reprinted from VIBRATIONS, a School of Metaphysics newsletter….
On January 1, 2016, my college classmates and I awoke after 2 hours of sleep to go to root race. In the early morning hours while most of the world was still asleep I looked up at the night sky and I realized that we had infused peace into the entire planet. As I sat down to milk Afro I took a deep breath and allowed peace to be the breath of my spirit.
This year (2015), 22 individuals at the College of Metaphysics recited the Universal Peace Covenant for 24 hours. This Peace Vigil began at 4 AM on Dec 30th and ran through 4 AM January 1st. There was much time for contemplation and inner expansion. Those who attended were able to understand, chose and allow peace to exist in the present moment. There was a sense of timelessness as we moved across the globe. We laid the gemstones corresponding to earth chakra’s for the Windows to the World. It gave students an opportunity to connect with the consciousness that was created during Parliament. We were serving the world by being in a state of contemplative thought. As I stood by the window I saw in it the heart of all things. The realization came to me that in service with an open heart, we will gain all that we need.
There was a realization of the Radiance that comes from serving the entire planet. With each reading there was a greater amount of light that moved through each person’s mind and heart.
As we all assimilated the experiences on January 1st, there was a profound understanding that in order for these high minded and spiritual experiences to live in each of us we must ACT. That is, to apply what we are learning by living the Universal Peace Covenant every moment of every day. The Peace Ambassadors who attended the Peace Vigil committed to letting students in their school branch know about their experience. This way they can share the consciousness that was gained here.
The School of Metaphysics was born to to unlock reasoning and in this process to birth INTUITIVE, Spiritual man. With each exercise that is practiced, with each thought of peace that is acted upon and each time we give of ourselves we manifest this consciousness into existence.
Today I
have taken what feels like a
giant leap along this trail (of thought).
Even though I have read and recited the words
of the Peace Covenant over and over for years, today
they came to life in enlightening ways. For not only
have I related the images more closely to myself like
aspects in a dream, I also had the opportunity to live the
words in a practical experience. Being “a living example
of peace,” “ speaking with sagacity, listening with
equanimity,” “giving love and respect, dignity
and comfort” — these words came to life
in me. Dr. Pam Blosser
Universal Hour of Peace in the Cities
The learning is fruitful and the awareness of our connectedness is becoming apparent as School Branches harmonized to usher in the New Year with thoughts of Peace, Meditations, The Reading of the Peace Covenant at midnight and creation of murals and mandalas.
Students and teachers at the Chicago School created a replica of the Peace Mandala. Emily Knox branch director said, “By creating this Peace Mandala we are creating peace around the world. We are creating unified consciousness. We are creating heaven on earth.”
The experience of creating this mandala has brought students together in a simple and impactful way. The school as a peace of the College of Metaphysics in it. From this seed thought the school will be able to build the consciousness at the college at their school branch.
Spiritual growth comes from a community of students and teachers that have their focus on intent on service to God, Humanity and the High self. From this place there is a well spring of abundance that can occur. As it says in the bible, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it. “ Matthew 10: 3.
How I see this is the more that we learn to let go of our attachments to what we want and instead surrender ourselves to I AM, then we will be able to experience the abundance and prosperity that comes from the well spring of our souls. (keep reading)
Kim Knapp area director for Palatine
and Chicago stated, “Placing tiles on the
Peace Mandala was truly a magical
experience. Feeling the connection to the
College created such beauty throughout the
Chicago Branch. It will be exciting for other
branches to share in this wonderful
experience as it will cause a uni!ed !eld of
conscious connection. This will in turn create
a magnetism for souls who have the desire
for growth to be initiated into the course of
study. “
students and teachers are learning how to initiate a unified field of consciousness that will serve as an attractor field of discussion about how to hold the thought intention of ‘giving’ with every goal you have all day long. There was a lot of discussion about unconditional love and how you hold this with anyone you experience disharmony with. This turned into discussions of from where we place our attention and whether we are motivated by the ego or a higher purpose. Very often people would raise their hands to answer others questions or just jump in to share their own experiences.
Indianapolis students and teachers are learning how to initiate a unified field of consciousness that will serve as an attractor field of discussion about how to hold the thought intention of ‘giving’ with every goal you have all day long. There was a lot of discussion about unconditional love and how you hold this with anyone you experience disharmony with. This turned into discussions of from where we place our attention and whether we are motivated by the ego or a higher purpose. Very often people would raise their hands to answer others questions or just jump in to share their own experiences.
