reprinted from the May 2000 issue of Thresholds Quarterly
The Secret of Self Knowing
Dr. K.M.P. Mohamed Cassim is the founder of the Perfect Peace Lodge in Sri Lanka. We became acquainted with Dr. Cassim in 1993 at the Parliament of the Worlds Religions and since that time have exchanged ideas and knowledge through our writings. In this conversation Dr. Cassim shares his vision of health, based on the awareness that man is a spiritual being whose essence is divine. Spiritual awareness is a prerequisite for wholeness psychologically, emotionally, and physically. |
Thresholds: What are the benefits of meditation for the 20th century man and woman?
Dr. Cassim: Clean living in action, speech and thought is the basic principle for the purification of mind. In all our activities there should be awareness and clarity of consciousness. If we meditate, that is, live fully in the present from moment to moment, then there is no confusion, no ignorance, no illusion and if anything comes up we know it and understand it. As we are spiritually awake we have the potentiality to tackle whatever the problems that come to us.
Thresholds: Many of our problems are attributed to our diversity. Do you find this so?
Peace of mind is a universal longing of every human being. We may differ variously by race or religion, but we all agree to have a peaceful mind. In spite of this universal longing for perfect peace the number of mentally suffering people seems to be on the increase in many countries. Many people live in luxury and yet they have lost peace of mind. In our modern age of ever-increasing complexity greater importance should be given to take care of mental health, and to get peace of mind certain disciplines are to be practised. Whenever we meditate we have mental clarity, spiritual alertness and Divine awakening within us and at that moment the mind is pure and silent.
Thresholds: What do you find we all have in common?
We are all searching for happiness.
The question is whether it can be attained by the mind which is apt to mistake mere pleasurable sensations for happiness. And yet we find from experience that although gratified desire produces such pleasurable sensations, these sensations only intensify our desire for further similar pleasures. The most important fact that we must understand is that we cannot have real freedom by indulging in emotional excitements. If we observe our minds we will find that innumerable desires rush in creating confusion. The best method to eliminate such contradictory desires is to watch the activities of our minds with meditative awareness. We must also understand our mental reactions and psychological conflicts by the simple method of constant self-observation. Furthermore, to watch closely the inflowing and outflowing breath brings not only harmonization of mind, but also vitality and strength to our nervous system which in turn, keeps our physical body healthy and pure.
Thresholds: Can it also cause healing to be brought about?
This process of self-healing is purely a spontaneous act that takes place quietly and subtly when we are in deep silent meditation and in tune with the inner force of pure consciousness. The healing aspect of prayer results not from mere intellectual ability, but from communion with that Supreme Power of consciousness within. The physical light that we see through our eyes can be described, but the divine illumination that we intuitively perceive while we are in deep contemplation cannot be described. By turning our minds towards that divine light, we can actually transform and spiritualize the material aspects of life. To dwell in the abode of meditation is the only way to attain liberation and happiness.
Thresholds: Why does this simple truth elude so many?
The fundamental problem is that we cannot run away from our own mind, which is the real culprit. Unconscious desires can be exposed and the mind understood only when we are confronted with tempting circumstances. In such circumstances, an aspirant must understand his reactions by silently watching the sense activities of the mind. This quiet, passive, concentrated awareness is defined as meditation in action; such detached observation provides the spiritual impetus to go beyond the mind. Outward worldly attractions cannot touch our minds if we constantly practice this method of self-observation. The disturbing elements of our thought patterns are completely negated by such a process of self-knowledge, which means that our mind is made pure by forces of a spiritual or divine nature.
It is very important to ask ourselves why our mind is so often distracted. The distractions are due to the myriad sensations that the physical world provides. The interaction of matter and mind is the main breeding ground for the distractions because the mind is much excited by the pleasure that it derives in its relationship with the material world. It is always attracted towards outward sensations because of habitually following the excitements, which produce in the end not only dissatisfaction, but also a desire to seek satisfaction elsewhere. To contact Reality however, the mind must be still, and only in this process of silencing the mind can we attain happiness.
Thresholds: Many people have difficulty with a concept of reality. They seem to live in a perpetual state of confusion. How do you teach what is real and what is not?
