REMARKABLE PEOPLE, daniel condron
reprinted from the May 2000 issue of Thresholds Quarterly
At the Forefront of Worldwide Evolution
![]() | Dr. Daniel Condron is the President of the School of Metaphysics and Chancellor of the College of Metaphysics. Raised on farmland in northwestern Missouri, Dr. Condrons earliest experiences taught him about Creation and the interconnectedness of all forms of life. With dedication and determination, he has pursued understanding throughout his life in many different arenas, including sports, academics, and sales. A teacher of applied metaphysics for twenty years, Dr. Condron is also a psi counselor, minister, and conductor of Past Life, Health, and Business Analysis Readings. He is an insightful and intuitive thinker who is committed to sharing his knowledge with people around the globe to help them further and quicken their evolution. |
Thresholds: What is the assignment of the School of Metaphysics?
Condron: In a nutshell, its to quicken the spiritual evolution of mankind. We teach people, we teach individuals, how to speed up their own evolution. This comes from using their mind more effectively and, from that, using all resources effectively. Everything begins with a thought. Our universe began with the thought of the Creator, and there was a blueprint. No matter how simple or detailed the thought, its still always a thought. An oak tree begins with a blueprint and we call that blueprint the acorn, the seed. The wheat plant that grows a head of wheat starts off with a wheat seed -- a tiny seed that can produce fifty, sixty, seventy, a hundred grains of wheat. It [the seed] has a little blueprint in it that will produce a lot more. In each persons day-to-day functioning they operate from a blueprint or an idea. Those ideas can be either productive or unproductive, they can either be expansive or limited.
We teach people how to be more expansive with their thinking, while at the same time being focused and productive, so they learn to create on a larger scale. At some point, probably quickly, for each student, just creating physical things alone is not enough. So they learn from that point, then, to satisfy the real inner needs, the real inner urge, which is for soul growth, spiritual development, enlightenment, using their mind more effectively, mental development, having things other than just money and goods and more physical things, although we teach how to have abundance and physical prosperity, too, as a part of learning creation.
Thresholds: So when you say spiritual development, what do you mean?
Condron: The ancient Greek word that is interpreted as spirit in the Bible and in other books can also be interpreted as mind. So I pretty much use them interchangeably. In the sense that we each have a conscious mind, we each have a subconscious mind, we each have a superconscious mind. The inner mind -- the subconscious mind -- I would refer to as the soul, and the superconscious mind I would refer to as the spirit. So spirit is the highest part of each individual. It provides the inner urge that gives you the motivation to really answer the questions, not just with words but where they become truth for you inside and permanent understandings of, Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? But particularly, Who am I? It is the urge to know not only who you are now, but what it is your duty to become and what in fact you will become, sooner or later. Which is an enlightened being, a full fledged creator. Enlightened means full of light or full of awareness of creation.
Thresholds: Ive heard people say that self growth is kind of self-centered, where you focus all of your attention on yourself. Yet at the same time you started out talking about how people create on a larger scale, so how does this kind of study help humanity to progress?
Condron: Everyone needs a schoolroom, whether you are home schooled or schooled at a public school or a private school or college or public college or private college or church school. Everybody needs a classroom. Everybody needs a place to learn, and everybody needs somebody to teach them. When youre in first grade you need somebody to teach you, math or arithmetic or addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, vocabulary, word meaning, English, languages, whatever. Everybody needs somebody to teach them, otherwise, they wouldnt learn it in this lifetime. If you had to discover everything that had been learned through civilization for thousands of years on your own, you probably wouldnt learn. You would learn enough to survive, basic survival. Then every now and then we have a few individuals who discover something new that adds to the sum total of mankinds knowledge which makes for more convenience and happier living. And easier living, where you dont have to grub for subsistence but you could have some time for higher things: areas wed call the arts and sciences, other areas wed call religion, other areas wed call seeking the meaning of life.
So, the point is that no man is an island. If you are on a deserted island you wont become enlightened. You wont learn a whole lot. Youll survive and have time to think. I guess you could meditate quite a bit, but probably not a lot if you had to spend most of your time on subsistence just to live -- food, shelter, and clothing. We need each other in order to really learn and grow at the maximum rate. There needs to be a balance in the cycle of giving and receiving. In fact the cycle of giving and receiving is started by giving. You need to give more than you receive. You learn by giving, so you always need to give more than you receive. That prepares you then to receive more than youve ever received before. Physically, as well as interiorly, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, in all realms.