For the Universal Hour of Peace, we strolled back to the Peace Bell where Aurelia led us in song and we all read the Peace Covenant. At midnight, at long last, after 3 previous attempts, THIS year our friends at the Peace Bell monument made it RINGGGG! It swung and donged at midnight. To watch it groan slowly to life, it was like a big dinosaur statue gradually waking up to beat its iron chest with sledge hammers.
– Dr. Jonathan Duerbeck
In 2003, the Peace Bell honored the Moment of Peace when we dedicated the World’s Peace Dome. Cincinnati SOM had YET TO BE BORN!
Seeds grow.
a study in thought form
projection and
Our first effort to engage minds and hearts worldwide in a single thought was awesome. For years we asked people to celebrate a Universal Hour of Peace. On October 11, 2003, we coordinated an effort that involved people on all seven continents. By reading the Universal Peace Covenant at the same time we created One Voice for peace. Participating in what mayors, governors, and the president of one country proclaimed as “A Moment of Peace” was awesome. Here, individuals describe what it was like….
from the World Peace Bell
We have successfully completed the swinging of the World Peace Bell here in Newport, KY. Along with the ringing of the world’s largest free swinging bell, The Peace Bell, I read the Universal Peace Covenant from the bridge to the bell. I am only sorry that we did not have the appropriate crowd for the Moment of Peace however the people who were here during the ringing and the reading were glad that they were part of the Moment of Peace. I hope that all went well at SOM and the dedication of the Peace Dome.
Brian W. Plunkett
Director The World Peace Bell Center
operated by The Verdin Company
In Columbia students are learning about connecting with the community as they painted a Peace Dove to be hung on the North side of the building. This is a way to display the notion of peace for the people that live in the area. Letting the community know that The School of Metaphysics is a place that people can come to learn how to become one with Peace.
being involved in
this years Universal Hour
of Peace I have found a
deeper understanding of love. I
have found that when I allow
myself to be open there is Love. In
love we are able to create the
life we desire and the
consciousness that elevates
us into bliss.
Doug Bannister
UHOP Sign in Bolingbrook
Hello Headquarters,
I had passed this sign in Bolingbrook many times
over the last 18 months. Usually it had village events on it. Recently, I noticed an advertisement for a church event. Just over a week ago, when I went to
pick up our Peace Proclamation, I asked about availability of the sign for not-for-pro”t
organizations. I was directed to the Public Works department where I was able to secure the sign for week (Dec 21st – 28th) at no charge. Today we received our “rst call from someone interested in the school! Yea!!!!
Love and
In Urbana we collaborated with the Unity Church for the 20 hour and 16 minute meditation and peace vigil. It was great! For a majority of the day we had 2-4 people meditating at one time, and at times 1 person meditating solo. There was a nice ease and flow throughout the day. We had snacks, tea, and coffee available all day. We had 4 peace and spiritual documentaries show in the afternoon hours. In the evening we did burning bowl and vision boards and that drew many people. We attracted very neat people ome who had lived in California, who opened businesses, artist, studied prosperity and abundance, etc. It was a success in many ways, and we are super grateful to have had the experience and the opportunity to serve the world through evaluating our.
# 94 The Unifed Field
By: Emily Knox
Chicago Branch Director
Peace is an idea whose time has come. This is the thought that is ringing in my ears as we journey into our new year. Now is the time that we expand and share our vision of peace so that we may know peace truly begins within ourselves. The Chicago branch created the opportunity to know this truth more deeply as we entered the new year laying peace tiles in our school branch!
The directing intelligence of the Universal Hour of Peace event were Angela Appleby and Ariel Zuniga. Expansive ideas and enthusiasm for creation emanated from the two when they expressed the desire to bring the essence of the Peace Dome into our school branch with the creation of the Peace Mandala. The Chicago branch expanded in that moment, knowing that this creation would spread peace, consciousness, and unity throughout the School of Metaphysics, the World, and the Universe. Dr. Barbara and Dr. Laurel were thrilled about this creation and
supported us throughout the process.
Harmonizing with the Universal Law of Attraction, the Chicago branch attracted quite a few creative, artistic, and willing individuals. Lisa Stefaniak and Lisa Kenny freely gave their time, energy, and love to the creation process of the Peace Mandala. The replica is beautiful. One of the biggest learning that I experienced as a director is the !eld that is created when a need and desire is presented to the group. We experienced unity in the branch and we came together to bring this idea into fruition, and it is good.