from the pages of Thresholds
Your Life is in Your Hands
by Mari Hamersley
When people say "your life is in your hands", most would agree with this figuratively, but Im a palmist and for me this phrase also has a very literal meaning. When I look into and touch your hands, I see the essence of yourself and your life as you have caused it to be painted on your palms by your thoughts, words, and deeds. And it is so valuable a thing to be able to understand yourself that Id like to introduce you to some of the keys to reading your own life in your hands.
Many years ago, when I first heard the words Palm Reader, little did I know that I would become one myself. Indeed, what first came to mind was an image that many have; a small very old gypsy woman inside a tent, enveloped in shawls and jewelry, siting at a table dimly-lit with candles. She would be ready to reveal the secrets of your future in exchange for a piece of gold. And outside would be dark gypsy men playing their violins around a campfire as a vibrant beauty danced. I believe that this was really a part of the romantic and mysterious history of palmistry during the time when palm reading was prohibited for hundreds of years, so that only those beyond the law were able to practice it openly. But during the last century, science was brought into the study of palmistry, as it was in all phases of our lives, and the study once again began to be seen to have validity and many books were published.
Today a visit to a palmist will most likely be arranged over the phone or in person, and will be done in a very well-lighted room, often in your own home. It will be much like a session with any other advisor or counselor, lasting half an hour or longer. The reading will delve into any of the areas of concern you may have, and will reveal your personality, behaviors, thinking, and interests in life. As with any other counselor, this will be a visit to discuss change and to get an additional perspective so that the client will be able to make productive decisions for themselves.
Whereas the physical setting has changed a great deal, the techniques for reading the hands have changed little over thousands of years. There are three prime methods of gaining information:
1) With scientific techniques which have been proven to work through countless actual cases, identifying the lines, shapes, patterns and textures of the hand
2) Using intuition to pick up sense perceptions clairvoyantly or psychometrically by touching the hands
3) Using a combination of both. Each has its merits and will give you a great deal of information about yourself
The method used really depends on which one is preferred by the reader.
When I began to learn palmistry, I started with books. I read and memorized the most common patterns, then I practiced by giving readings, always questioning them to determine if what I had studied was valid. With repeated practice with individuals, I was able to identify uniquenesses, and thus learn the finer points and the less common combinations. I found the research that has been done for thousands of years by students of palmistry, does reveal a great deal of information about the inner and outer workings of a person. In addition, with practice, I also developed trust in my own intuitive perceptions. This didnt happen magically or automatically, but perception is something that I believe anyone can build. I built it through desire, through my continued studies in mind at the School of Metaphysics, and through lots of practice. I prefer to use a combination of reading of lines and intuition because it allows me to give a whole interpretation. This is the art of palmistry, to be able to take information and offer it in an applicable form to a persons life for the betterment of themselves. It is very rewarding to both the client and the palm reader.
I see both palmistry and life as a wonderful learning experience. Both are opportunities to gain information, then to put those ideas into practice to test for yourself that it is truth for you. This does require an open mind for you to be willing to accept new ideas and give them a try. Any information that you receive in this jam-packed information age that we are living in today needs to be taken in with discrimination and tested by you according to your own needs, desires, and purposes. Then you have the opportunity to respond to it freely. A palm reader is one avenue to acquire information about yourself that you desire to know, and he or she will present the truth as they see it. But in the final analysis the benefit of the reading depends as much on the person having the reading done as it does on the reader. And equally it depends as much on the learner as on the teacher. This personal responsibility for your learning is wonderful, because it allows you to be in control. As I mentioned it does take an open mind, and unfortunately the lack of it may be ones downfall.
