Superconscious Meditation

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Superconscious Meditation
Kundalini & the Understanding of the Whole Mind

by Dr. Daniel R. Condron
ISBN: 0-944386-21-0 ... 240 pages ... retail $13.00US 

"Condron eloquently demonstrates how meditation and inner stillness serve the individual and, ultimately, society-at-large. He also explains how emotions benefit our lives, acting as the glue that connects the conscious to the subconscious mind. Through meditation, individuals can begin to understand their own nature and gently open the doorway to liberation and self-realization." - Napra Review.

"(Superconscious Meditation" is certainly a valuable contribution to the study of consciousness and meditation. If only we could introduce this into public education..." - C. Norman Shealy author of Sacred Healing.  

excerpt from Superconscious Meditation

Chapter Two
The Conscious Mind

My second experience with a type of meditation was in the autumn or fall as we always called it. It was a pleasant fall day and I was walking in the woods. I came upon a ditch that was filled with leaves that had fallen off the trees in the woods. The leaves were at least 3 foot deep. I laid down in the leaves on my back so I could look up at the clear, blue, sky.

The leaves made the softest bed I had ever laid on. I sank down in them. I noticed a few fleecy, white, clouds in the sky. My mind was still and I was at peace. In fact, it was the most peaceful feeling I had ever experienced. Once again I was among the trees.

I laid there for quite some time, silently experiencing the peace and tranquillity.
Years later I was in college. I was enrolled in a speech class. The teacher mentioned there was a program available that anyone could attend that was experimental and that might give people more confidence giving speeches. I decided to go.

When I arrived the instructor had everyone lay down on their backs on the carpeted floor. Then he instructed us to visualize ourselves going to the most relaxed place we had ever been. I remembered the leaves I had laid in at my fathers woods. After we had completely relaxed while visualizing ourselves being in this relaxed place he then had us visualize ourselves giving a speech while still maintaining this relaxation. Thus, we visualized ourselves giving a speech and being relaxed doing it.

When we finished the relaxation I got up off the floor and went outside. I opened the big, tall doors of the hundred-year-old, red brick building and saw the rain coming down. There was water on the sidewalks and on the grass of the beautiful college campus and it was wonderful. I felt alive. I felt more alive than anytime I could remember. I felt so alive that I took my shoes and socks off and ran over one quarter of a mile to the building where I lived. I was free and the experience was exhilarating as I ran barefoot through the puddles of water on this warm fall day.

The calmness of body and concentrated, visualizing mind enabled me to focus my thoughts and still my mind. Thus, my mind became free of its entrapment to the physical body. There was an alignment of the inner and outer minds. This produced the freedom, exhilaration, and bliss I experienced.

The Conscious Mind is one of three divisions of mind; the other two being the Subconscious Mind and the Superconscious Mind. The Conscious Mind is the division of mind that works directly with the brain and the five senses. The brain is an organ of the physical body that the conscious mind utilizes in order to reason in the physical existence. The brain is equipped with a storage mechanism called memory in order that events from the past can be recalled to aid in effectively responding in the present.

The Conscious Mind also has a physical structure with which to interact in the now. These devices are the five senses. The five senses are constantly receiving impressions from the physical environment. Each operates at a different vibratory wavelength. Together the five senses provide the individual with a set of experiences that can be responded to.

In order to move forward in life the thinker needs a vehicle for creating and preparing for the future. The image maker or directed imagination provides the key. The physical structure associated with the imaging capability that is located in the brain is the pituitary gland. The faculty of imagination and the gland of perception, the pituitary, make possible the outpouring of imagination that drives people to create and build a better life, a better world, and a greater tomorrow.

Since the five senses together perceive only a small portion of the total experience of creation around us it is of utmost importance that each person learn to cultivate the higher faculties of the mind. In this way they can come to know all of creation and all its vibration, movement, and manifestation.

