What Will I do Tomorrow? Probing Depression
SOM LIBRARY, directory of online resources
by Dr. Barbara Condron
Dedicated to those, and they know who they are, who have had the wisdom to allow me to give thereby teaching me the value of receiving.
Part I The Causes
The Journey Down
Theres No Meaning
The Parasitic Mind
Part II The Effects
The Body Is a Reflection
The Organic Malfunction
Vibratory Patterns
Part III Creating Causes to Control Effects
Reconstructing Your View of Self
Dont Defeat Your Purpose
During his ministry, Jesus went among the people to cast out demons and heal the sick. The demons that were cast out were the negative thoughts and attitudes of the individuals seeking to be healed. Unpleasant attitudes are the perpetrators of illness and disease. Before he healed someone, Jesus would ask, Do you believe? This question served as an affirmation of the individuals desire to be healed.
Desire for healing constitutes the initial and most important motivating factor for one suffering a malady. A person must be honest with himself in determining if this desire is truly present and then strong enough to implement action to cause the cure. Mental depression is the most prevalent illness to plague mankind today. It is caused by and feeds upon the negative attitudes of its victim toward himself. Most of us do not try to understand the circumstances and conditions of our lives but allow them to control us. In this way, we become helpless victims of life, buffeted about by waves of indecision, doubt, fear, unhappiness and self-pity. In many ways we construct prisons of our thoughts which further restrict out expression allowing depression to become even deeper.
One point that tends to be overlooked is the option we have of correcting the effect of depression. When we release the demon that keeps us in a state of bondage, we learn to become free and happy individuals. Everyday, we have the choice of happiness or sorrow-of viewing life as stimulating or burdensome. Conditions are neutral and without feeling. We create pleasantness and unpleasantness as a result of our choice of response. Each time we misinterpret our circumstances as controlling us instead of us creating them, we open ourselves to suffering and pain. Depression is a result of misinterpretation and can be remedied through correct choice. Choose to deny depression withdrawing attention and energy from this expression of negativity. Affirm your strength and beauty and become peaceful and free. This is your choice and your obligation to yourself.
Physical life offers a beautiful opportunity to understand our options and our potentialities. By dealing with lifes situations with a positive and appreciative attitude, we begin operating as a child of the Creator unleashing our inner perfection and beauty. This action constitutes an individual choice which we each make through every thought and action.
Jesus states this truth in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi in the following words:
If you will keep your mind fully occupied with good, the evil spirits cannot find a place to stay. They only come to empty heads and hearts. Go your way, and sin no more.
This book What Will I Do Tomorrow? will assist the reader in understanding the origin and nature of depression and also how to begin dealing with it. It can serve as a valuable tool to help you come to grips with negative thought patterns. As you consider the information presented, you will find many doors opening in your mind, leading to greater understanding of your Self.
Barbara OGuinn (Condron) has used her understanding of metaphysics, gained through continuous application, to present the information on depression in an easily assimilated style. If you allow this book to unlock your awareness of Self, there will be no difficultly in determining what you will do tomorrow.
Jean Walters
November, 1976
Our societys awareness and acceptance of depression has increased considerably with the advent of the 70s. Some milder forms of depression are even beginning to be viewed by a majority of the public as normal. In the 1972 American presidential election, depression was introduced in a national setting. The debate which led to the replacement of Sen. Thomas Eagleton as a national political candidate stimulated important questions on the nature, course, and treatment of the depressive condition. This, combined with the National Institute of Mental Healths encouragement of research in depressive illnesses, stimulated a variety of opinions, hypotheses and study of affective disorders which concern each individual regardless of race, religion, background, education, occupation or sex.
The widespread effects of depression leave many questions unanswered by the scientific community at large. Who gets depressed? When is depression likely to occur in someones life? When and how is it best treated? After it has gone, when and under what circumstances is it likely to recur?
From mild to severe, no one is immune from the creation of a depressive state. Each thought we have is creative energy working either for or against us depending on the positiveness or negativeness of that thought. As individuals, we each have the right to choose the quantity and quality of the thoughts we create. Using many sources, including past life and health readings from the School of Metaphysics files, I intend to systematically review the mental and emotional attitudes which create and perpetuate depression, as well as their effect upon the physical health of each individual.
The readings themselves offer significant insight into the mental, emotional and physical problems that confront each of us. They are dispersed throughout the book for your consideration as supplementary material further developing the thought preceding it.
In reading this book it will be of benefit to your to remember that the mind and the brain are not synonymous. The mind utilizes the physical brain to gather and correlate information from the environment - much as you might use a calculator to speed the accounting process. Another point to remember while reading is the reference to two of three divisions of mind. The conscious mind is that part of you which functions with the physical body storing all information from your everyday experiences. The subconscious mind, the inner you, holds all your understandings. The subconscious mind adds the emotions to the conscious minds reasoning ability. Both divisions of mind can work together harmoniously, but if there is disruption, abnormalities result - such as the one we term depression.
Part I
The Causes
The Journey Down
It is interesting to note that in our current society, many of the milder forms of depression are not only acceptable but often concealed in rationale. When someone feels down or blue he or she may appear sad or apathetic to those around them. There may be a loss of appetite, a withdrawal from others, insomnia, and a general lack of whatever it is that catapults people out of bed in the morning.
Holidays, the experience of a physical move, and the period immediately after childbirth are socially acceptable times for people to become somewhat depressed. These times are socially viewed as periods when depression may occur for a span of time. It seems that the expectation of joy in each instance sets the stage for disappointment. Knowing that those around you are festive may underlie a personal feeling of loneliness in many during the holiday season. When moving to a new location, although it may be eagerly anticipated as beneficial, often there is a feeling of multiple loss with social ties, familiar surroundings, security and even income. Our society places much attention upon childbirth as a joyous time; however, this predominate attitude belies the feelings of greater responsibility, role and relationship changes, and the effects on family equilibrium the child brings.
Situation: An attempt to get a higher paying position which has failed.
Given a hypothetical situation, such as lack of adequate funds to obtain those necessities desired, the following statements might be made by the person bordering on depression.
Sadness | I really thought I deserved a raise, and since I didnt get it I dont know how Ill pay the bills. | A sense of having lost something |
Anxiety | I would really like to get a raise but Ive only been working there but doubting four months. | Desire to obtain something but doubting ability |
Guilt | I really wanted this raise but how am I going to handle the extra work? | Gaining without recognizing the responsibility. |
Anger | I really need that new position but I know my boss doesnt think I can handle it. | Lowered Self esteem |
Crying | Why cant I ever get what I want? | |
Withdrawal | I know they always judge me, so I wont say anything | |
Agitation | Id really like to get that person fired who got my raise. | |
Hallucination | I know my co-employee is talking to the boss about me. | |
Helplessness | Its out of my hands. They always make the decisions. | Negative view of world. |
Hopelessness | Nothing ever turns out the way I want it to. | Negative expectation. |
Worthlessness | Im not good enough to even deserve that raise. | Negative Self concept |
I would really like to get a raise but Ive only been working there but doubting four months.
These mildly depressive attitudes, for the most part, are acceptable to the majority of people. The depression is mild in most cases and lasts only a few hours or days. Yet these relatively light down periods share many common denominators with the more severe depressive states, and lend more validity to the importance of attitude. Psychologists see the amount of self-accusatory ideas present, the level of helplessness, and the tempo of behavior as the key factors leading to the more depressive states. Yet, can you begin to see how the seed of the most severe depression is within the milder states acceptable to most people?
The depressive spectrum covers many changes in attitude: emotional, behavioral, cognitive and through these changes stem physical impairments. Emotional changes revolve around sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, and diurnal mood variations. Each of these emotions show a lack of feeling adequate to handle the situations we place before ourselves. Sadness stems from a sense of having lost something, anxiety from a desire to have something but doubting our ability to attain it, guilt from gaining something without recognizing the responsibility, and anger from a lowered self esteem. Each of these create diurnal mood variations in that they create a mood fluctuation from extreme height to extreme low. All stem from a lack of understanding.
