Interviews withREMARKABLE PEOPLEfrom |
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"Now, a good heart in other words is motivation. So if the motivation is good, positive, compassionate motivation, then every human action becomes positive, constructive. Now for example, you see the economy, technology, science, engineering, law or the economy, politics, even warfare. If the person has the sincere, affectionate motivation, compassionate motivation, even warfare becomes less destructive. If the persons motivation is negative, even religion becomes dirty religion. So with the human motivation or affectionate motivation all activities become something constructive, that means through all human activities will bring benefit for humanity." - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
"Now I dont feel as if I had a bad, unfinished business. I dont have any anger, guilt over my past life. I have no people that I hate, I havent been abused, I was treated as well, better, than most people, as well as any child could be. My mother adored me. I dont have a lot of psychological problems that Im aware of. I dont think I do. But I had a will that was out of balance. And maybe it can be that simple, thats fairly simplistic in a sense. And yet, I believe that I was so stubborn and so unwilling to pay attention to the basic need to integrate the heart and the will and the mind and not have any one of them truly dominate that I didnt pay attention. And I think even when one doesnt have serious psychological things you can have an imbalance of that kind that can lead to accidents and/or illnesses." -C. Norm Shealy
"We are the first generation to be conscious of evolution, and responsible for guiding our evolution on a planetary scale. Conscious evolution occurs on three levels. The first level is a deeper intuitive knowing of the pattern -- attunement, guidance to the process of creation, both personally and for our species. The second way is through science and technology. Were learning how nature works. We can build new life forms. We can clone embryos. We can build new worlds in space. We can change bodies. We can create new organisms. This is literally physical co-creation. It has now happened. The third way is socially. We must become co-creators because were affecting our social environment by everything we do -- how many babies we have, what kind of cars we drive, how we handle our waste. We have become co-creators with nature and natures God in handling our social as well as our physical environment." - Barbara Marx Hubbard
copyright 2002 School of Metaphysics
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