The great and secret key to all of creation is mental images or mental pictures. The imagination relies on mental images or mental pictures. Memory recall is the process of drawing forth mental images or pictures from the brain. Full attention is the ability to place your mental attention on one place in order to fully receive the mental images emanating from that person, place or object. The mind is keyed to mental images. At night, dreams are conveyed as a type of communication from the Subconscious to the Conscious Mind in the form of mental images.

Communication from one person to another verbally requires that the person speaking or sending the message choose words that accurately portray the message held as an image in the speaker's mind. The receiver or listener must also receive the complete verbal communication in order to erect a reasonable facsimile in their mind's eye of the mental image the speaker desired to communicate.

The power of the Conscious Mind is the faculty of reasoning. Reasoning is the factor that sets man the thinker, whether male or female, apart from the animals. Animals possess memory. Animals also posses the capability for attention. It is the faculty of imagination that animals have not developed. All three qualities - memory-past, attention-present, and imagination-future - are necessary for reasoning to occur. In humans the brain is enlarged and the frontal part of the brain cavity existent to enable reasoning to occur as directed by the Conscious Mind.

All great inventions were first created in the mind's eye or imagination of the inventor before being brought into physical manifestations. Every person who has ever made a great contribution to the world for the betterment and upliftment of mankind has first imaged their desire daily for months and years until the physical environment began to match what had been imagined. Activity, action, and continual forward motion toward the imaged ideal eventually produced the creative change in the physical environment for Self and others which is called creation.

The Conscious Mind is that part of mind that each of us uses consciously everyday. It is the division of mind we use in conjunction with the five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. It is the part of mind that we use to reason with each day to whatever degree each individual is capable of reasoning. The brain is a physical organ that is used by the conscious mind. Mental images called memories are stored in the brain. New mental images can be added to these through the use of attention and imagination. Attention receives current mental images from the environment while imagination creates new images of the future or of the possible future.

The Conscious Mind, when disciplined, directs the energies of the brain. When the Conscious Mind is undisciplined the brain is predominate over the conscious mind. The brain is the animal part of the thinking apparatus. Animals have brains. Reptiles have brains. Fish have brains. Mammals have brains. As we move up the evolutionary ladder the animal brain becomes more highly developed. The human brain is so highly developed it can house, hold, contain, develop, and entrap a soul in the Conscious Mind. The soul then residing in the Conscious Mind uses the brain and the physical body for the length of that body's lifetime.

The conscious mind must be created new each lifetime. The physical brain also must be created anew each lifetime. The physical brain is created in the mother's womb as part of the physical body. It is a product of the genetics of the two parents. The conscious mind, however, is built up by the soul inhabiting the physical body particularly in childhood. For the first seven years of life the conscious mind is a product of the environment that the child grows up in. This is the time in which the personality is formed. This is the time in which the foundation of learning is created in the brain of the child that will serve as the parameter for what the individual is to achieve for that lifetime. The most important influence and factor in the early development of the conscious mind are the father and mother. This is why it is so vitally important for the parents, especially the mother to be at home and raise the child instead of a day care or baby sitter raising the child.

Do the father and mother love the child? Do they give the child lots of loving attention? Are they positive in giving the child lots of smiles and encouragement. These are some of the most important factors in a child's early development. On the other hand, do they often ignore the child, refuse to discipline the child and give little love? Parents are much more than role models. The child who is taught to discipline the Self early in life will find that when he is ready for Self discipline and mental discipline of Self that the discipline that is required for meditation will come much easier for there is already a foundation of discipline built within Self.

The brain is a vehicle or tool the conscious mind uses to carry out its duty to the subconscious mind and to the whole Self. The brain being the animal part of Self will attempt to assert control over the conscious mind and the whole Self. One who is mentally undisciplined has an animal brain that is in control of the Self. The animal and animal brain operates from a fight or flight thought process. This limits his options. A thinker, a person who is using reasoning with a disciplined, concentrated, conscious mind knows he has more options. He can harmonize with the Universal Laws and create what is necessary in the life. A cow given enough grain will eat herself to death. A human, a thinker, knows she needs to balance the physical with the mental and spiritual. Instead of waiting for the environment to dictate whether one will flee or fight, the reasoner creates the situations and circumstances desired in the life. Such a one does not allow the physical environment to restrict the Self.

