himself freely on social, religious, and educational issues. His choice to change his citizenship from his native Germany was no doubt influenced by the idea of individual freedom and responsibility to evolve.
It is true in order for creativity to flourish man must have the freedom of responsibility for his thoughts and actions. In the United States, anyone can excel, anyone can dream and with a directed mind anyone can live that dream. This atmosphere promotes the development and use of Kundalini energy. Many believe the awakening of Kundalini can only be gained through Eastern disciplines, and although a disciplined mind is required for her use, it is the consistent act of creation which stimulates the Kundalini.
Native American scientist and inventor, Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) recognized these principles as well. Born in Milan, Ohio, he had three months of formal education in Michigan, and at 21 years of age received his first patent for an electrical vote recorder. In half a century he patented 1033 inventions including the phonograph, the incandescent lamp with carbon filament, the storage battery, motion picture camera, and the electric railway. It was Edison who said, "What man's mind can create, man's character can control."
In addition to an expansion of consciousness, activated Kundalini demands an elevation of consciousness. The mind must move beyond concerns for personal physical want, becoming occupied with the needs of all humanity. Such a thinker continually asks, "How can what I think and do benefit others?" This expansion of thought causes one to move beyond the isolation of physical immaturity into the refined awareness of relativity as the soul seeks to mature. This kind of thinking defines character producing the sustained motivation needed for innovation to develop.
To know your place in creation, to maintain this expanded consciousness when others do not, to respond for someone else's good as readily as you do your own, signifies an opening of consciousness. Lucius Annaeus Seneca described it in this way,

"Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power."

To be able to include others in your thoughts requires Self knowledge, Self direction, and Self possession. Seneca (3 B.C. – 65 A.D.) was born in Spain and educated by Roman Stoics. Appointed tutor to 11 year old Nero, he sought to make him into the ideal philosopher-king. Yet Nero fell prey to what another philosopher four centuries before called a commoner nature.
Plato (427-347 B.C.) was a Greek philosopher who established the Academia, scientific training for young men for great public service. The study included mathematics, natural history, practical legislation, and dialectics. The Academia was the first university of its kind, lasting 900 years until it was closed by Justinian in 529 A.D. Aristotle, teacher of Alexander the Great, was a student of Plato. Plato taught the world that ideas or forms alone are real and permanent, while their physical manifestation are merely imperfect copies.
With his metaphysical view of the world, Plato observed and drew many conclusions concerning the type of thought necessary for mankind to progress peacefully. He realized the unification of thought and action in leadership would produce the expansion of consciousness capable of providing peaceful coexistence. In one of his writings, he described this idea in this way:

"Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophers, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other one compelled to stand aside, cities will never rest from their evils."

Centuries later, a well known and loved American described a similar view,

"God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set foot anywhere on its surface and say 'This is my country."

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is remembered as a statesman, writer, printer, and inventor. To his credit he founded an academy which became the University of Pennsylvania. He also started a militia, the first fire company, and the first hospital in the colonies. For twenty five years he wrote and published Poor Richard's Almanac. He invented the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, and the water harmonica. He was deputy postmaster general of the colonies, helped draft the Declaration of Independence, and was ambassador to France. Through his choices, Franklin exemplified the unity of thought and action, philosophy and leadership, described by Plato centuries before. His exceptional use of creativity in an abundance of physical expressions remains an example of one lifetime richly lived in service to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This universal quality is another mark of Kundalini well used for the benefit of humanity.
Also characteristic of the use of Kundalini in the great thinkers of history is their preoccupation with truth. In the Descent of Man, Charles Darwin observed,

"False facts are highly injurious to the progression of men, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness; and when this is done, one path towards error is closed and the road to truth is often at the same time opened."

As we reach to understand the universal nature of truth, our consciousness is expanded beyond the limits of individual truth and our creativity is freed to flourish in a world which extends far beyond our own experience.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) entered Edinburgh at sixteen to study medicine upon the urging of his physician father. Within three years he had left for Cambridge to prepare for the ministry. His interest in natural history increased, and a five year voyage to South America and Australia in the early 1830's began his life long study of flora, fauna, and geology to shed light on the origin of the species. By daring to challenge long held ideas of creation, Darwin like many before him stretched his own thinking beyond what was commonly accepted, and in sharing his discovery dared us to do the same. He allowed his creativity to birth new conclusions which moved his individual perception of truth into the realm of the universal.
A contemporary of Darwin, noted American educator Horace Mann, also realized the importance of pursuing truth. Simply and well stated, Mann described the intention of those remembered as creative geniuses,

"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both."