It is very necessary that we have the ability to discriminate between the real and the unreal. We must also have a certain asceticism that is the spirit of renunciation, not dissociation, from people and things. Asceticism is really an attitude that everything is permeated by the Godhead. When human energy is expended in thirst for gratifications, it inevitably leads to frustration and sorrow. For a man who remains unenlightened, life is only a story of birth, disease, old age and death in which he is the victim of bondage and ignorance.
Needless to say, mans cravings indicate the failure of his mental state to rest on the Absolute Reality owing to his ignorances, brought on by deep rooted psychological impressions, which in turn are due to attachment. Attachment is always the auto-defensive reflex of an unconscious fear and is always an obstacle to the attainment of absolute Reality. Self-contemplation however, is essentially a turning inward, away from the flux of phenomena through putting aside of all worldly desires. The necessity of observing our mind all the time is strongly stressed because of the fact that by this self-awareness alone can we unfold the entire layers of our mental make-up and thus pave the way for the attainment of the transcendental state, which is the key to opening the treasure of self-knowing.
The secret of attaining purity in life consists in constantly observing the inner workings of the mind and this state of self-observation is possible only if we keep our minds free from desires. The main defect in man is his inability to maintain a spiritual focus in his day-to-day affairs. The mind is the chief cause of this defect as a result of its tendency to chase the sensual objects for its satisfaction. After enjoyment of them, the very same mind will pursue desires of an opposing nature. Man is leading such a discordant life, not due to lack of understanding, but because he is unable to free himself from worldly temptations. The possibility and the utter necessity to unfold his life in its totality comes only when man is confronted with various problems and sufferings. During such a period of spiritual testing our task is to maintain mental equilibrium.
Thresholds: If such equilibrium arises from thought, and so many desire deliverance, why is it not forthcoming?
The main cause for the contamination of ones heart are utter ignorance of spiritual living and the clinging to carnal pleasures. One should not forget that just as food is indispensable for keeping the body healthy and fit, in a similar manner meditation is also essential for the purity of the soul. The physical body by itself has no utility without the co-operation and co-ordination of the mind and the soul. We must make our minds absolutely clean and calm through the practice of meditation. When our physical body and mind are purified by constant meditation, then they become good and useful instruments to express the finest that is within us. The beauty of mental health consists in liberating our minds from the clutches of emotional complications. To live in such a state of higher meditation is really to provide a great service to humanity because of the fact that this state emanates the sweetness of serenity and spiritual joy for the good of all.
Thresholds: How do other people fit into this image of constant meditation?
By meeting with people who are also interested in the pursuit of the deepest level of reality, we can develop and broaden our knowledge of the path of self-realization. The powerful experience of being in the presence of a spiritually advanced soul is very inspiring and helps one to enter deeply into meditation. The secrets of inner spiritual wisdom are revealed to us in such a state and that wisdom can guide us all. When one is in deep meditation, one is extremely sensitive to external influences, but the mind is not disturbed by the attractions of sensual pleasures because of the spiritual power one generates while in meditation. No external movement has the power to disturb the person who is engrossed in meditation.
Thresholds: What about the inner distractions to meditation?
Internal events also cannot disturb a true meditator. In deep sleep we are aware of some inner urges, but we have no control over them because we have not properly penetrated into the workings of our unconscious mind. It is very essential to observe the emotional states of our mind if we want to master the devil of deception. To observe our mental activities during sleep is a tedious task because in that state, unconscious impressions arise as a dream. The psychological interpretations of the dream is difficult because we normally identify ourselves as actors and thus are affected by the dream. Our self-awareness is subdued or lost while we experience the dream, and in such a state we are unable to observe our thoughts clearly without deception.
Since a sensitive, alert mind is necessary for continued examination and unfoldment of the unconscious, meditation is a useful tool: it enhances both mental alertness and sensitivity. Thus an adept at meditation will dream less because he has penetrated more of the unconscious and integrated its contents. Also any dreams that he may have will be less disturbing, because of his fewer unconscious repressions. When one has fewer and less disturbing dreams, deeper levels of reality can become manifest to consciousness more easily, and one will then have learned the important lesson that nothing in the world can produce real self-knowledge except ones own mind, which has been purified and made calm and undisturbed through meditation.