Once this misunderstanding is ingrained within the individuals thoughts and attitudes, the behavior or actions of the person consumed in these emotional changes begins to be affected. Crying, withdrawal, agitation, and hallucinations are often the effects. There is a consistent frustration within the individual which feeds these attitudes of low self esteem and unworthiness. This cycle of negativity causes the person to withdraw from others, feeling he cannot effectively communicate what is occurring to him. This is often associated with a general slowing down effect. A severely depressed person may walk slowly, assume a rigid posture, and speak slowly with effort. This reaction tends to set the individual even farther apart from the mainstream of effective action creating a barrier between himself and others which becomes increasingly insurmountable.
These changes lead to cognitive changes where the individual develops a negative self-concept, a negative view of the world, and negative expectations for the future. Enveopled in helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness the individual consistently blames and criticizes himself refusing to make any decision for fear of improvement or a deepening of the syndrome he is now trapped within. These cognitive factors are the core process of the depressive syndrome for they perpetuate the existence of the depressed state as much as the emotional stimulus and behavioral response. Hence there is the question What will I do tomorrow? A feeling of hope and a sense of control seem significant to a productive, balanced attitude of health. In this regard, helplessness (the feeling of being out of control) and hopelessness are two important keys to understanding the depressive state.
Depression is probably the most common of all major mental illnesses. It is the most life threatening one. In depression, the threat to life is in the individuals own hands-the threat of suicide. At least one out of every twenty people suffer from severe depression and the number suffering from milder forms of depression is far greater.
Depression is by no means a new creation. This condition has probably afflicted man since the beginning of reasoning man, or the time man began creating conscious goals and sometimes failed to attain them. All of us have felt depressed at one time or another, and these periods can be evaluated from mild to severe forms of depression. One way of grading depression is to evaluate the intensity of suffering experienced by the individual.
There are two cardinal aspects of depression which require attention. First, depressed individuals can see no reason for doing anything. They have no zest for life, there is no meaning. The second aspect to this emptiness occurs when a sensation of existential death is created bringing a desire for destruction. Depressed people actually do not rationally desire death, rather they feel driven from a powerful outer force to kill themselves. To avoid agonizing whether life is or is not worth living, depressed individuals press all their energy and intellectual resourcefulness into an effective means of suicide.
The subjective experience of the depressed individual is painful. Depression does hurt, not only the mental and emotional attitude but the physical body as well. It is difficult for most to empathize with the mental state of a depressed person. The inner emotional turmoil is often alien to the individual utilizing the conscious mind in his everyday activities, so there is a lack of understanding of the depressed state.
The complaint of most depressed persons is simply that they feel depressed, or hopeless, or miserable. This attitude often contains a logical corollary reflecting the inability to integrate the emotional energy with the conscious mind. Typical statements may include, There is no point to making plans for the future. I dont care what happens to me or anyone else. It is this sense of futility and hopelessness which magnifies the attitude of being out of control. Ironically, the altered reasoning processes in the conscious mind ultimately substantiate this uncontrolled emotional attitude. It is at this point that the individual contemplates suicide.
A depressed persons behavior stems directly from his feeling of despondence. You may encounter someone whom you have admired for their talents and accomplishments, yet this individual may protest that it is all a facade - that he lacks the abilities and anything he has accomplished is merely a game which he or she has exerted upon the world. Nothing you say seems to change his or her position. In fact if you argue, expressing their virtues, the person will become more depressed. At first they may seem a bit overconscientious in chastising themselves over past mistakes. However, soon the individual will be reluctant to make new decisions with the conscious mind, from a feeling that whatever is chosen is invariably wrong. Some will mock themselves insisting that since they do everything wrong they would make a good counselor. If people would pay attention to their advice then they would succeed by doing the exact opposite.
The most ominous feature of a depressed persons behavior is lack of hope. Symptoms such as dejected feelings, sadness, and a lack of energy reflect the milder forms of depression. As soon as you detect a hint that an individual can see no future at all, the depression has reached a serious level. As indecisiveness increases, a paralysis of the will begins. The individual will refuse to take any action. If he is a businessman, papers will pile upon his desk and bills will go unpaid for months. These individuals begin destroying themselves financially due to the lack of motivation to act.
During this state, these individuals appear retarded in movements, thought and feeling. It would appear that everything about their being has slowed. Not only are they reluctant to take definitive action and make crucial decisions, but they almost literally stop moving. This is the physical manifestation of depression. Individuals may sit hours on end appearing lethargic; however, they are intensely conscious, suffering from tremendous inner stress. This stress is readily reflected in the functions of the bodys glands. In the most extreme mental anguish, his or her adrenal glands secrete hormones that mobilize the body into action. Yet depressed persons dont do anything. The relay of energy is impaired by decreased transmission through the nervous system to the brain and conscious mind causing an influx of energy within the emotional level of consciousness. This creates a vicious cycle of energy within the inner levels of the subconscious, there is the continuous use of energy but not the effective knowledge within the conscious mind for the reenergization. This is compounded by the insomnia which often accompanies the depressed state.
This uncontrolled energy manifests physically in an increased secretion from the stress hormones of the adrenal glands. These, in turn, feed the brain causing further emotional upset.
Depressed individuals may react in the opposite fashion becoming agitated. Instead of reacting to feelings of hopelessness by remaining immobile, they pace the floor constantly, wringing their hands, an crying incessantly. Some will lie still in bed thinking; the agitated individual will get out of bed walking incessantly back and forth. Whereas the retarded individual seems to passively resign himself to his depressed state, the agitated individual will appear reluctant to accept it. He or she fights desperately to fend off what seems to be impending self disintegration. Nobody wants me, nobody needs me. I deserve to die, but I dont want to die. The agitated individual is expressing the energy which the retarded individual keeps within mind, and through this expression the conscious mind is stimulated creating the realization that control can be regained.
In the retarded state many physical functions are slowed. Bowel functions are less active and most depressed persons are constipated. This is a result of keeping all energy within self and not allowing the free expression of the mental and emotional activity occurring. The depressed person will most likely lose interest in food, punishing their bodies as retribution for feelings of unworthiness. There are many far more serious problems created by the depressed state, and these will be covered in Part II of this book.
The feelings of hopelessness stem from three primary attitudes which stimulate and sustain the depressive syndrome. These can be termed self-blame, self-pity, and other-pity. These three not only defeat your purpose as a fully functioning Self, but also influence your friends, family, employer - all those in your environment. Depression breeds depression, as happiness breeds happiness.
Self Blame
If you are constantly cutting yourself down, hating yourself, and thinking you are the worst human being alive, you will eventually develop a depressed state. It make little difference what you are blaming yourself for, whether it is the bankruptcy of your business or a burned piece of toast, eventually you will find yourself in a cycle of negativity. If you blame yourself with great zest, you will become quite disturbed, probably feeling like crying, become silent and moody, displaying the behavioral changes marked by depression. You may eventually even want to jump off the nearest bridge.
If you blame yourself just a little bit, you will merely feel uncomfortable and certainly moodily. This condition will not be a serious one but it will reflect upon each person you come into contact with - in other words you will not only be harming yourself, but you will spread a cloud of gloom wherever you go.