Horace Mann (1796-1859) was raised in a poor Massachusetts family. Sparsely schooled, he graduated with honors from Brown University with a law degree. Appointed secretary of the Board of Education, he spent twelve years working to improve the state's deteriorated school system in the face of bitter opposition. He increased teaching standards and pay, and improved buildings and equipment. After spending two terms in Congress, he served as president of Antioch College in Ohio which which became a laboratory for his ideas on co-education and nonsectarian education.
No doubt his suggestion for one "to forget greatness and ask for truth" was well-earned from personal experience for another indication of Kundalini aroused is the progressive thought precipitating her rise. Such progressive thought always meets with opposition, ridicule, and personal attacks from those consumed by the limitations of a closed, and therefore small, mind. It has been to the retardation of humanity's evolution that these types of limited thinkers are often found not only in our neighbors but also in those who hold respected and powerful positions. It is for this reason that the creative genius of many goes unrecognized until the lifetime has passed and future generations have opened their consciousness to accept the import of those who furthered our evolution through their courage to support the truth they had found even in the face of any opposition.
For a thinker to draw upon the creative power of Kundalini once or twice in a lifetime is commonplace. What sets the creative genius apart from the average man, is the willingness to use her again and again. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described it in this way,

"The chief thing is to have a soul that loves the truth and harbors it where it finds it. And another thing: the truth requires constant repetition, because error is being preached about us all the time, and not only by isolated individuals but by the masses. In newspapers and encyclopedias, in schools and universities, everywhere error rides high and basks in the consciousness of having the majority on its side."

Goethe was born in Frankfurt. He wrote in several languages and commanded a knowledge of art before he was ten. Studying music, drawing, natural history, and law, he was devoted to alchemy, chemistry, occult philosophy, anatomy, literature, and antiquities. A Chief Minister of State and Director of the State Theater and Scientific Institute, he is best remembered for his great dramatic poem Faust although his Metamorphosis of Plants was a forerunner of Darwin's new theory on light. Goethe sought to make his life an expression of man's complete potential. An inner desire and willingness to seek full development of Self leads to the awakening of the creative energy in Man, and is an attitude shared by those recognized for their genius throughout history.
To be a whole, functioning Self, is to have direct experience with the truths of the universe and to know creation. Confucius said,

"Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it."

To define personal truth is a forbearer and prerequisite to comprehending truth of a universal nature. Universal Truths apply to anyone, anywhere, and at any time in our universe. Acts of creation produce an awareness of the universal power of love and its transcendent quality. During his life, Confucius (551-479 B.C.) was a government official during a period of corruption, tyranny, and warfare among Chinese states. Seeking change and resolve of conflict, he proposed a code of ethics for the management of society that would unify wisdom and government. His thoughts are recorded in the Analects which remain the tenets for a school of thought known today as Confucianism.
Shortly after Confucius' time, another creative genius Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.) was born in India. Unlike Confucius, Gautama's experiences led him to renounce his physical birthright and pursue a spiritual calling. A prince at birth, it was prophesied Gautama would become a great ruler or great teacher. At 29, he saw an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a wandering religious mendicant. The first three revealed to him the suffering in the world, and the tranquillity of the fourth suggested his destiny. Gautama is quoted as having said,

"Though one should in battle conquer a thousand men a thousand times, he who conquers himself has the more glorious victory."

His growing recognition of man's need to achieve a state of desirelessness led to the renunciation of his heritage and pursuit of the enlightenment resulting from Self mastery. The expanded consciousness he attained is attested by the title he bore, Buddha.
Although renunciation of physical pleasure, position, and possession is not a prerequisite for the use of Kundalini, consciousness must be altered to include what is unseen by the physical eye thus developing the perception of Self to include the parts of Self beyond physical existence. Socrates (469-399 B.C.) was the Athenian son of a sculptor and stonecutter. What we know of him is because of the writings of his student Plato. In Apology, Plato records this insight from Socrates,

"I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but first to chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul. I tell you that virtue does not come from money but that from virtue comes money and every other good of man, public as well as private."

Socrates' instruction was to use the physical existence for permanent learning which would transcend the physical lifetime becoming a part of the soul.
When the Kundalini is awakened in man, the recognition of the transitory nature of the physical produces the realization of a greater purpose for existence. Guided by the divine voice of his daemon, Socrates saw his mission as a search for knowledge which would lead to virtuous living. Pronounced wisest of all men by the Delphic Oracle, Socrates held that his wisdom came from his recognition of his own ignorance while others claiming wisdom were unaware of their ignorance. From this he developed a method of teaching knowledge by seeking it at the same time. Many creative geniuses have sought to use their creativity to advance the learning of Self while passing on their conclusions to others in either formal or informal instruction. By teaching others, ideas are expanded, conclusions are quickened, and developments are accelerated, while the truth of the knowledge is made a part of the soul.
As this awareness is achieved, the words of a famous Russian author, Fyodor Dostoevsky, ring true,

"Perhaps the only goal on earth toward which mankind is striving lies in the process of attaining, in other words, in life itself, and not in the thing to be attained."

