Iris Analysis
from the pages of Thresholds
...In the immediate future, when our planetary life is somewhat calmer, the whole subject of vision and registration by the eye of the inner worlds will receive an enormous impetus; and conditions -- hitherto undreamed of -- will be revealed. Man will enter into a new life and a higher era of understanding. The teachings concerning the iris of the eye is an indication of this...
--Alice Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 1958
The Story in Your Eyes...
a close-up look at Iris Analysis
by Kathryn Gay
Forty years ago Alice Bailey predicted that valuable information would be discovered to be in the iris. Today this has proved true, as the ancient study of iris diagnosis has once again come alive. Iridology is the study of the iris structure, fibers, and pigmentation to determine information about our physical and psychological makeup.
The value of the iris has been known for centuries, as revealed in the writings of Hippocrates in regards to the relation to disease and the changes that occur in the eye. Records retrieved from archaeological excavations in the Far East and Asia Minor have also shown the relationship between the iris and the body. This science continued to develop throughout the 1800s in Sweden and Hungary. Iridology was introduced in the United States in 1904 when an Austrian doctor published the first book on iridology. However, iridology soon lost its place as a viable form of health diagnosis when the American Medical Association began its campaign against naturopaths, homeopaths, and other natural healers who did not practice allopathic medicine. However, thanks to the pioneering efforts of Bernard Jensen over the last thirty years, iridology has resurged once again as a respectable and accurate method of health diagnosis.
Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris to identify the genetic constitutional make-up of an individual. Each fiber, structure, color, pattern and pigment in the eye provides a rich and detailed expression of our genetic behavioral and physical body. The iris reveals such data as: our genetically inherited tendencies, areas of toxins settlement, organ activity, nerve tensions, congestion, inflammation, and predispositions toward inherent health patterns. All the information in the eye is genetically inherited based on our DNA code from our ancestors.
This method of analysis is remarkably accurate because areas of stress send a signal through the nervous system leaving a tell-tale mark on the sensitive iris. The iris is an extension of the brain, and the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. Forty percent of the cranial nerves going in and out of the brain are to the eye. All these impulses passing through the optic nerve make the eyes small organs reflecting a neuro-optic picture screen of enormous amounts of information.
The eyes are a hologram, which is the pattern produced on a photosensitive medium. The well known body-mind psychologist Ken Dychtwald wrote ...the human body is composed of a myriad of smaller holographic projections, and is itself an encoded frequency pattern, a cosmic hologram awaiting our illumination.
An iridology assessment begins by identifying the persons core constitution, which is determined by eye color. Then the iridologist examines the density of the iris fibers to determine the physical resiliency of the person. For example, tightly woven fibers with no openings indicate a strong constitution in which a person can resist negative influences easily, and recover quickly from an illness (Diagram 1). An iridologist will then examine the patterns in the iris, and any specific markings and their location. The particular areas of markings can tell us a myriad of things about any of the systems of the body including the digestion and absorption, transformation and distribution, utilization of food, detoxification, and elimination systems.
A question often asked by people is whether or not the eyes can change their appearance over time. Some people are disappointed when I tell them that their eyes will not change. The eye color and pattern will remain the same throughout life, despite any changes a person may make in their health or mental attitudes. This brings up a key point in iridology, which is that all markings in the eye are genetic tendencies where problems could occur, yet they may never manifest if the person makes wise choices and lives a life of moderation. For example, if a person has a pigment dot in the heart area indicating weakness, and yet they live a very healthy lifestyle, they may never manifest symptoms in this area. The influences in our eyes will always be there as a reminder of our strengths and weaknesses (Diagram 2).
I believe iridology will be at the forefront of change because it allows us to practice preventive medicine. The health care system in the United States is in disarray because it focuses only on disease treatment, as opposed to prevention. One way to change this focus to one of prevention is by using methods such as iridology which tell us about a persons overall constitution. When we know from a young age what our weaknesses are, we can take steps to monitor these areas and treat them before a serious problem arises.
The definition found in the medical dictionary states that constitution is The make-up or functional habit of the body determined by the genetic, biochemical and physiological endowment of the individual and modified in great measure by environmental factors. The better we understand our constitutional makeup, the better we can cope with the ever-changing external influences. The information gathered in an iridology assessment can be used to formulate a diet and lifestyle conducive to good health. You will learn what organs and systems to support to increase vitality and bring about balance. For example, if your eyes show a tendency toward pancreatic problems, it would be advisable for you to reduce the amount of sugar you consume, to avoid future complications such as diabetes.