Consider the following excerpt from a life reading:
We see once again the attitudes of condemnation towards the Self and towards the abilities of Self. We see also at times the intolerance of the misunderstanding of others. Would suggest to this one that once again this one has provided Self with a very useable tool, vehicle, and that this one has the mental as well as the physical abilities to accomplish what this one desires to accomplish. Would suggest to this one that this value be seen and that Self is considered to have no limitations. Would suggest to this one also that the Self condemnation will negate what this one does set into motion in the way of desires being fulfilled. #625763
This is a simple example, but blaming yourself is like giving yourself a report card. You may receive good grades in some subjects, passable grades in others, but this in no way means you are a good or passable person. For instance, what of a person who accidentally kills a pedestrian? Is he justified in continually degrading himself for a mistake, never forgiving himself? Or a woman who goes against her previous religious training to obtain an abortion. Is she justified in condemning her decision, insisting that she is worthless and immoral? Both of these people are judging themselves by their actions. There is an important thing to realize within these examples-that both individuals place great attention on not only the outward actions, but the performance of those actions in what they see as a perfect manner. Neither fully realize their potential as an individual, reasoning being. By placing so much attention on actions they forget the source or cause of those actions - the thought. They also eliminate the realization that no one is perfect, and exist in the physical to grow toward perfection. To demand more from Self is the seed of guilt:
We see this one at this point being pulled in different directions by her desires. We see this one in a point of transition for we see this one desiring to create certain responses in others, and we see this one changing these patterns - which are old for this one - into recognizing the importance of Self. We see this transition period difficult to cope with at times for we see it tends to bring forth many of the insecurities which have been developed in the past. We see this one attempting to deal with these consciously but we see there is a tendency to at all times play down the importance of Self and to condemn Self for weaknesses which in themselves would be quite small. Would consider this to be a combination of effects at this point which is creating a slight degree of frustration for this one. Would suggest to this one to recognize that it is the combination of effects taking place and would consider it
important to recognize each one as an individual effect and deal with it on that basis not allowing these to couple together and appear more ominous than they really are. We see also this one has great desire to increase the sensitivity of Self. We see this one to disdain Self at times for not reaching the point she desires. Would suggest to this one to recognize that progress of this kind is arrived at very slowly and to appreciate that which has been accomplished rather than that which is the goal. Would suggest that as this is done this one will recognize more and more the progress that is made. #97762
Think for a moment what you do to yourself when you blame yourself. First you begin thinking you are unworthy of being a human being. This sets you apart from others and you begin seeing yourself as a species apart from everyone else. Next you verbally assault yourself, and in extreme cases mutilate yourself with burning cigarettes or razor blades. This is an obvious act of violence against yourself. What would you think of someone who did this to you? Would you not consider them hateful, disturbed, and malicious? Wouldnt you fight for your life? Of course you would. If it is so good to suffer when you do it, why is it wrong if someone else does it?
Not only is blame detrimental when directed by you toward yourself but it is dangerous when directed at others. In this case it generates hatred, anger and violence within others, not only yourself. Practically all violence, war and murder is started through masses thinking these same thoughts. When youre blaming yourself and in turn blaming others, your thoughts also effect your environment. It is really necessary to drag people down with you?
Depressed people can usually be described as humble, lacking self-confidence, and having a very low opinion of Self. Actually these individuals possess conceit born from an inflated ego. The self blamer often will go to extreme lengths to deny that they are human, fallible. They insist that their behaviour has to be better than others, never truly appreciating what it is to be human and learning that each mistake made is a valuable learning experience.
Once again, this one is seen as placing Self in situations and lifestyles in which this one has created. However, when the situation is not to this ones liking due to the attitudes of Self placed upon Self and of the attitudes of others towards Self, we see this one leaving these situations. Would suggest to this one that a lifestyle be chosen and that this one express Self to the most extent that this one sees and that the decisions being followed through to where this one may gain some understanding from the physical experiences. Would suggest, also, to this one that attitudes and thoughts of a destructive nature towards Self will bring about situations that are unpleasant toward Self physically, emotionally, and mentally. Would also suggest to this one that there is much beauty and joy within Self that this one recognizes and which this one may use to bring about the changes to a more beneficial and more enjoyable lifestyle. #64762
Suppose you were God, and you are in a sense, and you decided to populate your creation with perfect creatures. You made them all physically beautiful, agile, intellectually brilliant, wise and immortal. What would be the purpose of existence? If everything was known, what would be left to learn? By recognizing the need for greater understanding you realize the fact that you, as well as everyone else, have much growth to gain through experience. Throughout history we have evolved. We have learned through mistakes, making the correction of those errors a part of ourselves. We are creators in our own right. With each thought you have you create yourSelf and your environment. Doesnt that creation deserve your undivided attention? If you continually blame your Self for anything, anytime, anywhere, you are insisting your creative ability is worthless. Look at what you are creating and how you are creating it. Your world begins with you, and it will be exactly what you make it, no more or less. Respect your creation as the reflection that it is of the inner you.
The second way to foster depression is through feeling sorry for yourself. Thinking the world owes you a living and then finding out just how unfair this attitude is can cause deep depression. Most people tend to believe that they become disturbed in one of two ways. Either rough conditions of our lives create the disturbance, or there is a physical reason we are upset. Weve already mentioned that the reason you are physically imbalanced stems from a mental attitude, so lets focus on the unpleasant situations we find ourselves in.
It is not a flat tire that causes anger, but the thought you have as you open the car door realizing that in the snowy weather youre in for a rough time. It is the way we view situation, the thoughts we have directed toward each experience which dictates whether that experience is positive or negative. If you really desire to cease being depressed, angry, or nervous, you must first realize that you always upset yourself. No one at anytime in anyplace can upset you unless you allow it.
It is very easy for most people to think of themselves and their actions as synonymous. To cease rating ourselves by our accomplishments, our financial successes, our conquests, and popularity is not always an easy task. However, each time we place our concept of Self on the situations and people outside of ourselves we are rating ourselves by our actions rather than our thoughts. We are denying our right to make the decisions of what is correct for Self.
We see this one has a tendency to allow others to make decisions for him for we see this one has not developed the knowing within Self that this is a corroborative effort of the Self. By allowing others to direct him, this one denies the strength and value of his own directive ability. Would suggest strongly at this time that this one begin seeing the value and beauty of making his own decisions whether these turn out to be mistakes or correct judgments, for only in this manner can this one learn and we see the opportunity to learn as being the strongest and most important impetus for the Self. Would suggest to this one that those who truly love him will not be concerned with his decisions tentatively erroneous or correct, but if their love is sincere, it will always continue, therefore, it is wrong for this one to place this as an area of importance in his expression. #87766
You are not a physical body, or your actions. You are mind and your thoughts are a creation of your mind. Self pity is reflective of an attitude of wanting what you desire in a certain matter and feeling its awful if you dont get your way. This attitude leads to a confusion between what you consider as being sad and what you consider tragic. Sad events, however, are the seeds for tragic events. Both are the result of how you view the situation. Sadness is born from regret and disappointment. When these are carried to an extreme, events become catastrophic leading to frustration or again the feeling of not getting your way. The best thing you can cultivate within yourself is a love for Self.
We see this one attempting to extend Self most beautifully to others. We see through that this one is not pleased with this expression of Self, to feel that it is inadequate to that which she has projected for Self. We see this one also has formulated a tremendous view of responsibility for theSelf, placing this upon the Self and seeing it as somewhat of a burden at this time. We see this one tends to assume the responsibility for other individuals, the intention being most loving but in its own way taking away the value of the others. We see this one as feeling that she has more responsibility than she really does have at this point and we see this one to overemphasize this within her mind. We see because of this, this one tends to lose the sense of freedom that she has desired for the Self and along with the loss is the loss of peace and contentment within her own experience at this time. Would suggest to this one to go back to the original goal of the Self, to project Self in a loving manner to others and recognize that a part of this projection is to allow the others to be where they are and to express in their own way. To develop an attitude of greater tolerance to the expression of others would be a gift to the Self at this point for it would release much of the responsibility this one sees as being hers. We see this one becoming quite frustrated and expressing this through the emotions but we see many times this one refuses to express because she feels that it is not the proper thing for her to do. We see it is necessary at this point that this one recognize that the emotional restrictions that she has placed upon Self are in direct relationship to that which has been given in regard to the mental attitude towards others. Would suggest as she releases the high level of responsibility she has assumed for herself, the emotional expression will become more steady and fluid. Would suggest that the state of peace that she is in search of for the Self will be derived by the release of these areas. #86763
This respect of your Self will carry over to others. You will realize that you do have a right to make mistakes and correct them in the manner in which you see fit. Equally important, you will realize that others have this same right. They too have the right to make their decisions, and those decisions may not always meet with your desires. They will learn from the experience they choose and so will you.