I recall an especially memorable example of this. A few years ago a woman came to me asking me to read her palm. I noticed right away that she had a disease much like elephantitis. Her face and body were covered with obvious red lumps, some as large as quarters. As I read her hands, I could see from the bulbous, red thumb that she was holding in a dangerous amount of anger and was likely to express it violently, so I advised her that she needed to bring it out step-by-step with control. She denied that she was angry at all. From her very short and wide fingernails I could see that she was extremely argumentative. I told her that it was important that she build her self-esteem and learn to love her form of expression. Becoming more receptive and willing to listen to herself and others would be a first step. She denied this, too. In fact, for the whole time that I spoke with her, she denied everything I said, and then she left. The reading hadnt been of much benefit to her, and she chose it that way. But the very parts of herself that she most needed to know and to express were not admitted to or even looked at, so that there was no way that she was willing to change even though I perceived that she was desperately lonely and in great mental and emotional pain. Rather than try something different she continued to fight herself and her own desires.
Not all of the readings I do are so dramatic, but they all offer much awareness to aid individuals to understand themselves, and sometimes their relationships, too. In fact, couples often ask for a compatibility reading, which involves comparing the hands of both then making an interpretation of how they might use their relationship and build strength in it. I remember a particular friends Italian birthday party at which Id been invited to do readings. There were many people there and the spirit was festive. I read many couples hands that night, but two particular couples stand out in my mind.
The first was a young, unmarried couple. With only a glance at their hands, I could tell that they were quite different, especially in their communication styles. She loved to talk and, as he added, sometimes let her mouth run away with her. She had again the short, wide fingernails, but also with a separated head line. I advised her that she needed to think about what she was going to say and the effect of her words before speaking. On the other hand, he was very much the strong-but-silent type with a big hand with few lines and reddish in color. He would hold in his thoughts and then, he admitted, would sometimes let his fists do the talking. I let them know that if they married this could be a serious problem for them, unless they became aware of the need to adjust and balance their communication style; he being more open and patient and she being willing to listen and give thoughtful feedback to him, rather than just talking more. They thanked me heartily.
The second couple was very much the opposite. They were in their 40s and had just gotten married. Their hands were almost exactly the same in the lines and markings, although his were larger. When I told them how similar they were, they agreed and said that it was wonderful to be so much alike. It was what they had dreamed of, each having had difficult relationships and little in common with their first spouses. But I couldnt leave it at this. I offered that they each had a need to develop themselves individually with unique interests so they would have something to offer each other for years to come, rather than simply becoming secure, but predictable, in their growth and their relationship. I wished them well as they left and knew that they, as we all do, had the free will to use, or not to use, the information I had given them.
So, now you must be wondering if Im going to give you anything to use so that you can begin to know yourself better. As this is a short article and there are thousands of different lines, markings, shapes, and combinations Ill provide some of the basics.
As you begin in palmistry, you need to know that each hand provides certain information because there are thousands of nerve endings in our hands. These are the conveyors of our sense perceptions picked up from the outer world and taken to the brain to be used by the mind. Conversely, the mind, through the brain, sends messages outward, and many of these show up in the outermost part of the body -- the hands, one of our most important body parts for use in interacting in the physical. These thoughts are printed by us in our hands. The major hand, the one you use most, shows the present and possible future, as set into motion by you at this time. This is the hand that you can watch for gauging changes and your progress, for it will change. The minor hand shows influences from the past, potentials, parental influences, even attitudes from past lives, if you believe in these. Some say that its what you come into this lifetime to work with. Your hands may be similar or quite distinct, according to how youve done things differently from or similar to the past. I recommend that a beginner use primarily the major hand.
Most people think that palmistry consists of reading only the lines, but a truly complete reading will involve examining and relating the fingers, fingerprints, ridge patterns, lines, colors, skin types, mounts, and markings. Well begin with the lines here, as these are most easily identified.
The Lines
In general, the lines are symbolic of the three basic parts of a persons nature: the mental, the emotional, and the physical. Lines that are unbroken, or solid and clear show the most positive use of energy indicated by that line. A hand with numerous fine lines shows a nervous type, with a need to relax, while a hand with few lines indicates a person who is easygoing and likes their life clear and simple.