In our civilization though seemingly there is order, in fact there is slow decay and destruction. Man is tired and worn out with much mental activities because his relationship with people and events is not governed by the spontaneous and harmonious flow of spiritual energy, but by the pressure and tension. What we need is a new vision of reality, a fundamental change in our perceptions and values. Silence regenerates and heals the worn out mind. It washes and cleans of every manner of fear. We miss the beauty of life because the human mind works in such a way that some of the old psychological memory and desires which have been buried in the subconscious mind come up to the surface level of the mind, causing mental agitations and preventing us from living in the present. In this age while physical and biological sciences have progressed enormously, spiritual development has lagged behind so that man is unable to tackle various psychological problems adequately and effectively. The spiritual life is compatible with ordinary existence as we can enter a new dimension of spiritual consciousness while still living and working the day to day affairs... Ordinary man is swayed by the excitements of the senses whereas the spiritually mature seeker endeavors to throw off the bondage of sensual cravings and all kinds of limitations pertaining to his body and mind. Further he seeks to go beyond the mental complications so as to reach the state of serenity and freedom because the entire history of mans evolution is nothing but an expression of his struggle to be spiritually free. Needless to say, that attainment of spiritual emancipation is the goal of entire humanity. The difference between a man of meditation and others lies in his attitude to daily living. He works enthusiastically, but with a sense of detachment. When the ego disappears, when the mind is emptied pervasive love for all life comes welling up. The livingness and the benediction of spiritual strength can be perceived only in the moment of the present. This state of experiencing here and now implies the awareness of the movement of our thought process in a detached way which means to observe ones mind without motivation and identification. In this profound level of understanding, life and death are realized as essential to each other which means experiencing the end in the beginning and beginning in the end. Silence should be practised for sometime every day for the purpose of mental relaxation. Those who observe silence for a few hours will have the ability to solve many psychological problems. Further, if we cultivate the habit of maintaining silence we will find that it gives a good deal of health building elements and as a result our mind is more calm and tranquil. Needless to say, that too much of thinking or talking keeps the nervous system in a state of tension and excitement. The moment our thought stops we are full of energy because mental power has not been dissipated and there are no problems. In that state of deep silence there is neither the thinker nor the thought. As desires and pleasure are not associated while we are in the blissful state of silence, we find a spring-board from which to take a plunge into the realm which lies beyond the frontiers of the mind. If there is right perception then right action will emerge naturally and spontaneously. The right action implies the ability not to hold anything in our mind and also not to cling either to a positive or negative idea. In that moment there is neither time nor causation there is only the eternal present and this is the pathless path in which we discover divinity. Life is not the unfoldment of an already determined plan; it is not a fixed pattern. It is a grand totality fulfilling itself from moment to moment with new values, meanings and joy... - from Meditation: The Pathway to Perfection by Dr. K. M. P. Mohamed Cassim, Ph.D. |
Thresholds: How do you teach meditation to those who seek you out?
Meditation cannot be learned like a school subject, because it has to begin with the individual and it is a life process. Since all of us can concentrate, we have acquired some skill in using our brain. But very few of us have the capacity of understanding the very structure of the mind, and this is the indispensable qualification to begin meditation. Meditation is not an intellectual discovery, but a spiritual journey of inward penetration beyond all conceptual thinking. The aim of meditation is to empty ones mind so that one can touch the spiritual magnetism which will bring tranquility and harmonization. The mental process needs to be understood properly because spiritual transformation implies the definite ending of thought process and the beginning of another dimension where perfect silence prevails. Meditation is vital in leading a pure life because it is through meditation that the secrets of the mind could be unlocked; it sharpens the power of observation and assists us to lead peacefully. Without meditation it is not possible to maintain mental equilibrium in this confused world where so many people suffer from mental conflict. Even some psychosomatic ailments could be cured by meditation. It is a total way of living and not a partial activity; it aims at developing man as a whole which brings about a harmonious integration and spiritual transformation in our personality.
Thresholds: Do you make a distinction between temporary knowledge, thinking, in the brain and permanent knowledge, thinking in the soul?