Just as you can become depressed if your car breaks down, you can become depressed if someone elses car breaks down. There are endless opportunities to identify with the troubles of those around you. Pity applied in any direction can depress you. One of the biggest reasons other-pity is so common is the guilt that people feel for not being depressed over the misfortune of others:
We see this one again developing the ability through sensitiveness and receptiveness to see the pains and concerns of others. We see that this has proven to be detrimental at times to her own expression. We see this one tending to overemphasize the experience of others, seeing them as being unnecessary, to be unhappy and unpleasant. We see this one tends to take responsibility in this regard for the responses of others in this way and we see it is important that this one realize that these others have attracted these experiences to them in order that they might learn, this being the primary goal and purpose of the physical experience, and to deny these experiences of others and tend to cushion them would be to deny the others ability to learn. Would then suggest this one apply this knowledge to her own desire to alleviate pain of others so that she might release this concern and responsibility for the response of these others. #87764
There is the constant fear of others opinions - will I appear callous or rude? There are two ideas behind other-pity; first is the notion that the unhappiness you experience is externally caused, and second is that one should be upset and disturbed over others problems. Happiness is an internal state created by you - so is unhappiness. How you view your experiences and those of others will dictate how you feel about that experience. You choose to be calm, collected, and rational; or worried, anxious and nervous. The attitude you chose will depend upon your understanding of that situation. To take on others problems injures yourself, and likewise encourages their emotional involvement with that problem.
We see this one to have formulate from past experience a deep and sincere concern for other individuals and those particularly that she has surrounded herself with at this time. We see, though, that this one is unable at this time to direct this concern in a positive manner and we see a sensation of fear accumulating within her own personality in respect to this. We see this one to not formulate into words her thoughts of concern and we see this as posing a restrictive force upon her own expression. We see this one to resent to some degree the thought that others do not respond in the same degree and intensity that she does in regard to concern of other individuals. But we see that this one does not always view this quality in others correctly for we see this one tending to be involved very strongly in the emotional state and expressing through this. We see this moulding the expression and creating some distress within the flow of energy from the mental through to the physical. Would suggest at this time that this one understand the emotions to be a tool for her own expression and recognize the directive force of the mind in using this tool to understand that concern of others is a very good quality to cultivate but when this is concern through the emotion then it can be hazardous to the Self; to learn to direct this concern by a mental concern but not allow the emotions to become drawn into this, for at that point the Self is rendered useless in achieving aid for these others or for herself. We see the physical system responding in very subtle ways at this point. We see particularly through the nervous system, creating a stress within this area and causing much waste of energy in the area of nerve transmission, for we see these to be erratic for many periods of time. We see, though, that this flow is not steady but rather fluctuates greatly within short periods of time. We see because the flow is not steady and consistent the body must adjust continuously. We see that this uses much of the physical energy and that this one is depleted within a short period of time, and must recuperate with much rest. We see this is not possible for most periods of time and we see the depletion of energy creating a void not only within the physical but in the mental state and emotional state as well.
If you can remain objective and compassionate, rather then subjective and sympathizing, you will offer more worthwhile ideas in helping that person. To sympathize will merely add energy to their distress. Other-pitiers can breed self-pitiers. To take the problem on yourself will not help either of you. When you can remain objective you will aid the individual who is bordering on depression, and you will gain more understanding allowing yourself the privilege of responding differently in a similar situation in the future.
To allow yourself to continually indulge in self-blame, self-pity, or other-pity is to restrict yourself mentally, emotionally and ultimately physically. If the attitudes are not understood at their onset, they will gather more and more energy until your depressed state is not longer merely a mental and emotional problem but a physical impairment as well.
Part II
The Body Is a Reflection
The Organic Malfunction
Vibratory Patterns
When the depressive state is throughly created mentally, the energy expended without a physical outlet seeks expression through the body as a dis-ease. This dis-ease reflects the imbalance within the mental system. Common physical or somatic changes during depression are sleeping and eating disorders, constipation, menstrual irregularity, weight loss, weakness, pain, and a diminished sex drive.
With any of these conditions, a person may tell himself that this is a direct result of his demanding children, his critical boss, his loneliness, or his ambitious spouse, but the real reason is not others or outside conditions. The real reason is the individual-his reaction to people in his environment.
This is the key attitude to the development of any depressive state. Any emotional or mental attitude will eventually effect the physical body. How? Lets focus on the inrarelationship of mind and body.
Your reactions are determined by your emotional state whether depressed or not. These in turn have a direct and corresponding relationship to your physical condition. Your emotions are a channel through which you express hostility, anger, compassion, tranquility, love. If you examine your emotional output, you can begin to understand what is taking place within your mind-your inner Self.
To prove this, try an experiment. Return in your memory to a time when you were angry. Reconstruct this scene as vividly as possible. See the people, the environment and the situation clearly. Recall to memory the feelings of that time and observe your reaction to that situation. By now you should be able to feel the tension building within the muscles and ligaments of your body and head. Blood vessels and nerves are cutting off vital energy to all parts of your body creating the physical effect of your mental attitude. You probably will feel ill at ease within the stomach area since the stomach acids are becoming imbalanced also. This creates either too much or not enough enzymes and chemicals necessary for proper digestion.
Now release this thought and turn to a pleasant time. Recall this happy event when everything was running smoothly. See the harmony and fulfillment in your activities at this time. You will experience a release of tension throughout the body muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. Being completely peaceful and relaxed your thinking becomes clearer and you feel refreshed.
Through these two experiments the importance of your thought or attitude should become apparent. If you have ever tried repressing your emotions, you have probably found that it doesnt work. However, when people attempt to inhibit emotional expression, the emotions begin building until the internal pressure becomes so great that something has to give. This pressure is usually released through an organ or gland resulting in an illness or disease - the physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil allowed to be released. This can be further seen within the possible malfunctioning of the brain which will be discussed later.
Lets begin with a look at the mild or simple depressive states. Everyone deals with emotional pressures on a day to day basis. Some people get up on the wrong side of the bed, others merely have one of those days, while still others just didnt mean to say what they did. Whatever excuse is used, it still come back to the same problem of emotional fluctuation.
If people do tend to inhibit emotional expression and the results are as we have discussed - a disharmonious condition in the physical body in addition to the attitude and outlook we choose to assume with ourselves and others - then what is the proper way of handling emotional pressures? The answer is not emotional tantrums, rather a learning to control your emotional excesses. If you dive beneath the emotions you are experiencing and examine what triggered that emotion, you can begin to understand the root or cause of that emotion. This understanding will point to the mental attitude.
This process is not an easy one, but at the same time it is only as difficult as you make it. It calls for sincere honesty and a disassociation from the experience itself, placing the attention on the core or cause. This is going beneath the reaction to the attitude that caused the reaction.
Consider the son of a famous actor who attempts to create his own public image. He sets out on his own, spurning connection with his successful father, supplies his own capital and education, and ventures into an acting career across the globe. Not being adept in the mechanics of film, he fails, losing his money and his bid for fame. He becomes engrossed with the thoughts of his fathers ridicule and scorn. After a period of depression, he develops a digestive problem and a nervous condition.
Or consider a woman who finally decides to marry and have a family of her own. She sets up house in her own way, despite criticism from her mother, and functions effectively until she becomes pregnant. Though she has outwardly upheld her conviction to function totally independently of her mother, inwardly the insecurity has been building concerning her ability to handle her situation as effectively as her mother. She miscarries, becoming consumed in the thoughts that she is not as adequately equipped to handle the responsibility of family as her mother.