The Heart Line is the horizontal line closest to the fingers at the top of the palm. It reveals your emotional nature and the conditions of the heart. A line that is strongly curved under the first or second finger (A) shows an emotional, romantic, affectionate person who expresses emotions openly and who likes to take the lead in his or her romances. These people fall in and out of love fairly quickly. The straight heart line (B) shoes one who is quieter emotionally, less demonstrative, thoughtful, is receptive in love, is independent, and may move in and out of love much more slowly and with more difficulty. A forked heart line (C) shows both natures and the person will be pretty well balanced emotionally.
The Head Line, running horizontally below the heart line, shows how a person thinks and uses the mind. The clearer the line, the clearer the thinking is. A wavy head line (D) shows indecision or changes in the direction of the thinking. A straight head line (E) is the mark of a practical, analytical mind with clear thinking. A curved head line (F) shows a creative bent to the thinking, one who likes to try out new ideas, and may indicate use of imagination. A fork at the end of the head line (G) shows diversity in the thinking and interest, and is sometimes seen as the Writers Fork, indicating the ability to write. If the head line is connected to the life line above the thumb (H) the person has a cautious nature and may be slow to commit. The head line separated from the life line (I) shows a person who is independent, thinks for themselves, and makes up their mind quickly. The wider the separation, the greater is the impulsive nature and may indicate recklessness in the thinking and, therefore, in the action, since our actions follow our thoughts.
The Life Line runs downward curving around the base of the thumb. It shows the life energy, strength, and vitality of the individual. Let me tell you that a short life line (J) doesnt necessarily mean that the life will be short, but it may show that the person has stopped short in his or her life by not making life purposeful and fulfilling. The person with this line will need to determine where they want to be going in life and especially why. The long life line (K) , one which may even curve around the base of the thumb, will show a person with much physical vitality and one who has a clear picture of what they want throughout the life. It is up to each one of us to take the responsibility to live fully and in the ways we desire mentally, emotionally, physically and Spiritually. Breaks (L) in the life line indicate changes that have broken the flow of your energy. Changes may need to be made more smoothly and cooperatively by you. And a chained life line, which literally looks like a chain, indicates delicate health. More attention needs to be directed to creating a healthy condition.
Other lines include the Fate Line running upward from the base of the hand which shows to what degree one has caused themselves to follow a certain path in life and has to do with motivation. A solid line running almost up to the fingers (M) shows a path set by you that you follow with few changes. A short fate line (N), or one that is absent, is the mark of the person who has not yet determined a course of action or a direction in life, so it is unpredictable and may be full of changes. The Union Lines (O) are short lines at the side of the hand under the little finger which run horizontally, and are ones most people want to know about. They show the course of strong loves in your life, the ones that often lead to marriage. In general, the clearer and longer the line, the deeper and happier is the relationship in your own thinking, for you must remember the lines reflect what is in your mind for the present and the future, so doubts and fears will be shown as well as desires and actions.
The Health Line (P) runs from the life line to below the little finger. This can be looked at to help you in determining the state of your health along with the markings on the fingernails and other markings on the hand. This is almost a science itself.
The Line of Intuition (Q) curving around the Mount of Luna opposite the life line may or may not be present within the hands. It is a mark of developed intuition, but is certainly not the only indicator of interest in metaphysical development. Others include the Girdle of Venus, the Ring of Solomon, and Xs between the head line and heart line.