If you give more physical possessions than you receive, over time you will receive more. Like for Christmas, some people will say, Well, what did you get for Christmas? and if you didnt get a lot, they think that you didnt do very good. The way I always looked at Christmas, the best part of Christmas for me, was what I gave. And I was just thinking about this this Christmas. I gave a lot, I mean if you just measured the physical worth of it, I gave a lot more this Christmas, probably, than I received. That is the joy of it and the beauty of it. Through Universal Law you are preparing the field of your Self to receive the growth of the food-knowledge, the food-wisdom and the higher learning through greater giving. Thats the way everything works in this universe: for there to be soul growth, spiritual development, more physical prosperity, in all areas, you must first be willing to give more than you have given in the past in order to receive more than you have received in the past. And in fact, if you look at the lives of the greatest, most enlightened individuals, you will find that they have been giving more than anybody else around them. To aid other peoples plight in life. If youll look at the richest people youll find that many of them gave of their money for philanthropic reasons. Thats the physical and the spiritual and the mental.
Thresholds: And how do you teach that to people? It seems like theres a lot of people today who are really greedy and they dont believe that it is better to give than to receive. Theyre afraid that theyll lose something.
Condron: I dont think there are. There are greedy people but theres a lot of people willing to give. For example, during the 1980s in America when the people had more of their money to spend than the government taking it from them in taxes, giving -- philanthropic giving, contributions, church donations -- was at an all time high. So if you give more of the money back to the people instead of the government taking it, the people give, and they want to give when they have it to give. This country has given more than any country in the history of the world and in fact in most places it gives more than all the rest of the world combined. In giving to other countries. I dont think that theres a problem with giving in this country, overall.
There are problems with individuals not understanding the value of giving. There are problems with some individuals: some individuals not giving, some people who want to just take, take, take, take, take, because they dont know how to produce on their own. The problem is learning to create. A lot of people do not know how to learn to create. Others know how to, but they want to know how to reach the next level of creation, the next level of giving, the next level of how to create greater abundance and prosperity or greater awareness. Some people say Well, my lifes okay. You know Ive got it made money-wise but Im not very happy. Whats the next thing? The School of Metaphysics provides a place for those people to learn what the next step is for them. For the rich people, for the successful people, for the abundant people, for the people who have it all physically but are not yet fulfilled, the School of Metaphysics provides an excellent vehicle for them.
Thresholds: What would the next step be for someone like that? What would give someone fulfillment?
Condron: First, finding out how they can touch their inner selves. How they can reach their inner selves. We teach meditation as a going within. First, its a listening to your Self and then delving or diving deeper into mind till you dive into the deepest part of mind, the superconscious mind, to discover your Real Self, your real purpose and your real relationship with all of Creation. And you dont get that in the business world. You dont get that just from making money. Those people who are successful in the business world are good at creating success in life. People who have success in life, who are disciplined enough to create success in their life, are the best prepared to enter the School of Metaphysics, because they have the most to give, to Self and to others.
We teach people how to be successful in the greatest endeavor, which is to know your self and to use all parts of yourself and your mind in every aspect of your life. And to help many people along the way. So we teach successful people how to be more successful. If people come into the classes who are not successful we teach them to be successful. Theyre just starting. They havent laid the foundation [for success]. Sometimes itll take awhile for them to lay the same spiritual foundation that other people who have spent the last twenty years being successful [physically] have already built. This physical foundation is built upon the discipline, the pride, the determination, the drive, the communication skills, the ability to listen.
Thresholds: That is related to what we touched on earlier. I know that the School of Metaphysics isnt a political organization but it sounds like theres a lot that metaphysics has to offer to solve what people see as problems today like unemployment, and debt, and it doesnt seem like our government is addressing that.
Condron: But our government is addressing it because we finally realized that to spend more money than you bring in is irresponsible. To have a budget deficit is irresponsible. And so the current Congress is trying to correct that irresponsibility. And I think that thats very good. If you as an individual consistently spend more than you bring in or receive, youll go broke, youll be bankrupt. And its the same for a group of people, its the same for a business, its the same for a country. Theres always that day of reckoning and so its time to pay our bills. And so an individual always needs to be responsible to pay [his] bills. Each child should be taught that by their parents and needs to be taught that by their parents -- their mother and their father. Children need to have both a mother and a father. Because when they dont, they miss one-half of their education. You only receive one-half of your education as a child so therefore, you have one-half of your education when you grow up. The mother and the father together provide the aggressive and receptive principles in their teaching so that the child grows up in a balanced life and therefore they learn to be responsible in a balanced life as an adult.