In both instances look beyond the initial reactions and ensuing depression. For both individuals there was the concern for the parents response to Self. This was based on the persons own fear of rejection and criticism, viewing himself as a failure. If these individuals had realized the true source of their situation they could have counteracted the loss felt in what they considered failure. Consider the following health reading excerpt explaining this attitude and its effect on the physical body:
This one is seen at this time as desiring a change in presentation of Self, feeling that those aspects of self are no longer that which this one is desiring in the present. This one is seen as desiring a change within social and physical environment, seen as considering these experiences not of value, and desiring that of a more assimilating nature. This one is seen as fearing how others will see her presentation if any change is made. This one is seen as being very sensitive to opinions of Self that others will think of her. This one is seen as functioning a great deal from this fear of rejection from others and as often being within situations that are performed through fear of rejection rather than what is a desire of Self. This one is seen as holding a great deal of security in those material things that can be gathered and associated with Self rather than placing the security within Self and recognizing the value and beauty within her total self. This one is seen as formulating many fears and in constant situations of flux due to the fear of rejection and those attitudes of others towards Self. Would suggest to this one to formulate goals to consider Self as the most important thing and individual within existence-that to disappoint this most important individual is to disappoint all of existence. For this ones progression and growth should be of upmost concern to Self rather than those attitudes of others related to others toward this one in the physical association of accumulation of matter. Would suggest to this one that the feelings of boredom that this one experiences would be through the feeling of disappointment of Self. Would suggest to this one that the examination of these feelings would be beneficial to progression. Would suggest that opportunities that are presented are presented because of desire for change and that when a decision is made follow through with activity. If there is an incorrect decision there can at that point be made another decision to change thus correcting any possible incorrect decisions. Would also suggest the observation of how emotions are manipulated by others towards this one and how this one is manipulated through her emotions. This is seen as occurring through her fear of rejection of Self. Would suggest the formulating of those reasons and activities where this one can see those things which have been accomplished and the value of Self. Holding these in mind when these attitudes of emotion and rejection are presented - not allowing that presentation of Self to effect Self,- holding to those goals and decisions formulated within as a challenge to at last satisfy those goals of Self rather than others goals. This one is seen as most beautiful with much value, much to give, there is merely the need to recognize these opportunities of giving to others and giving to self from the beauty within. When this is accomplished, the satisfaction will be felt that is desired. #87761
As with this individual the importance of setting goals for Self will alleviate detrimental influences from the environment. Each person has abilities which outshine others merely because each individual has different inherited characteristics, background and training. The parental influence, as mentioned earlier, can be a significant factor also:
We see this one having formed a pattern from the past period, having direct relationship to the situation with the parents, of attempting constantly to gain approval and prove the Self in his intentions and in his activities. We see this one going to great lengths in order to show others that he has the knowledge that is needed in seeking this type of approval. We see at times his expression being quite boisterous in order to do this. But we see as the expression becomes more boisterous, the insecurity of the Self becomes more prominent also. Would suggest to this one to view his expression very closely, while inherent within it is the key to his personality needs. We see this one has much to offer other individuals but because he tends to express so strongly and so much energy into his outer presentation, he forgets to project mentally to them. We see that this holds this one back in the manner and quality of his expression and he does not achieve the purpose that he desires for himself. We see this one attempting to project one manner of expression but inwardly feeling another one. We see it is necessary at this time that this one bring into alignment these various attitudes so that he might express in a more true form that which he feels strongly. #87766
This recognition of Self as a fully functioning being apart from others and the environment, requires a removal of the attention from initial reactions of shame, self-rejection, and fear. Failures usually elicit a greater personal judgment whether positive or negative. The negative will enfold itself leading to a deeper negativity and depression. The positive will allow greater understanding and future success in coming experiences. In this way emotional turmoil is eliminated and replaced with a positive, correct and practical view of Self.
In analyzing any negative emotion, one has to conclude that insecurity in one form or another is at the core of the reaction. From insecurity arises hate, prejudice, doubt of Self, fear, jealousy, worry, envy, suspicion, and much more. When channeled outward to the environment, security becomes a threat to the individuals concerned.
We see also this one has a strong propensity to attach herself to other individuals, gleaning from them strength and becoming quite dependent upon them. We see that this is not in accord to the desire of the Self and would suggest that the dissatisfaction and frustration that this one feels at times is a direct result from this dependency and attachment. Would suggest that the freedom this one seeks will be a direct result from this one releasing others and concentrating all her attention upon her own progress, seeing that the others can be tools for her to use in implementing her progress, but that her primary job is to affect a period of growth which will prove to be very pleasing and satisfying to the Self. We see many of the attitudes that have been formed have been in effect throughout the lifetime and we see it as a result of this one being raised with the thoughts that others are more important than herself. Would suggest that this one review this closely and understand that to the Self, the Self is the most important, and to begin recognizing the duties and responsibilities because of this. We see this one has not placed enough attention in this area and therefore has not grown to appreciate and love her own qualities and attributes. We see this one tends to respond quite emotionally to the environment that she has placed herself in and we see because of this emotional stress and strain the physical body has responded in a corresponding manner. We see this is evident throughout the nervous system at this time, creating an uneven flow of energy within this area and creating much waste because of the emotional expression. We see the body attempting to balance this energy flow but because the emotional expression has become quite unsteady and sporadic, the system has had great difficulty in making its adjustments and creating a fluidity or flow. We see this as reducing greatly the vitality of the body. We see this one being quite alert and stimulated for short periods of time but requiring rest in order to keep this level of activity constant. We see also this one has not found a benefit of removing self from the environment and other individuals in order to seek the peace and solitude of the self. Would suggest to this one to begin evaluating this process and incorporating it into her own self. #87764
Mans basic need is to feel secure and all action is instituted to fill this inner need. The desire for money, power, love, and health are his externalization of the inner drive for security. Whenever the attention is placed on the external objects or circumstances at the forfeiture of Self, depression is the next step. This is the cause of depression; your attitude toward yourself and how you function in your environment. Is your manner of viewing Self constructively effective or destructively consuming?
The most striking part of the human brain is the cerebral cortex which is used by the conscious mind. The cortex holds all language centers controlling speech, the visual centers, and all centers for interpretation of sensations. Information from any physical energy stimulus reaches the cerebral cortex via lengthy, thick brain tracts. Some of these contain nerves directly from the sensory organ (fingers, eyes, tongue) to the cortex itself. Through these large tracts, sensory information travels from all parts of the body at extraordinary speed to be analyzed by the brain.
Until twenty years ago, it was believed that this was all there was to sensation; however, more intensive research proved that nerves from the sensory pathways enter the brain stem. Here they diverge from the main path becoming intermingled with a network of small nerves within the reticular activating system. Through these nerves, environmental perceptions are integrated with information already stored in the brain and with internal bodily sensations which are transmitted up the spinal cord into the brain stem and hypothalamus. At this time the perceptual information is integrated with emotion by the hypothalamus and limbic system. This series of physical interactions conveys the emotional or subconscious reaction to each perception for the conscious mind. Once the perception is stored as memory, that memory is tagged with these associated feeling states. What the individual does about future stimuli which he has previously experienced, depends as much on the emotional reaction as on its conscious, intellectual information reaction.
In other words, if you were bitten by a dog at age seven, this experience was received by the cortex via the nervous system allowing you to consciously recognize what had occurred. Before the experience can be interpreted by the reasoning ability of the conscious mind, the energy is transmitted through the hypothalamus bringing the emotional reactions of astonishment, fear and pain into effect. The emotional reaction and the conscious recognition of what has taken place seem to be simultaneous reactions; however, they are actually consecutive. In instances unpremeditated by the conscious mind the subconscious emotional reaction take place first. Due to the unexpectancy of the stimulus, the emotional reaction is uncontrolled and usually not understood. In this case, the child who is bitten by the dog may develop and irrational (eg. not using the reasoning processes of the conscious mind) fear or emotional reaction to any similar situation in the future. This would be the memory tag.
The brain stem appears to be little more than a broad upward extension of the spinal cord, but this crucial structure connects the spinal nerves to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is not only connected to the cortex but also to the pituitary. The pituitary acts as the intermediary between the cortex and hypothalamus, creating a physical link between the conscious and subconscious minds as the interpreter of energies. Enclosing the brain stem and hypothalamus is the limbic system, utilized by the subconscious mind to govern emotions and memory.