Human life is the oscillation between joy and sorrow, hope and frustration, attachment and separation. Mind can never meet the present, and it cannot transform us spiritually because mind is based on the embedded conditionings of the past experiences. What really exists is the eternal present and to contact the eternal now we must have an unrestricted awareness and the ability to live fully without the burden of psychological memory. It is the human mind which is the repository of burden that we carry throughout our life. It creates the illusion of the ego which gives rise to the phantom of a separative self. Treading the spiritual path requires the shedding of the false images of ourselves that we have built up. This process of emptying the contents of the mind is the best way not only to remove thought coverings that are responsible for various problems in life, but also to reach the state of serenity. Living in the world yet not clinging to attachment is the best way to attain perfect peace and this state is the inner dimension of man which flowers and blossoms only in the atmosphere of love, harmony, affection and co-operation.
Thresholds: The truths are timeless, why does it seemingly take us so long to realize them?
We are all on a spiritual journey away from worldly excitement into self-discovery. The main obstacle that prevents us from gaining self-knowledge is ignorance and this ignorance does not denote lack of information or book learning. Man is divided within himself as the different parts of his being keep on pulling him in various directions and thus in man there are conflicts and contradictions. The activities of the mind can never provide a bridge to the other shore where spiritual freedom lies because the narrowness of the mind cannot unfold the limitlessness of liberation. It is to be realized that this spiritual illumination is not only beyond the field of thought but is rather a phenomenon that takes place outside the world of causation. What is far more important is to watch the mind at work very closely and objectively This kind of intensive observation will reveal hidden motives and uncover the contents of the dark and mysterious unconscious mind, ultimately leading to the dissolution of the ego. A heightened sensitivity and creativity emanate when the ego has ceased to operate. In that silent meditation the ego is not in operation at all as its ratiocinative thinking has stopped spontaneously.
Thresholds: What we are unconscious of.
We must observe carefully and probe into the origin and end of each thought with ever increasing attention so that we can delve deeply into the unconscious levels of the mind. The existence of the subconscious and the unconscious is not a theory or a concept by a fact of life. Actually, conscious, subconscious and unconscious are not watertight compartments and they are one indivisible whole. The intimations of subconscious are thrown up in the forms of dream, instinctive responses, a fear unrelated to any objective situation or cause. Through self observation it is possible to explore and understand various levels of both subconscious and unconscious. In other words, the psychological havoc caused by the turmoil of subconscious and unconscious urges can be eliminated by the practice of silent meditation.
All efforts to bring lasting peace by modifications in the external world will fail so long as man has failed to resolve his inner psychological conflicts. Every relationship in a disordered mind causes hurt. It does not give him a sense of serenity and a feeling of harmony. The fabric of mans unhappiness is woven from the varied threads of his desire and greed. The craving for passion, for pleasure, for wealth and for self-aggrandizement end in misery. Man tries to satisfy his desire by attaching himself to worldly things. But it is to be realized that by raising our consciousness to the spiritual dimension alone we can bring a real solution to the problems of the modern world and for which our life should be a blend of meditation, wisdom and service. Wisdom consists in understanding ones psychological reactions to objects, ideas and persons correctly. An agitated disorderly and restless mind is incapable of facing the challenges of life. Mental disturbance is obviously due to the pressure from subconscious and unconscious levels. If the mind resists, it will lose its pliability. In order to create space in the mind one must practise meditation so that the resisting elements in the mind can be eliminated. As the mind is inattentive and insensitive owing to the psychological distractions, man oscillates between the past and the future and he never meets the present eternal now. Actually human beings are essentially condensed cosmos and contain divine consciousness in an infinite spiritual continuum.
Ordinary man is swayed by the excitements of the senses whereas the spiritually mature seeker endeavors to throw off the bondage of sensual cravings and all kinds of limitations pertaining to his body and mind. Further he seeks to go beyond the mental complications so as to reach the state of serenity and freedom because the entire history of mans evolution is nothing but an expression of his struggle to be spiritually free. Needless to say, that attainment of spiritual emancipation is the goal of entire humanity. The difference between a man of meditation and others lies in his attitude to daily living. He works enthusiastically, but with a sense of detachment. When the ego disappears, when the mind is emptied pervasive love for all life comes welling up. The livingness and the benediction of spiritual strength can be perceived only in the moment of the present. This state of experiencing here and now implies the awareness of the movement of our thought process in a detached way which means to observe ones mind without motivation and identification. In this profound level of understanding, life and death are realized as essential to each other which means experiencing the end in the beginning and beginning in the end.