A government needs to be balanced like balancing a checkbook -- in fact it should have a surplus every year that is not spent -- not only should they not spend more than they bring in but should have an abundance because they are more efficient than they were the year before that they can give back to the people. Spending peoples money wisely, and not frivolously, is the duty of a peoples government.
Thresholds: I know that there are people in the world now that did not grow up with both a mother and father and some of those people are really drawn to metaphysics to fill in some of the gaps. Can it help them become, or fill in some of the missing pieces?
Condron: Metaphysics and the School of Metaphysics can aid anyone. Anyone who is willing to develop discipline, complete the assignments, and has a conscious mind that is receptive to learning, willing to receive the learning, and is totally sincere and desiring to learn grows through study. No matter where you start out if youre sincere and really desire to learn, the School of Metaphysics will help you and teach you how to accelerate your learning. Weve taught people who couldnt read when they started classes. There would be people who were thirty, thirty-five years old, and theyd never learned to read before. They got into the class and they learned how to read through the School of Metaphysics. Although that isnt what we are geared to, it is a natural by-product of what we teach because when you learn to use your mind, you can accomplish anything.
Thresholds: I have heard that the College of Metaphysics is designed to teach leaders for the world and the next generation. How does it teach people to become leaders?
Condron: By learning how to first organize your life, discipline your mind, prioritize your life to what is really important. When you can do that, you can learn fast, you learn quickly. You grow, you prosper, you achieve. Therefore you have much more to offer any person. When you have much more to offer to others, then we provide a place where you can offer that through being an instructor in our classes. By being an instructor, you learn that you can aid large groups of people, and so you begin to see yourself as a leader. Then if you want to learn more about leadership qualities on a higher level we provide them an opportunity to do that as a director of one of our centers throughout the Midwest so you can learn more about leadership by directing all aspects or parts of your self, parts of your mind, and learning how to give service on a higher level. When you do that youre giving on a higher level so you receive more on a higher level. You learn how to be more of a creator in all aspects of creation.
Thresholds: I understand your most recent book is on Prosperity and Abundance. What can people do right now to be more prosperous and abundant?
Condron: Have a goal in life. Have a goal for this year, have a goal for this month, have a goal for this week, have a goal for this day, have a goal for this hour. And do your best to achieve it. If you dont quite achieve one today, if it so important to you then work on it tomorrow, but never give up on things that are important to you. If you have a desire to learn something, theres a way to learn it. Everything from math to gardening to enlightenment to the full use of the superconscious mind. If you have a desire it can be fulfilled. It does require determination, discipline, and effort and a constantly holding the mental image of what you desire in your mind, and along the way the more you can help others the faster you will progress also.
Thresholds: It seems that today there are a lot of people who are pretty weak in using their imagination, they do what theyve done before. It seems like there used to be a lot more people who were visionary, who thought about how what they were doing today, it would be long term. Does the School of Metaphysics teach people to become more visionary?
Condron: I dont think there are less people who are visionary than there used to be. I think there are a lot of people who watch television which presents a lot of negativity. For example, if you watch the nightly news, it doesnt present the news it just presents the bad things that have happened during the day. If it would present the news it would talk about all the good creative things that people have done, that [they] have accomplished. That would be the news. Whats been added to, thats news. But just destruction, thats not news. Thats always with us, every day. Thats no new creativity, its the same old, same old. So I think that type of thinking comes from watching a lot of TV or being exposed to the media a lot.
My point is that there are a lot of people with imaginations. For example, in the field of physics and high energy physics, since World War II we made tremendous strides in that. We now have a theory that explains everything. The four major forces, the electromagnetics force, the weak and strong force, and gravity. Its called superstring theory. However, we dont have the mathematics, weve got the outer physical effects and how it describes them but we dont have the mathematics to explain it, to make it all to work, to put it into a simple formula, like Einsteins E = mc2. For example, Einsteins E = mc2 -- energy equals mass times the speed of light squared -- explained gravity and relativity to a certain degree. Quantum mechanics explains the super small, like the strong and weak forces in the atom. Maxwells theory, in the 1800s, explained the electromagnetic theories. We now have something that ties them all together -- called superstring theory -- but we dont have the mathematics to describe it. Superstring theory is like physics in the 21st century that we accidentally stumbled upon. We werent really ready for it but we stumbled upon it, kind of like electricity was the energy of the 20th century. A guy named Tesla really brought it into the forefront in the late 1800s although Thomas Edison is the person who dominated the patent field and now the history books. The superstring theory is like Tesla, a forerunner. Mathematics hasnt caught up with it yet. So mathematics is going to have to catch up with it or physicists are going to have to invent the mathematics to explain it.