For the most part, the spinal cord acts as a transmitter of energy and information from the higher centers within the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa. It is the most primitive system of nerves showing how the brain has evolved from the lowest of animals to man. The brain stem is also a critical regulatory center for many primitive but essential body functions. The controlling centers for breathing and the heartbeat are centered here.
One of the most important functions of the brain stem is the reticular activating system. This intricate meshwork of nerves plays a crucial role in regulating awareness. Damage to the reticular activating system can plunge an animal or man into an irreversible coma. Tumors or blood clots in other areas of the brain often kill the individual simply because they squeeze the affected portion of the brain and mechanical pressures are transmitted to the brain stem terminating the vital functions.
The cerebellum appears as a completely separate portion of the brain. It is organized in a more systematic or machine-like fashion than any other part of the brain and reacts much like a computer, with feedback loops to convey commands for coordinated movements.
The subconscious mind working through the hypothalamus controls the state of internal body organs. In most humans, the pituitary gland is controlled directly by the hypothalamus. According to their emotional state the hypothalamus secretes hormones called releasing factors into a collection of small blood vessels that connect the hypothalamus and pituitary. Upon reaching the pituitary, these releasing factors activate the release of important hormones of the pituitary which are transmitted throughout the body activating glands. When there is mental stress causing a disruptive emotional state, the conscious reasoning is impaired causing a physical dysfunction in the glandular system.
We see this one having formed many conflicting attitudes which cause a degree of confusion within the Self at this point. We see this one to feel a great need for activity, but we see because of the rebellious nature of these thoughts this one feels uncomfortable with the activity. We see coupled with this is a strong desire for peace and harmony within the life pattern at this point. We see this one having great difficulty in coordinating these thoughts and desires. Would suggest to this one that the desire for peace and harmony is one projected from the Self, and the one of the thought of conflict and rebellions suggested to her by others cannot both exist within the Self without causing turmoil. And we see that this is the prime source of irritation from this one presently. We see this one as desiring strongly to seek approval from others and when this one has not done this to a satisfactory degree this one feels great rejection for Self. Would suggest to this one that the rejection that she experiences is from the Self only and is not projected from the others. That the rejection of the Self is the most devastating type of energy lost and the projection of rejection from others is of unimportance to her at this point. We see that much of this is over emphasized in her mind and because of the vividness of her imagination this one is unable to perceive this situation correctly at this point. We see the emotional body corresponding with this flow of energy in so far as when the imagination is stimulated the emotions become stimulated also and reduce again into a further degree the ability to perceive the situation correctly and interpret the energies as they come to her. We see within the physical functioning, the body itself to be strong but the imbalance to be within the endocrine system at this point. For we see through past actions of this one and due to the mental attitudes described, the pituitary has diminished in its function to the degree that the reception of vibrations is incorrect. We see that in order to create a correct interpretation and flow of energy this one must direct great amounts of attention and concentration to effect this purpose. We see because of action not only this lifetime but of previous ones, the ability of this one to create this correct interpretation has been greatly diminished and would require much attention of a conscious and constant nature in order to correct this. We see that the thyroid has taken over many functions of the pituitary in attempting to gain balance in this body in stimulating the organs and creating harmony. We see because this is not its normal role, the functioning of this at times is quite fluctuating in so far as there is more thyroxin projected into the system than necessary and we see this as creating a condition of nervousness. We see again this is a very sporadic condition and is not in evidence at all time. But we see when it is in evidence it become quite stressful. We see also the energy cycles of this body are quite sporadic as far as there is a great amount of energy released through the physical for periods of time followed by periods of complete depletion. We see that these flows are not steady and complete. We see this again creating some attitudes of depression within the self. We see this one has great strength within the mental and within all other areas as well. We see this is not always used to her benefit. #8227617
For the most part the cerebral cortex, a layer of cells about 1/4th inch thick and containing seven billion cells, can be thought of as an advanced computer which the conscious mind programs. It is here that the conscious mind thinks, reasons, remembers, calculates, and judges. It is the conscious minds use of the cortex which separates man from animals. In the depressive state, the instrument the conscious mind uses - the cortex - is physically normal. There is no tumor, no infection, no degeneration, no physical disease of any type. Whatever intelligence was present before the depression is still functional, the effective use of this by the conscious mind is diminished however.
The core of the brain, the diencephalon which contains the hypothalamus, acts basically as the nervous power center controlled by the subconscious emotional center. It is this power which activates the functioning of the cortex. When the hypothalamus is malfunctional, the entire computer relaying system of the cortex is effected. For instance, if a highly complex computer is connected by an electric outlet which releases only low voltage or amperage, the machine is effected. This erratic energy, because there is not the flow of electricity requited for normal functioning, will cause the computer to take longer to solve a problem, there will be long spaces between conclusions or in the middle of conclusions, even though the computer itself is in perfect working order.
We see this one has formed within the physical body, many tensions and restrictions along the spinal area in regard to his great concern of demonstrating to others the properties of Self that he desires them to see. We see this one as having expressed from the past many pressures because of this attitude and we see, though, that this one is beginning to release many of these pressures and restrictions. We see that the process has not been to release many of these pressures and restrictions. We see that the process has not been complete, for we see the muscle fibers as creating some restriction in the energy transmissions along the spinal area and we see also that this has caused a compressing so to speak, of certain vertebrae within the spinal area. We see this particularly true at the upper thoracic region and we see it most prominent at the region of the seventh cervical vertebra and first and second thoracic. We see also a degree of calcium accumulation within this area and less of a curvature at the cervical area. We see this also reflected within the lower spine in producing a lateral curve within the lumbar region. We see the body releasing many of the toxins that have been accumulated of the past. We see the nervous system as becoming more functional at this point and the transmission clearer and stronger. We see this as increasing the reasoning ability also. We see the transmissions of the past from the area of the thalamus and pituitary to have been diminished. We see though that this is slowly in the process of change. It has not been complete at this point but due to the activity of this Self, the process becomes clearer on a daily basis. #86766
So it is with the brain. During the depressive state, as with many other psychological disorders ,there is nothing wrong with the information stored in the cortex. The problem lies in the misuse of the emotion causing a malfunction in the hypothalamic power supply required to operate and stimulate the thinking process. When in the biochemical illness, the hypothalamus supplies only a small amount to the power needed by the cortex, the impulses are sluggish and erratic; therefore, there is sluggishness in thinking and difficulty in making decisions, concentrating and remembering. When the hypothalamus is recharged all these thinking processes will gain function normally.
Within the depressed state, there is nothing wrong with the intelligence of the individual, but the ability of the thinking process is hampered. As a result of this deficiency of energy, the person in a depressed state cannot grasp ideas as quickly as before. He loses much in the decision-making processes and understanding capabilities due to the erratic energy flow from the subconscious to the conscious mind. He becomes unimaginative, not utilizing his creative abilities.
This person will also suffer from a loss of concentrative power. Concentration depends upon a sustained focusing of energy, and this process is impaired because of the inadequate power supply. Likewise, in order to effectively make decisions, mental energy is required to direct ones thoughts through a given channel, excluding extraneous thoughts in concentrating. However, even within the depressed state, you will find that in emergency situations the extra power needed is generated by the subconscious mind. Your intelligence and information stored in the brain is always present. It can be utilized by the conscious mind - to decide - when the motivation is strong enough.
We see once again the lack of concern within this one for the Self and for the life. Would suggest to this one that this motivation and the fullness of life can only be seen for the Self by theSelf and that this must be stimulated in the effort put out by the Self to see and to realize this. Would suggest to this one that the placement of this ones attention and the priorities of this one be examined. Would suggest to this one to make decisions upon the present priorities and to determine for the Self which ones would be the most beneficial for Self. Would suggest also that this one place the attention upon what this one is involved in within any given time. As within the past, this can cause mishaps for the Self and for others. Would suggest to this one with the realization of the beauty and the purpose of this ones existence that the placement of the attention could be easily developed for this one. #87762
There are various methods old and new for restimulating this energy connection with the brain from psychotherapy to drug therapy to electroconvulsive therapy to hospitalization, but these often leave the individual with a false sense of security primarily because there is still the dependence upon a person, concept, or physical object outside the Self. These methods can be and have proven to be successful in many cases; however, the strength built through probing and understanding your thoughts, attitudes, and the causes of your depression will be worth more to you than any treatment currently available. When depending upon your Self and your own willpower, there are no relapses.