Before a child is born, while still in the womb he begins to receive impressions from those in the environment. The child also receives thoughts and emotions from those in the environment. The child begins to mimic these thoughts, emotions, and impressions. After the birth of the child has occurred this process of receiving ideas and thoughts from those in the environment continues. The child begins to assimilate these vibrations and begins to act like the parents.

A newborn is hungry and so he cries. In response, the mother of the baby breast feed him. The child stores this information in the brain automatically. The child's brain also registers the love, warmth, safety, and security he receives from the mother that is breast feeding him.
The child has a wet diaper and cries. The mother changes the diaper and lovingly holds the child. This also the child registers and begins to assimilate. This process of eliciting responses and gathering experiences continues as the child grows to the age of seven. During the first seven years of life the child's learning may be likened to the way a sponge soaks up water. As a sponge soaks up water within itself so also does a child soak up experiences, information, thoughts, and emotions into her body and brain.

By the age of seven the child has accumulated enough information, memories, and mental images into the brain to initiate the process of reasoning. The period of the most rapid receiving of learning is over. Reasoning must progress from infancy to childhood through adolescence and into adulthood. Around the age of 14 the child has accumulated enough information, experience, and knowledge to use the stage of learning called adolescence of reasoning.

This is where mankind exists today, in its present level of development; adolescence of reasoning. This is one reason why there is so much conflict in the world. In order to enter into a true age of peace mankind must move forward and evolve into the stage called adulthood of reasoning.

True adults are willing to still their mind and listen to one another. True adults are secure and confident enough within themselves that they are able to ask questions and listen which is the true hallmark of communication.

An animal operates from the fight or flight re-action. The thinker, one who is in the stage of learning called adulthood of reasoning asks questions and listens and then formulates responses based upon accurate knowledge.

Meditation is a process of asking questions and listening for the answer to your prayer, petition, or question. Most people, having an undisciplined mind do not really know how to listen. When you have a conversation with them they are so busy thinking of their next question that they don't hear your answer to their first question.

In order to be able to hear the answer to a question you must first still your mind. To be able to receive you must have a still mind. Have you ever seen a pool of water or a pond on a day where there is little or no wind? If so, you noticed that there were no waves on the water. When you throw a rock in a still pool of water or pond you will notice it makes a ripple or waves proceeding out from the point where the rock hit the water until the waves reach out to the farthest reaches of the pond.

The mind may be likened to this pond of water. The wind may be likened to the thoughts of the individual. A rock may represent outside influences that you allow to influence or control your peace of mind.

On a windy day the surface of the water will already have waves due to the action of the wind. Therefore, when you throw a rock into this choppy, wavy, water, the waves created from the rock are immediately overpowered by the waves from the wind.

In a similar manner when the wind of your thoughts is blowing so strongly across the water of your mind then any rock-thoughts or communication you receive from another person is immediately overpowered and destroyed by your own undisciplined thoughts. The result is you don't really understand what the person just said.

If the water of your mind is still then when you receive a thought from another your consciousness is able to perceive the waves created in your consciousness by the action of receiving another's thoughts. Therefore, you understand the thoughts of another and your mind is free to expand and grow from the interaction.

An undisciplined mind cannot grow. A closed mind cannot grow. A still, quiet, and disciplined mind can expand into infinity.

It is truly amazing but most people are a product solely of their upbringing. Whatever limitations people have taught them as children is what they accept. Fortunately, for the progression of mankind, there are a few individuals who do not accept the limitations of their environment and their upbringing. Fortunately also, a few parents teach their children to go beyond all limitations and learn from every situation. Those few, between one and ten percent cause 99% to 100% of the growth and motion of humanity through the arts, sciences, religion, technology, and so on.