My point is that things are racing ahead in a lot of fields. Like computers. Forty years ago, nobody predicted that thered be a computer in a third of the American households. Most people who heard about futuristic stuff thought thered be four or five great, giant computers around the country that did most of the work and youd go there and pay for it if you really needed it. Mostly it would be government-used. Thats how and why the Internet, information superhighway, started. Most people didnt predict that [most people would have their own computers] and nobody predicted the rate and extent that computers are now a part of our lives. Most of [the] science fiction writers who wrote about the flights to the moon never predicted that when the first flight to the moon actually occurred coming from the United States that there would be cameras that took pictures of it all the way. So theres a lot of things that have been developed that are more advanced than even people imagined and theyre constantly being advanced every day.
But there are others areas that the bureaucracy and the big companies have gotten so bogged down in that they have slowed the growth. For example, the automobile, when you have competition or free enterprise, you have all kinds of new products. Like in a grocery store, theres tens of thousands of new products. But you get the auto industry and you really dont have that much new innovation. And they only change when they are forced to change. For example, in this country weve only got three auto companies. Well, they werent building a very good car because they didnt have to; they didnt have competition. So the Japanese cars started coming over here and they had a better car, they were a lot better, so people started buying them. All of a sudden the American cars (this is in the seventies), all of a sudden the American car [companies] decided they better start making smaller cars which people wanted. With better [gas] mileage and also cars that lasted longer and didnt fall apart. It took them about ten years. Now the American car is about even with the Japanese cars in quality again, but they had to have competition, they had to be forced to do it, because they were so big.
Those types of big companies dont add a lot. Most of the new technology is developed by individual inventors, or innovative private companies. The older, big companies just take that invention and expand upon it. They market it and find new uses for it. But the really new key developments come from small companies, small individuals. Thats the backbone of the labor force in this country too. They have imagination. But it just takes time and its hard to get your company going if you dont have much financing, yet still its the best system in the whole world.
Thresholds: I have read people who (I think) call themselves social reformers, who say that the kind of technological advances you are talking about is not a good thing -- you know, more cars means more pollution, the more companies produce the more it destroys nature. Do you think thats true?
Condron: Most of those people grew up in cities and so they didnt experience nature very much. I grew up on a farm that has been in my family for five generations and we were glad to have tractors so we didnt have to do manual labor with a horse. My dad followed horses tails from the time he was in grade school and he was glad to have a tractor, let me tell you. A lot of those types of people who criticize, if you put them upon an old time farm before technology -- 1800 farming -- and said you have to live here for a year, I think they would be talking a different story after the year.
We should have men on the moon right now. We should have a moon base, a moon city with over ten thousand people living there. A quarter of a century ago we put men on the moon. Sometimes people say, We can put a man on the moon, how come we cant cure poverty? The truth is we cant put a man on the moon. We havent put a man on the moon in over twenty years. We could put a man on the moon twenty-five years ago; however we have lost that technology. And we should have built on that. We ought to have a giant city, maybe three or four cities on the moon by now. And they would be adding all their new technology to the Earth, and helping it to be a better place to live.
We ought to have a manned base on Mars now, too. It wouldnt have been easy but it could have been done if the determination was there, if the people wanted to put the money into that [endeavor] instead of social welfare programs. The social welfare programs is what all the [common] money [in the United States] has been spent on. Theres nothing to show for it, except it destroyed all of our inner cities and produced a lot of crime and poverty and people having kids out of wedlock, with no daddy and the government becomes a daddy. That destroys whole societies, whole cities where if the money is put into the space programs we can build cities, great communities that people can live on above Earth; on the moon and on Mars. It will be the new frontier. And with the technology that will arise through the endeavor everyone on the planet will benefit, as occurred with the 60s race to the moon. Someday well know if the cure for cancer or a better way of producing food or another intelligent race has existed on Mars or somewhere within our grasp all along and all we were doing was spending time and money making people dependent, weak, while calling it altruism and progress.
Just like the United States has helped the countries throughout the world; what if there had never been a United States? Well, they could have never helped the whole world. And we would still be a backward planet in many [more] respects than what we are now. Progress is good. There must always be wisdom in the use of progress. Problem is not all the inventions and devices [that] are coming to the forefront [because of the direction ideas and actions have moved since the late 60s]. I can not believe that we have not invented a better engine other than the internal combustion engine, which is over a hundred years old. I think it has been invented. It just doesnt get marketed. And Im not talking about electricity, Im talking about other sources. So theres all kinds of inventions and theres all kinds of peoples creativity [that has yet to be used to benefit mankind].