To more deeply understand the impairment of energy which occurs between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland entails a study of energy. Nearly all problems within the mind, emotions, and body result from the obstruction of energies. When dis-ease occurs, the individual does not have a free circulation of energy within these structures. The primary cause for this lack of distribution is tension. Tension creates an area through which energy cannot adequately flow.
When an area is victimized by obstruction or by the lack of energy, degeneration begins immediately. Any area which is deprived of energy becomes a potential killer within the body. The mind and body will provide a defense as long as possible; however, if the area is constantly bombarded by tension and stress the body function will be impaired, injuring an important part of the vital existence. If this is allowed to continue it will ultimately destroy the entire body.
In this way any impairment of energy flow will effect all mental processes, not just the attitude which created the impairment. If the individual continues to restrict this flow by destructive thinking, negative emotions or habits, he will destroy his physical body. To treat the emotions in a similar manner-not controlling them for a constructive purpose-will result in confusion within the mental attitudes.
We see this one to create within the mind many obstacles which in truth do not exist. We see this one again as attempting to reach perfection too quickly and as not already appreciating the growth that has previously been achieved. We see this one has a tendency to hold back the emotions to feel it is unnecessary to express these. Would suggest that part of the difficulty is in not recognizing the value in emotions as they are. Would suggest that this one recognize the emotions as a source of energy and to allow this to be channeled and directed in a positive way to increase her influence in a beneficial way not only to Self but to others. We see this as in direct alignment with her personal goals. We see within the physical body due to the holding back of many thoughts and expressions there is a tendency toward restriction within the body itself. We see also there is indicated a cleansing process which is taking place releasing many aspects and toxins from the body, each area in accordance with the other. We see this creates a somewhat sporadic cycle of energy for this one for we see at this point, the body has not completely adjusted to these releases. We see this then causing some fluctuation in the functioning of the endocrine system. We see though at this point the adjustments are being made, would require patience and tolerance on this ones part, and to bear with it until these have been completed. We see at this point because of the chemical nature of this system and organs there are some fluctuations in the functioning in certain areas. We see primarily this is the thyroid and also the female organs. We see also as a secondary result to this, the nervous system becomes traumatized at times reacting related to the lack of release of emotions. As this is recognized as being important, the nervous system will calm itself and the other systems will follow suit also. We see the hormonal area as being somewhat disturbed but we see again the adjustments are being made in order to bring this into proper alignment. #97762
The thought and emotion must be guarded, protected, and wisely used. For the moment anything happens to them, the distribution of life force is effected. Death is the termination of life force, and all things that develop negative temperaments and patterns are slowly dying. They will finally reach the point where the energy is not longer able to maintain the structure at all.
In every case, it is important to realize that clear, constructive, creative thinking directed toward solving rather then excusing, injures no one and is free from negative implications. This type of thought is the greatest protector of mental energy. It prevents the individual from gradually losing control of his mental faculties enabling the energy flow to move unrestricted throughout the mind, emotions, and physical body.
The same is true of the emotions. Affections properly expressed, an appreciation of beauty, and the desire to create serve as a release to circulate the constructive flow of energy. The reverse of these create emotional pressure which immediately disturb emotional flow.
The same is also true of physical energies. These energies have to be directed consciously to maintain the body in its proper functioning order. If your thoughts are imbalanced and uneven, your physical systems energy flow will reflect this.
We see this one to have produced much sensitivity within the Self in relationship to an attitude of great sensitiveness of the response of others to him. We see this one has a tendency of expecting rejection from others and has created such a strong pattern of expectation in this regard that he finds it where it exists not. We see also this one has built a defense mechanism within Self which does not allow him to see the disharmony he creates within his own mental pattern. For we see this one to attempt to view all matters as a state of harmony. We see a type of delusion within his attitudes resultant from this, and we see this one to find a state of confusion for many periods of time. We see this one having a tendency to withdraw into solitude many times-after spending much time with people-for we see this one, because of the insecurity of his own expression, to be unable to rejuvenate himself in the presence of others. We see the cycles of energy entering and leaving this one to be quite unstable at the present time because of his insecurity in dealing with others openly. We see one of the greatest areas of difficulty is communication, vocally, to others, for we see this one to feel that if he speaks openly and honestly of his feelings that the rejection will be immediate and spontaneous. We see therefore the resultant attitudes of defense which have been considered. We see this one deeply dependent upon these mental attitudes of defense which have been considered. We see emotional reactions compounding this. We see much energy expended within these areas of the emotions and increasing the instability of the energy flows to the physical. We see the physical body functioning correspondingly in a very sporadic rate for we see as this one does not receive the periods in length and quality of isolation needed, the physical becomes depleted, for we see this one does not replace within the body, the amounts in like proportion to the amounts expended to others. We see the structure itself strong. We see, though, the body to have a certain sensitivity which has been given, which creates an openness to viral attacks. We see infections are easily absorbed within this system and we see general areas of weakness in accordance with this ones thought patterns. We see at this point the lung structure and tissue of the respiratory system in total are weakened and vulnerable. We see there is not infection as such at this point but would note the weakened structures as having followed a pattern of visualized formation within this body and would suggest to this one that as he views Self in an inadequate manner-as being inadequate-the body will follow this direction in producing inadequacies and weaknesses. We see this as being the case within this system and extending into the head area producing somewhat enlargements of the sinus areas and accumulations of mucous productions. We see, again, this is quite sporadic in its nature, and would suggest to this one to refer to the emotional state in observing the clue to the origin of manufacture of histamines within this area. We see a tendency to produce caustic toxins within the body and to hold these longer than would be desirable, therefore increasing the weaknesses of certain areas. We see this as a tendency of the kidneys at this time, we see though it has not resulted in infection at this time but would not the tendency toward that, in creating the intensities of toxins within these areas. We see at this point the body is in a healthy state. #95762
It is necessary to consider the individual as a unit. Energy emanates from all living things, all patterns, all forms, and organizations existing in nature. This energy emanation can be referred to as vibration. The subject of vibration can easily be understood if you will consider the transmissions through television or radio. Both utilize an organized pattern of energy or vibration. The energy transmitted from a radio or broadcasting station is carried as waves of vibration which are reintegrated by the receiving sets in our homes so that this energy can be heard or seen.
This physical example implies that vibration is merely a motion of energy. This energy upon reaching the properly organized receiving instrument can be immediately restored into its original pattern, as with sight images passing into the brain. Thus energy is carried not only in appearance, but in its substance or essence by a type of motion which is inherent in the waves themselves.
Within man, each thought creates a vibratory pattern. The process of thinking results in a type of pattern. The mental process as with the visual depends on vibration. As with attitudes and emotions causing physical disorders, an individual can cause physical vibrations to be expressed in a readily noticeable form by speaking or by striking an instrument that is resonant.
There are two things to consider when studying vibrations: one is the vibratory force itself, and second is the medium or instrument by which it is released into expression. For instance, a thought can be the vibratory pattern and the medium can be speech or physical action. So it is with any thought whether or not it is consciously expressed verbally or physically. Any thought you have will seek expression. If not consciously carried into the physical, the thought will gather more and more energy creating a more powerful vibratory pattern until finally the expression is manifested in an explosion of anger, passion or even a physical disease.
So there is a greater understanding of the power of thought, and a more readily recognizable need to control each thought we create. Uncontrolled thought may be compared to static on a radio set. For instance, you may turn the dial to a certain station. Immediately you will pick up the vibrations of what is being transmitted by the original broadcasting station whether this is music, news, or commentary. The remainder of the channels are cut off; however, they still exist. You are merely attuning your receiving set to a particular frequency of vibration. At times static may appear, and static like the uncontrolled thought, will distort the reception of the vibration you desire to receive. It is important to use the reasoning faculties of the conscious mind to control thought to our benefit rather than our detriment.