I also believe iridology will become a widely used tool for health diagnosis because it involves no bodily intervention. Modern medicine relies heavily on tests using body fluids and blood which can be very painful and costly, and often fall short of accurately assessing the problem. Iridology offers an alternative way of assessment that involves no medical invasion, and is much more inexpensive.
While iridology shows the blueprint of where the body is predisposed to certain illnesses and disorder, a new method of iris analysis called Rayid depicts our psychological, and behavioral characteristics. In 1980 Denny Johnson revealed this innovative information to the world, and appropriately name it Rayid referring to a beam of light (ray) which illuminates the ego (id). This model reveals how our family genetics influence our psychological/ emotional / and spiritual characteristics.
There are several similarities between Rayid and Iridology. First and foremost, is the concept that all the patterns in the iris are genetically determined. Each person also has a distinctive iris pattern which is termed their constitutional structure (see Diagram 3). In addition to the characteristics of the core structure, other influences affect a persons vibration, such as right or left brain dominance, introverted or extroverted temperament, and four pattern rings which can be found alone or in combination with other rings (see Diagram 4). The core iris pattern reveals such information as our gifts and skills, principal personality traits, our lessons to learn, deep fears, how we best learn and communicate, and our strengths and weaknesses.
Understanding your iris structure brings greater self awareness. When I discovered I had a flower pattern, I began to understand my motivations, as well as my strengths and weaknesses. I always loved starting new projects where I could use my creativity. However, it was often difficult for me to complete projects because I soon become interested in something else. When I learned of the great capacity to be creative that flower patterns have, I am more motivated to be creative and to finish what I start, as a way of using my talents to the fullest.
To take the Rayid iris analysis a step further, we can study the exact position of certain iris traits. Just as the iridologist found each section of the iris corresponded to a particular organ or gland, Denny Johnson discovered that each iris area is related to certain attitudes, feelings and emotions. The iris is complex, encompassing 45 positions in each iris, and each position modifies and effects how the person expresses the constitutional eye structure.
When we compare iris analysis to astrology, we see some similarities. Although two people may have the same sun sign, they can be very different due to all the other aspects of the chart, such as the moon and rising signs, and placement of the planets on the chart. Likewise, two people may have a stream constitution, however one person may be an extrovert with a harmony ring, and the other persons constitution may be modified by right brain dominance and a ring of purpose. The iris is very complex, which is why it is important to look at all aspects of the eye to get a complete picture of the person. We must remember that it is the DNA which ultimately controls our behavior. The positions and traits found in the eye determine where the DNA will have the greatest effect upon us.
When students learn about all the eye structures, they are sometimes disappointed at their own pattern, wishing to possess the qualities of another eye type. So, I explained to them that we all experience life through our own unique vibrational pattern, and each one is special. When we turn our weaknesses into lessons, we can quickly progress and learn.
Denny Johnson reminds us that all information in the iris can be seen as a gift. All traits have positive attributes. They are not just problems to be coped with; they are pointers to how we can grow and change. They are there to facilitate a long-term evolution of consciousness.
When a person wants to achieve optimum health, it is important to look at all aspects of the self: mental, emotional, and physical. By combining physical iridology with Rayid analysis we are able to do this because both methods together give us an incredible picture-screen of the mind-body connection. A practitioner can explain to the person their physical constitution and inherent weaknesses, and then for a deeper understanding they can show a person how their personality and emotional patterns play a part in their illness.
When we use only iridology as an assessment, we only receive the physical information about the person. Our thoughts and emotions are just as important in shaping our health. A wholistic practitioner first uses iridology to understand a persons physical predispositions to diseases, then they help someone understand how or why they have the sickness with the Rayid behavioral model.
If the eyes are truly the windows of the soul it would do us justice to discover the secrets that are hidden in the magnificent iris of the eye. When we use the information in the iris to uncover valuable information about our physical health and our emotions, we can move through life with greater Self awareness and ease. The iris is a map of the personality. It can show you how to find your true self but that is all. It does not define you. Reach beyond the iris to your true self. (Denny Johnson)
Kathryn Gay earned a degree in holistic health from Body Mind College in San Diego, California. She utilizes various methods of natural healing in her health practice including herbs, nutritional counseling and massage, and Iridology and Rayid Interpretation. After studying with the School of Metaphysics through correspondence she completed her requirements for the Respondere degree in December of 1997. She is currently an advanced student at the College of Metaphysics in Windyville, Missouri.
copyright© 2002, School of Metaphysics
School of Metaphysics Thresholds Quarterly ©1998 Vol. 16. No. 2