Meditation enables you the individual, to break out of whatever limitation you may have accepted. Each person comes into this lifetime with a certain set of understandings. Each person's total collection of understandings is different from everyone elses. Some people have more permanent understandings stored in their subconscious mind than others. These people are the true enlightened leaders of society and civilization. When civilization is led by the enlightened then humanity progresses. When it is led by the unenlightened the society decays. Enlightenment is not an all or nothing situation. Enlightenment occurs in stages. The highest level of enlightenment is called Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, God Consciousness or God Realized, depending on what country, time period, and society you exist in.

Meditation is an exact science in that it will work for anyone who is willing to discipline the mind and body and be consistent in practicing on a regular daily basis. Meditation always involves stilling the conscious mind and directing the attention inward first to the subconscious mind and then to the superconscious mind. At first the meditator notices restlessness within the mind and body. Later, with persistence, the body reacts less and less to the discipline of sitting still in one position for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or longer.

A financial planner, mentally in the rush of metropolitan life, Cheryl found the first rewards of meditation were profound in their simplicity.

I have felt the stillness and quiet of my mind. The slowing of the bodily functions and to know stillness and peace.

In order to meditate successfully the meditator must learn to quiet and then still the mind. The body needs to slow down and relax so you can remove your attention from the physical body. Obviously, since you want to move your attention deep into mind to know yourself, you must learn to remove your attention from your physical body.

The peace that Cheryl experienced was a sure sign she is receiving benefits from meditation. The conscious mind when willed by the person over time begins to slow down and to become more quiet. By this I mean that the incessant progression of thoughts such as worries, guilts, fears, and desires arise in the conscious mind less and less. This is due to the meditator refusing to give attention to the thoughts and instead placing the attention on listening for the answer to his or her prayer, question, or petition posed at the beginning of meditation.

Because most people have spent many years trying to do many tasks at one time and causing their mind to race in an effort to "keep up" or to get more things done faster it requires some effort to re-train the conscious mind to the idea of the need and benefits of slowing and stilling the thoughts in the conscious mind. Have you ever noticed that hurrying slows you down. Hurried people are terribly inefficient. The one who practices meditation soon discovers that stilling the mind and learning to focus the attention is the easiest and most efficient way to use the mind. It is also the way to get the most done in a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, and a lifetime. All the great thinkers throughout history have learned to focus their minds in order to accomplish the tremendous feats they achieved. The great spiritual leaders were, not only people of tremendous vision, but also men and women of incredible focus and concentration.

When the conscious mind is stilled and thoughts stop arising in the conscious mind only then is the individual able to receive instruction, knowledge, and wisdom from the subconscious mind. Think about this. If you are talking to another person and you ask them a question. If while that other person is answering your question you are busy thinking up the next question then there is no way that you can hear the other person's response. At best you will only hear part of that response because part of your attention will be upon thinking of the next question. In other words your attention is divided or split between two or more areas.

While meditating the one meditating needs to give undivided attention to listening for the answer to your prayer or question. If your petition is stated thusly, "Dear God, I desire to learn about love," then you need to listen intently with undivided attention, waiting with a still mind for the answer to your question or petition.

When you are out in nature you will need to give it your whole attention if you want to experience nature fully. What good does it do you to spend time in nature only to be thinking of your problems and stresses at work or the argument you had with a loved one 6 months ago or your fear of asking for a raise at work or of driving to a new city? In order to gain the most from each experience you must be fully in the now. Your attention must be where you are or where you have chosen to be. In this case, meditation.

You exist in the present so cause your attention to be fully in the present. As you practice concentration you become a deeper thinker. A good way to begin the practice of concentration is to focus your attention on the second hand of a clock for 5 minutes. Gradually increase this to 10 minutes. If your attention wanders then bring it back to the second hand over and over until your attention has been trained to stay where you want it anytime for as long as you choose to keep it there.

Most people fail to use the understandings they have earned in past lives due to the fact that they do not discipline their conscious mind. By meditating everyday you will find that the permanent understanding that you have earned and stored from past lifetimes begins to come to the forefront of your consciousness. Remember, a disciplined mind is a receptive mind. A disciplined mind is receptive and, therefore, able to receive understandings stored in the individual's subconscious mind. This makes that person a formidable force in causing world change, growth, and expansion of consciousness.