Thresholds: The alpha and the omega, we call it the Universal Law of Infinity. The realization of silence, the space between the thoughts.
Silence should be practised for sometime every day for the purpose of mental relaxation. Those who observe silence for a few hours will have the ability to solve many psychological problems. Further, if we cultivate the habit of maintaining silence we will find that it gives a good deal of health building elements and as a result our mind is more calm and tranquil. Needless to say, that too much of thinking or talking keeps the nervous system in a state of tension and excitement. The moment our thought stops we are full of energy because mental power has not been dissipated and there are no problems. In that state of deep silence there is neither the thinker nor the thought. As desires and pleasure are not associated while we are in the blissful state of silence, we find a spring-board from which to take a plunge into the realm which lies beyond the frontiers of the mind. If there is right perception then right action will emerge naturally and spontaneously. The right action implies the ability not to hold anything in our mind and also not to cling either to a positive or negative idea. In that moment there is neither time nor causation there is only the eternal present and this is the pathless path in which we discover divinity.
Thresholds: Do you hold to an idea of predetermination, that ultimately we will all reach enlightenment?
Life is not the unfoldment of an already determined plan; it is not a fixed pattern. It is a grand totality fulfilling itself from moment to moment with new values, meanings and joy. Since life is a unitary process total life cannot be divided into the subject and object and into the inner and outer. Life is a constant movement, not an accumulative continuity. Each movement is an eternity. The human intellect, however superior it may be, has limitations to comprehend the ultimate truth in its totality. Hence a direct experience of the ultimate reality is possible only by transcending human intellect and reasoning. Further, mere academic learning cannot give us the capacity to understand different from thought and it is an effortless understanding devoid of conflict and confusion. If we could constantly follow the path of meditative awareness our life would be blissful and we would develop a state of serenity and vitality. Then our life would be brimming with love, innocence and purity; freed from the shackles of egoity.
Thresholds: Do you see a purpose that this reality of love does not seem to be omnipresent in our existence?
There is so much sorrow and misery in the world. If there is complete order in our mind then we can face all problems without mental resistance. The main cause of suffering is the inability to bring the bliss of freedom through meditative awareness. The rigidity of fixed ideas and routines frustrate the spontaneous flow of life and diminishes the joy of living. The secret of real freedom is to hold on to nothing, but act with full attention without emotional involvement because spiritual maturity lies in the readiness to let go everything. As a matter of fact, both bondage and the resulting suffering are purely conceptual and based on false identification with the fictitious entity-ego. When once we realize the false as false it is not necessary any further to seek the Truth because that Truth cannot be conceived as an object. Once we realize that the thinking mind is merely a shadow of that reality, but not reality itself then we cease to fret and worry because in the absence of the ego we take the sacred pilgrimage towards the pathway to perfection.
The goal of meditation is to reach the motionless part of our lives where the unconditioned state of Absolute Reality comes into play. This immensity of inner space is dispersal of all the mental impressions that has been gathered and the dissolution of the ego. This spiritual awakening has no beginning or end. Spiritual freedom is a state of being which is not based on any mental images. Meditation brings with it an inner unity and a sense of absoluteness which bestows strength and stability. During meditation the mind is open to the awareness of absolute reality which is a state of timelessness. Meditation enhances efficiency and effectiveness in daily living. It leads to the cultivation of egoless love in human relations as well as to that deeper inner poise which manifests as consistent cheer and courage, it calls out the best that is in us. This spiritual awakening is a perfectly blissful state and it is something to be discovered by each person. Just as we can know the external fact in the outside world and in a similar way it is possible to observe various modes and modifications of the mind inwardly through meditation. Since in meditation we live in a higher state we are aware of the appearance and disappearance of mental happenings. In this process of self-observation it is possible to eradicate old habits, wrong tendencies, sense desires, passion and prejudices that often vitiate and retard ones spiritual progress. The whole purpose of meditation is to keep our mind in a state of inner space which means the interval between two thoughts, then there is the possibility of experiencing non-dualistic transcendental state of liberation.
© 1998 School of Metaphysics, Thresholds Quarterly Vol. 16 No.