What the School of Metaphysics does, what I teach people [is] how to bring out and fulfill their full potential rather than five percent of it. Then they are fulfilled. When mankind develops, when a person achieves their full potential in a productive way, everybody benefits because we are all connected, in subconscious and superconscious mind everyone is connected. Everything you do affects everyone else. In fact, thats one of the profound statements that quantum mechanics and physics [describes] is that everything you do or think affects everything else. The experiment and the experimenter are not separate anymore. If you do an experiment with laboratory rats and youre thinking negatively, theyre more likely to have disease or come down with some disorder than if you think positively. If you think the outcome is going to occur a certain way and you think it strongly, that thought affects the outcome. Thats what quantum mechanics proves. This is a proven fact according to quantum mechanics; of course, metaphysicians have known it for thousands of years. Quantum mechanics has know it for sixty years. Youd think that it would finally get out to the public since its a science.
Thresholds: So what youre saying is that progress, physical inventions are going to benefit humanity as long as people use what has been invented...
Condron: Right. Anything, any creation can be used productively or misused. Take bread. Eat some bread, and its good for your body. Or you can eat too much bread and it plugs you up and you get sick from it. Or if you ate carrots and thats all you ate. A few carrots would be good for you, but to eat only carrots if you ate fifty carrots a day, is not good for you. The old phrase, Beat their swords into plowshares, ... metal is good, you can plow land and produce some grain for people. Or you can make it into a sword and hurt somebody. But the sword itself is not bad, its the use of it. Its the use or the misuse. Its how people use everything. And thats why we teach. We dont teach things: we dont teach metal, we dont teach plants, we dont teach animals, we dont teach air, we dont teach rocks ... we teach people. We teach individuals. We teach souls how to progress to where they use everything better and more wisely. Thats why socialists ideas of Utopia have never worked. We will have peace on Earth when everybodys mind is at peace. So we teach people how to use their minds productively and how to still their minds, listen to their inner self, bring it out, use it in the physical, so theyre at peace and theyre fulfilled. Then well have peace on Earth.
Thresholds: This is a very peaceful place where you live.
Condron: Yes, were building a spiritual community here at the headquarters of the School of Metaphysics, the national headquarters where our College of Metaphysics campus is located. I say building because its not completed. It is functioning and we, the people who are living here full time, are enjoying the students great learning and developing in their awareness and their understanding of creation and their use of it. And their giving to humanity and our giving to humanity -- we touch millions and millions of people every year. Our National Dream Hotline actually reaches out to tens of millions each year and educates them about understanding the communication in the subconscious mind which aids them tremendously. Our Universal Hour of Peace which we initiated this last year, will educate people tremendously and give them a common ideal, the whole world, this will educate the whole world. To have a common ideal for an hour of peace and that will give them [humanity] the stimulus and the ideal, and the idea, the image and experience that they can build on, to cause world peace.
Wed like to have over a thousand people living here. Either close within, either on the campus full time or near with their families if they want to buy houses and land around here, whichever. We would like to have them living here, a thousand people and another thousand as students. That would be a good start and thats what were building towards. A spiritual community that serves with the ideal of the next age of humanity which is the age of the intuitive thinker, man meaning thinker. And it will be as as a shining example to the whole world.
I think cities, the idea of cities with a million or more people is really an outgrowth of the Dark Ages and the Renaissance. Really that idea is being outgrown. The idea of cities will be replaced with the idea of communities where people work together to achieve spiritual ideals instead of living [in] separate little cubicles and never knowing your neighbor and being totally isolated in the city. City people are the most isolated people in the world. Country people are a lot less isolated because country people know their neighbors. Country people will wave at you when you drive down the road, even if they dont know who you are. City people dont do that. City people are very, very isolated. That is an unnatural condition. It will have to change as mankind evolves.
Just as man is outgrowing the idea of cities he is also outgrowing the idea of colleges that just teach conscious memory of facts. Gradually they will be replaced by colleges, like this College [of Metaphysics], as well as others we will start that are based on teaching the whole mind rather than just one part of the brain which is the memory in the brain. The next university for mankind will be based on the whole brain and the whole conscious mind, which includes mental abilities for imagination, attention, and memory. This university will also teach use of the whole mind, subconscious and superconscious mind. Our research, study, and teaching is rooted in this quest. We offer the future of education, the future of innovation, the future of lifestyle, today. The Spiritual Initiation Sessions that we are beginning this year offer people an opportunity to directly experience the education, the community, nature itself. There will be many changes as mankind evolves. The School of Metaphysics is and will be at the forefront causing change in this country and evolution -- worldwide evolution -- through its efforts.
©1996 Vol. 14 No. 1