A person who is satisfied with accepting only what others or someone has put into them either consciously or unconsciously in the way of limitations and limited information and experiences will never know who they are and what is the real self. Such people will always be living someone else's thoughts, someone else's ideas about life and someone else's limitations....
...Optimally, we would like to have the world full of geniuses and spiritually enlightened people. This is the destiny of mankind. The destiny of each individual is to become an enlightened being. An enlightened person is always a genius but a genius may not always be enlightened. Enlightenment is a process of building many understandings for the whole mind and the whole Self. While genius may come about when a person has developed one aspect of Self at the expense of other parts of Self. Genius may or may not be imbalanced. Enlightenment is always balanced forward motion, transformation and growth which develops the use of the whole mind.

The mind is a vehicle and tool for I AM to use. I AM uses the mind as spirit in Superconscious Mind. I AM uses the mind through the venue of soul in Subconscious Mind. I AM uses the mind as the physical body and Conscious Mind in the physical environment.
The mind needs to be exercised just as a muscle needs to be exercised in order to be strong and efficient. The mind is like a tool or machine that must be used and taken care of in order to function properly when needed. The memory must be strengthened in order to know the past causes of your present situations and circumstances.

The attention must be strengthened through the use of concentration exercises in order to make the most of your present situation and to cause your present to be as you desire regardless of past situations and circumstances. The conscious mind is also strengthened by the act of imaging, often called visualization. The effective use of the imagination allows you to create in your minds eye events, situations, circumstances, goals, and desires that have not yet occurred physically but will when there is enough activity to cause them to manifest.

Exercising the will also strengthens the mind. Each person was given two free gifts when they were created as I AM; free will and identity. Everything else is earned. It is earned through will power and reasoning. We were created as individualized units of light with free will. It is the exercise of that free will that strengthens one's ability to create. The repeated and continuous exercise of the will through repeated and deliberate choice produces will power and eventually or rapidly creates success in any endeavor.

From the repeated exercise of the mind and will an individual can create a new and greater security, confidence and authority within the Self. The action of directed change always produces an efficient use of the mind.

The act of concentration harmonizes the conscious and subconscious minds. By learning to focus your mind and direct your attention to one point the conscious mind is stilled allowing messages and communication from the inner mind to come through. Until the conscious mind is stilled to the point where environmental stimuli no longer distract and random thoughts no longer draw the attention away from the Real Self, there is little communication received from subconscious mind except through dream recall. Even then the person can refuse to remember his or her dreams, refuse to write them down, and refuse to interpret their own dreams which are messages from their subconscious mind.

The brain has a gland called the pituitary. The pituitary gland's duty is to interpret incoming energies and communication by translating this information into mental images already stored in the brain as memory. It receives and interprets dreams from subconscious mind and also messages from the five senses as they receive external stimuli which is then transferred through the sensory nerves to the brain. Dreaming utilizes a language of its own based on function. While the language of the physical universe or 7th level of Mind is based on form. The language of the Subconscious Mind is based on function.

The subconscious mind of someone who is male this lifetime is receptive while the conscious mind is created to be aggressive. The word aggressive as used in this book is defined as, initiating action. The subconscious mind of a female is aggressive which is not a bully, not forceful, but continually active while desiring forward motion. The female's conscious mind is designed to be receptive. Receptive used herein means to utilize the power of receptivity which is expectant non-action, listening and receiving. Receptivity in the conscious mind, whether you are male or female, is necessary for meditation.

In preparing for meditation it is important to have an ideal of what you want to become through meditation. Do you want to just relieve stress or do you want to achieve the great enlightenment? Do you desire to become a spiritually evolved being, a master teacher, and one who understands the essence and keys to Creation and desires to teach these to the world. Having an ideal in meditation causes there to be a singleness of awareness within the thinker so there is a connection and a connectedness with the higher realms of the Self as well as an awareness of all parts of Self.