Through his experiences, Dostoevsky realized the Universal Truth of man's destiny as a creator.
Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was the Moscow born son of a tyrannical army surgeon who was murdered by his serfs. Having graduated from military engineering schools in St. Petersburg, he turned to writing. A member of a socialist reading group he was arrested in 1849 and faced a firing squad only to be told his sentence was commuted to hard labor in Siberia. He spent four years among criminals and outcasts which gave him insights into the lowest order of society. The one book permitted him, The New Testament, stimulated expansive thinking reflected in the religious mysticism of his later great novels including Crime and Punishment and Brothers Karamazov.
It does not seem to matter when someone exists, or where on earth they are born, or the conditions of their birth. No physical situations are a limit to the innate Spirit of man to progress and evolve. When a developed soul enters a lifetime with purpose and cooperation exists in the consciousness of the physical person as he moves through his lifetime, the potential for genius exists. As demonstrated in the thoughts and deeds of those noted here, any one of us has the potential for the creativity that produces the enlightenment they embody.
As Victor Marie Hugo (1802-1885), the author of Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables said,

"Nothing else in the world…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come."

Hugo grew up during the Napoleonic era. At four he wrote his first tragedy, at twenty his first book. He revolutionized the rigid forms of poetry, and mixed tragedy and comedy in his dramas. In addition to using writing as an expression of creativity, Hugo was involved in governmental leadership as a senator in the third republic of France.
The great thinkers quoted here stand with many others who have advanced humanity with their vision of what can be. By creating their thoughts with the highest ideal and purpose, they transformed greed into ambition and the entire world has benefited from their drive to excel and make a better world. Their lives are testimonies of creativity directed toward physical accomplishment. Their thoughts confirm the use of creativity in non-physical endeavors. Transcending physical structures and boundaries, the thinking worthy of a creative genius shines through the words of these men attesting to the birth of Spiritual enlightenment characteristic of the use of Kundalini. They serve as examples to be emulated. Their thoughts ignite an inner urge toward creative genius in anyone willing to open his mind. The Truths they discovered, shared, and endeavored to live stimulate the deepest and highest thoughts we can perceive.
For those who have awakened to man's challenge to mature as a creator, Kundalini beckons. It is time for man to rise from a sleeping consciousness of the common, the norm, the habitual. More and more, people are restless, attempting to stir from lifetimes of Self repression and deceit. People are ready to open their eyes to the wonders of Self mastery and enlightenment. "Nothing else in the world…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come." The time to embrace the idea of Kundalini rising has indeed arrived for us all.

from Kundalini Rising by Dr. Barbara Condron, copyright 1994, SOM, all rights reserved.

To order this book or other SOM titles go to SOM Publishing 

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  ISBN: 0-944386-13-X

A futuristic vision of the unfolding of inner creative consciousness from talent to genius to transcendence

An outstanding endeavor in the field of Self awareness, Kundalini Rising examines the natural evolution of individual creativity. Share the creative thoughts of geniuses such as Einstein, Shakespeare, and Plato, then enter the realms of revelation as experienced by the world’s masters of spirituality. Dr. Barbara Condron leads us on an exhilarating investigation of the greatest creative energy available to man – the kundalini.

Tracing the development of creative energy from the time of Adam and Eve to the present, Kundalini Rising transports your consciousness far beyond the limits of physical time and space to the source of your creative power. Move beyond the limits of goal setting and learn how to recognize the awakening of creative energies in your life. Explore the nature of kundalini to:

  • Transform sleeping consciousness into creative genius
  • Control and quicken manifestation of visualized desires.
  • Awaken miraculous healing abilities
  • Draw upon chakra energies for enhanced mind & brain power
  • Reveal the mystical experience of tantra and spiritual rebirth
  • Achieve peace through transcendent states of consciousness

As the use of kundalini becomes a part of your daily consciousness, soul evolution is accelerated and global evolution is enhanced. If you aspire to greater Self awareness and mastery of your creative energies, Kundalini Rising is unequivocally the most extensive resource available.


Copyright© 2002, School of Metaphysics

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