A second area of the hand that I consider quite important is the Mounts. These show areas of ability, talent, or potential in your life and to what degree these have been used and developed up to this point in time. When I see very little development in any of the mounts, I strongly advise development in some of the areas because I know that this gives a real sense of satisfaction. This is when the person is building themselves and their identity. And I often get to bring to light possible unknown talents the person has. An overdeveloped or highly raised mount show that the energy in that part of your life needs to be channeled in constructive ways. It may be too much of a good thing and, therefore, be unproductive. These are the major mounts: The Mount of Jupiter shows self-confidence, pride, ambition, leadership, teaching ability, and religious or spiritual qualities. The Teachers Square and the Ring of Solomon are found here. The Mount of Saturn shows the studious, philosophic, serious nature. A flat mount here may show a person who is too easygoing and has trouble getting things done. The Mount of Apollo shows the sociable and artistic nature and talents. There is often a vertical line on this mount which shows increased happiness and creativity according to how long it is. The Mount of Mercury has to do with all forms of and abilities in communication, especially in business, medicine, and intimate relationships. Short vertical lines, usually three or more, on this mount indicate interest or ability in helping people heal, which can take many forms. The Mount of Luna shows the imaginative side of the individual, as well as the intuition. The Mount of Venus shows the giving nature and the preferred form of energy used in life, as well as the sexual or emotional styles and needs. A low or flat mount shows a primarily mental approach, a medium-sized mount shows a physical approach, and a high mount shows an emotional approach in these areas of life. Other mounts include the Mount of Mars, the Mount of Pluto, the Mount of Neptune, and the Mount of Sun, and are of lesser importantance unless marked or very obvious.
The quality of the Skin is another tell-tale sign. It shows how you respond to your outer environment and what type of work you may be suited for. Rough-skin shows a person who is suited for outdoor work and can do, and may enjoy, physical work. They do not care much what others think. The medium textured skin shows a person who has a good balance of sensitivity and objectivity in their dealings with others and who is able to do a variety of types of work. The fine or soft skin shows a person who is very sensitive to others, sometimes overly sensitive and easily hurt. They have a gentle nature, tend to be more artistic, and do not like physical work. Skin with hair shows the aggressive nature of an individual.
Fingers generally have to do with the same areas of life as the mounts do, but show the type of person you are, rather than the development of the talents. Knotty Fingers (R) show a person who tends to analyze everything and think it through, to categorize things and be orderly, but Smooth Fingers (S) are found on people who are quick, intuitive, easygoing type thinkers. Short Fingers are indicators of impatient people who like to think and act quickly and who like to make big plans for others to carry out, so these people are often good managers, and if found on a short palmed person, can indicate a person who is quite intuitive. Medium Length Fingers show a balance between thinking and doing, and are indicative of well balanced people who can originate and also carry out tasks. Long Fingers show the person who above all thinks and analyzes, and one who desires order, and often beauty, in all they do.
Each finger indicates a particular area of influence. The First Finger or Jupiter Finger: pride, religion, leadership, ego, security. The Second or Saturn Finger: duty, responsibility, seriousness, limitations. The Ring or Apollo Finger: sociability and the arts. The Little or Mercury Finger: communication on all levels, business, and intelligence. The Thumb: will, the ability to decide, logic, and reasoning.
Have you identified any of your characteristics yet? I hope so and that you are interested enough to get a good palmistry book or go to a good palm reader to learn more about yourself, because this is only the tip of the iceberg to having a complete understanding of yourself. If you do begin to investigate further, this is how Id recommend you use a reading for the maximum benefit. 1) Identify what now exists from what is shown in your hands. 2) Determine if that is the most productive for you according to your goals and ideals. 3) Look at what you have already built, what is lacking, and your potentials, as seen in the mounts. 4) Take action on your ideals, with purpose. 5) Then watch for signs of progress in your major hand in the form of changes in the lines, mounts, and characteristics. I think youll be surprised at what you discover about yourself for it is very satisfying to know that your life is in your hands.
Mari Hamersley is the Director of the Des Moines Center of the School of Metaphysics, teaches English to immigrants, is a wife & mother, and enjoys animals, dancing, and people. She recommends the following books: Palmistry: The Whole View by Judith Hipskind, Secrets of the Palm by Darlene Hansen, and Hand Psychology by Andrew Fitzherbert.
©1993 Vol. 11 No. 3
copyright© 2002, School of Metaphysics