As you dive deeper and ascend higher in meditation and experience the effects of the quietness and stillness of your own mind, remember to cause this to become a part of your every waking moment and movement. This will cause the type of awareness and enlightenment that you have an urge to accomplish.

The purpose of meditation is to build a relationship with your maker or Creator. This is the development of oneness with all of Creation as well as the full awareness and understanding of the interconnectedness of all of Creation and Self with all of Creation. This relationship you are building, constructing, and creating is one of compatibility.

The activity of meditation requires an individual to be able to have an awareness and the conscious thinking to be able to have control over quieting the sense receivers as well as the thoughts to reach a point of stillness or quietness within the Self. The quietness requires the quality of receptivity to be present within the individual.

Meditation enables one to communicate with the inner Self. Meditation then aids one in making conscious choices that are more closely in alignment with the Real Self or Inner Self.



What is the meaning of the word man?

The word man comes from the ancient sanskrit word Manu. The word Manu means thinker. Man is the thinker. When the word is used in this book the thinker is indicated.


What is the conscious mind?

It is the mind used in conjunction with the physical senses.


What is the difference between the Conscious Mind and physical existence?

As given in the mind chart the Conscious Mind universally is physical existence. Individually you have a conscious mind that functions within the physical existence. Specifically your conscious mind uses your brain, physical body, and five senses to experience in and learn from the physical environment.


What is the power of the conscious mind?

The power of the conscious mind is reasoning.


What is the purpose of the Conscious Mind?

To glean permanent understandings.


What is the duty of the Conscious Mind?

To initiate continued activity upon desires.


Where is an individual's conscious mind?

The conscious mind is like a hologram that is most closely associated with the brain.


What is the brain?

An organ of the physical body.


Can the conscious mind go into Subconscious or Superconscious Mind?

No, but your conscious awareness can.


What is the purpose of physical existence in the Conscious Mind?

To build permanent understandings of the Universal Laws of Creation.


What is the goal of the individual's conscious mind?

To transcend the limitations of physical existence.

Conscious Mind Meditation

Meditation proceeds in deepening stages. Your first step is a conscious mind meditation. This is the process of learning to still your mind. If during a conversation with another person your mind is distracted, wandering, or thinking of something else you will miss most of what the other person is saying. In order to fully receive into yourself what the other person is saying you must stop the restless mind chatter. In order to fully receive what the other person is saying you must stop thinking. When you stop thinking and achieve the stage of no thought then you can receive fully what the other person is saying to you.
As long as there is prejudice, fear, doubt, judgement, envy or desire thoughts your mind is not quiet. The ability to receive fully is a very great power. In fact, receptivity, the ability to receive fully is one half the power of all creation.
In meditation you will receive from the inner levels and the inner divisions of mind. As your ability to still your mind and receive increases so will your ability to receive in meditation increase.
Meditation is an act of receiving. To meditate is to still your mind and receive the answer to your prayer.
When preparing to meditate it is best at first to decide on a topic or question to ask. Decide on a question that you would like to have answered in meditation. Stating or offering your prayer or question or petition immediately prior to meditation gives you purpose and focus in then becoming receptive during meditation.
Stilling the mind requires some discipline and practice. Yet, anyone who has a strong desire can learn to achieve the still and quiet mind. A mind that is still is the beginning of peace. Until the still mind is achieved you will always be led around by the desires, whims, and habits of your conscious mind.
The conscious mind and brain are like an animal that must be disciplined and trained to obey you, the thinker's, commands. In fact, the brain which is a part of the physical body is the animal part of ourselves. In order to create happiness, joy, fulfillment, peace, and love in your life you must be the master of your physical body.
If you are going to meditate for fifteen minutes or more each day you will need to be able to tell your physical vehicle, your body, to do as you, the thinker, the soul inhabiting the body, desire. And your desire is for the physical body to remain still and give you no distractions during meditation. Just as you want your mind to be still so do you also want your physical body to be still.
In meditation you are to be quiet and your body is to be quiet. There should be no movement of your physical body during meditation. At first the body may re-act to this discipline by making you think that your arm itches and you have to scratch it. Do not scratch it. The itch will go away. The physical body may tell you that it is uncomfortable to sit still and in one position for 15 minutes. Ignore this. You have already made a commitment to sit in the meditation position for at least 15 minutes and you are not going to break your commitment. You will not allow your physical, animal, body to dictate to you, the thinker. You are better than that. You are the master of your life.
After a few days the twitches, itches, and aches will subside. You will experience fewer and fewer distractions from your body. This will free your mind to focus more and more on meditation. From this you see that discipline produces freedom. From meditation you will experience more freedom than you ever have in your life because you will master your own physical vehicle.
When you sit down to meditate sit either in a firm, straight backed-chair or preferably in a cross-legged position on the floor. The cross-legged position is preferable because it naturally stimulates the back to be straight. You will want your back to be straight and vertical during meditation. The head is to be held level on top of the neck. The head is not to be resting on your chest nor is it to be tilted backward. Rather your head needs to be delicately balanced at the top of the spine.
Breath is the factor that binds you to the physical body. The breath is what binds or ties you, the soul to the physical body. Learning to control the breath and the body enables you to move out of engrossment into viewing life as a soul and not a physical body. This is an aid to soul growth and spiritual development.
Before meditation sit in your meditation position and practice the following breathing exercise. Breath in to a count of six, hold the breath to a count of three then exhale to a count of six. As you progress with this breathing exercise you will notice that you can slow you counting down and go longer and longer between breaths because you body is becoming more relaxed. Therefore, it is easier to remove your attention from the physical body and go within in meditation.
Since you always begin any journey where you are you will begin your meditation in the conscious mind.
Sit in a cross-legged position on the floor and face East. East is the direction of the rising sun and this serves as an aid to elevate your consciousness to a new level of awareness. You may, if you wish, sit in a straight backed chair with your feet flat on the floor during your meditation. The cross-legged position is preferred because it causes the back to straighten naturally. You back needs to be erect and straight during meditation with the head balanced on the top of the spine neither tilting forward nor back. You do not want to go to sleep during meditation. You want to elevate your consciousness.
Next, close your eyelids and direct your gaze and your eyeballs upward, slightly. This is an aid to remember to elevate your consciousness. This helps to direct your attention to the inner mind and the High Self. This tends to give you an upward focus on higher ideals and the higher divisions of mind such as the Superconscious Mind. This also serves to slightly stimulate the pituitary or third eye, the eye of perception.
Next mentally state your petition, desire or prayer. This prayer may be about something you desire to learn, a way in which you desire to grow or it may be a thanksgiving for enlightenment, love, and bliss.
Now you are ready to begin your meditation.
In meditation, you are listening for the answer to your prayer or petition. In meditation which is a receptive experience you are receiving the peace, love, and bliss of the Creator. In meditation do not be so caught up in attempting to hear words that you fail to hear and appreciate the peace, love, and bliss you receive.
When the conscious mind is quiet and still there exists an alignment between conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds. Therefore, you may then receive from the inner minds.
At first meditate for 15 to 20 minutes once a day. Gradually, you may increase this to longer time periods.
At the end of meditation do not immediately jump or get up from your meditation. Open your eyes slowly and savor the delicious refreshment you have enjoyed which was your meditation. Hold and maintain this higher consciousness as you slowly come out of meditation and as you go about your daily, physical routine. Your goal is to make this higher consciousness, this peace, love, and bliss a permanent part of yourself that you have with you at all times and always, forever.


What do I do with all the thoughts and physical noises that keep coming into my head while I'm trying to concentrate on the Creator?

Let them pass through and give them no attention. It is just the conscious ego's way of trying to stay in control. As you give them no attention gradually your mind will become more and more still and you will have less and less extraneous thoughts. As you learn to go within you will find that less and less you notice your physical body and the noises and other incoming messages entering in through the five senses.


I can concentrate when I enjoy something or when I feel I have to concentrate, but I find it difficult to hold my attention still during meditation. How can I motivate myself to deepen my meditation?

By making it your strongest desire to know the Self, to know the Creator, and to know Creation. Then you will learn to enjoy meditation more than anything else in the whole, wide world. Find out all you can about the benefits of meditation. This is why I have included exciting meditation experiences of my students. By reading them you will stimulate a greater desire to gain the same benefits they have achieved from meditation and more.


What is correct posture for meditation? Sitting cross-legged is often recommended for meditation, however, I am not used to sitting this way and find it so uncomfortable that it is a significant distraction. I feel it takes away from, rather than adds to my experience. What is the benefit of sitting this way and is it necessary?

You may sit either cross-legged, with the back straight and neck and head erect or you may sit in a firm, straight backed chair. I prefer you sit cross legged on the floor because it is much easier to keep your back straight and head erect. This allows the energies to flow freely and for the Kundalini energy to rise up the spine.
Before you begin meditation do some stretching exercises. This will loosen your joints and stretch your muscles. When you sit down to meditate place your right foot on top of your left leg or vice-versa. This is called the half lotus position. It will help insure your back stays straight and cause less numbing of the legs than the full lotus. With practice you will notice this effect less and less.


Should my head stay elevated during meditation or drop?

The head needs to be balanced on top of the neck. The face should be facing forward. The head is not to be resting on the chest or tilted backwards. When the head is perfectly balanced on the neck there is no tension so it is easier to remove the attention from the physical head and physical body. This position also enables the Kundalini energy to rise up the spinal column, through the head and out the top of the head and through the crown chakra. The crown chakra has been referred to as the thousand petaled lotus in Indian literature.


Is it best to meditate in the same place every time?

Yes, because you impregnate that place with the deep meditation aura, thought form, and vibration. Then when you meditate in that same spot next time it will be easy to return to the depth of meditation you achieved before instead of trying to spend the whole meditation time getting to your previous depth. Instead you can build on what you achieved in previous meditations and progress rapidly. Have a special room or corner of a room that you use only for meditation. Meditate at the same time each day. Remove all distractions from the room such as radio or television sounds, smells, etc. Face east as this is the direction of the rising sun. Let each meditation cause the dawning of a new awareness and an expanded consciousness within you.


Can I meditate with soft music playing in the background?

It is possible for a master to meditate under almost any situation but very few people can do it. For best meditation you want to eliminate all distractions. The fact that you would want music playing while you are meditating indicates you are still attached to and engrossed in the senses. In this case the sense of hearing. Incense can be a distraction from meditation because it draws you to the physical odor, the smell. Remember, in meditation, the first goal is to still your mind and remove your attention from the physical body and the five senses. To go to the inner levels of mind you must remove your attention from the physical body and physical environment.


What happens to the physical body when you meditate?

It relaxes. Tension departs. Meditation relaxes the muscles and stimulates the nervous system. Meditation causes there to be more life and life force within the whole system. Meditation causes a balancing of the bodily system. When you meditate you relax all systems of the body giving them a much needed rest. You also release all stress and all unproductive or limiting thoughts and attitudes. This leads to a healing and rejuvenation of the entire body. Because the body is relaxed the consciousness of the meditator can depart and go beyond the confines of the physical body.


What are the mental effects of meditation?

A calm, peaceful, focused mind. A fulfillment and a knowing that what you are doing is right and is good for your eternal soul. A definite knowing that you are important and have value and are on this earth for a very important reason and with a very specific purpose.


How old do children have to be to start teaching them meditation?

Old enough to sit still, close their eyes, and still their mind.


How do I cause a transcendental meditation experience so that I can have a strong desire to regain that experience and more in meditation?

Practice meditation diligently, every day, with an open heart and an open mind and in a thankful and receptive state. Read this book, especially the dramatic experiences related by students about their meditation.

from Superconscious Meditation by Dr. Daniel R. Condron copyright 1998, SOM.

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