We see at this point the reasoning faculties as being developed within the vehicle used by this one; however the usage of the reasoning abilities as corresponding to the lifetime related. Would suggest to this one that this one has struggled very hard to develop the reasoning processes and would suggest that these be utilized for the full benefit of the Self. Would suggest to this one that the basis of this ones growth and the basis of this one recognizing the value within the Self is upon using the decision-making processes. Would suggest to this one that the full potential and capabilities for observance and correlations and of making correct and beneficial decisions is within the Self and if this is not utilized, then decisions are made for Self by others which may not be quite so beneficial. Would suggest also that this one recognized that attention is being placed upon the benefit of the Self and of other; however, this one does not recognize the responsibility that is placed upon the Self for this recognition. Would suggest that his one look within the Self and begin to choose and formulate those thoughts particularly that will aid in the progression and the happiness of the Self. #910762
Often we take these examples of vibratory patterns for granted. We often fail to realize that we do live in a world of vibratory forces. The world itself is a reflection of man, and if we can begin to recognize the vibrations around us we can begin to see similar vibratory patterns within ourselves.
Any situation will hold its own particular vibration. We may find this pleasant or unpleasant. When something offends us, something happens within us that is not beneficial, and we become depressed or emotionally disturbed. If we perpetuate our contact with this displeasing object, we gradually become immune to it or indifferent to it. In this way we become accustomed to things-faults within ourselves and around us.
It is important to realize that each human being is a center of vibratory activity. Each person has a keynote of his own which distinguishes him from all other living things, creating his own individual vibratory pattern. Throughout life, an individual will respond to those vibrations which respond to his own keynote, hence we choose our friends, career, dress, and even the type of music we prefer. There are also vibrations which will cause the individual distress and discomfort. While to another these may be met with indifference or pleasure. This is a result of the difference in vibratory patterns.
Any effect which we experience is simply the result of setting into motion an attitude, a thought, a rate of vibration. This attitude will bombard the mind, emotions, and physical body. The effect will be a reflection of the quality of the attitude. It thus becomes obvious that the preservation of beneficial attitudes will have an effect upon the state of health. If one is careful with this type of thought which he permits to arise within himself he will be rewarded by the fact that he is not creating a detrimental vibratory pattern within his own body. If he creates detrimental patterns he will injure some part of his composite nature.
Not only does each individual have a specific vibratory pattern but also a type of voluntary sometimes referred to as an aura. The magnetic or energy vibration field of the average individual is a restricted area. Under norman conditions, the individual is sending out his own vibration from a center, much like the sun. A person radiates from this center, emanating himself into his environment, creating a sphere of influence for those around him. This emanation, as with the sun, consists of a motion of energy usually referred to as an aura. In this way your attitude reflects into the environment.
If a person is positive, active in pursuing tasks in an organized manner, he will use the patterns around him. He will permeate his surroundings with his own atmosphere-strengthening the magnetic field around him. However, if there is division, discord, or inharmony within him, he loses most of the protective power within his own magnetic field. There is no common strength against outside vibratory patterns. If we have both beneficial and unbeneficial patterns within ourselves we will draw both qualities from the situations we place ourselves in.
When an individuals vibratory energy field is weakened the effect is felt within the mental attitudes, emotions, and the physical body. He will be mentally influenced continually not being able to hold his own point of view.
We see there are also some chemicals which are lacking within this body, because of the structural nervous system. We see because of the erratic and uneven flow of energy emanating from this form, the chemicals are wasted at times and we see this is particularly true of certain mineral substances. We see iron as being depleted to a small degree at this point. We see also the probability of this rising if this one does not learn control of these attitudes. We see the need for potassium to some degree and B vitamins in conjunction with the depletion of iron in order to support the correct utilization of this within the system. We see at times this one creating a high pressure within the circulatory system. Would suggest that this one learn to relax and appreciate the situations as they appear to her without allowing Self to become over concerned. #86761
If the individual continually denies the right to control emotions, he will allow himself to be misused by others, and physically have no resistance to disease and little recuperative power if some ailment is created. This is clearly a misuse of Self created by the disregard for strengthening the vibratory pattern through understanding each thought.
A well integrated person will use the abundance of energy available to protect his concept of Self. It is as though he is surrounded by a wall of strength that resists anything detrimental. If an individual does not foster this strength vibrations in the environment can become a part of the individuals vibratory pattern. If one is negative, tired, or exhausted, he may be willing to accept negative vibration. According to his own energy field, disease will or will not effect him. The moment the individuals energy resistance is depleted he loses his fortifications. If he loses control of his energy then he suffers in a variety of ways. The most common is by the individuals himself, allowing attitudes to dominate him, pressures to control him, and creating conflicting emotional and mental energy within himself. This creates exhaustion without production.
We see this one once again to have very strong desires to be independent and to rely upon the Self. We see this one, in conjunction with this, as having a strong desire to make decisions for the Self and control the life of Self. We see once again this one being in situations and relationships in which those surrounding the Self are in a sense dominant and are strong in the expression of the Self. Would suggest to this one to alleviate the feelings and discomfort of feeling confined and within areas in control of others, and that this one merely begin making decisions for the Self. Would suggest tot this one that this ones ideas and opinions are what this ones decisions should be based upon and not the ideas and opinion of others. Would suggest to this one also that this does determine this ones future circumstances and the future changes within the Self and that making decisions for the Self is a very serious matter for the Self. #911762
Each ailment has its own vibration, each disease has its own psychic integration or organism. There is a constant interplay of vibration within any area. Every psychological mood is itself a rate of vibration, and each psychological image including a dream image is also a vibratory entity. Each vibratory entity comes into existence around a core or center of activity.
The moment we fear anything our defenses crumble, immediately our vibration energy is reduced. Fear causes that which we fear to come to us. Therefore the first thing we can do to impose on someone else is to frighten them, and the most common way we can defeat ourselves is to become afraid. In this way we do attract those things we fear.
The individual must realize that unless his energy is created in a pattern of strength, he will find a constant inflowing pattern of energy from situations around him. He must be strong as a unit within a situation or the situation will likely seem to drown him. It will not actually do so, but he will pass through all the discomforts and misfortunes of feeling that this is occurring. So it is of the upmost importance for a person too preserve and maintain the source of his own strength. Unless he does so, he will find himself receptive to common trouble from within and without. The more he permits his own nature to become negative and the more fearful he will become, and the more likely he will be to impair his own energy fields. If he confronts all negativism with a positive value, he will be able to protect himself effectively.
We see this one attempting at this point to adjust many of the attitudes and groping, so to speak, in order to formulate the correct attitude and expression of Self. We see this one has at this point been quite concerned over presentation of Self to others and in their response to him. We see that this has held him back much in growth and expression. We see through his acceptance by others and we see because of this, this one has become freer and more beautiful in his presentation, thereby alleviating the original cause of concern. We see also this one has a strong urge to give in certain ways but we see this as creating some degree of frustration at this point, for we see that this one has not clearly formulated the method and means of projecting Self in the act of service as he has desired. We see part of this as having to do with the formulating of a clear and defined goal in this area, for we see that because of past actions this one has not completely changed his thinking pattern into incorporating this into the Self, but we see the efforts and actions as being in this direction and would encourage this one at this point that although the progress may seem slowed and difficult at times, the results are evident. Would suggest that this one look at those in a very subtle ways for they are present. We see that this one tends not to recognize these for many periods of time but we see that this one is slowly coming to the realization of the value of Self in these areas. #87766
Whether we view this as a psychological problem, a mysterious scientific process, or merely a conflict in energy, we will always come to the same conclusion. The only answer to avoid creeping negation is the integration of Self. The individual can be able to handle any external pressures whether difficulties with parents or spouse, disasters in business, or societal pressures. If these are allowed to be integrated into Self, he reduces and impairs his resources considerably. He can expect certain ailments in blood pressure, hampered circulation, and other chemistry malfunctions according to the mistakes he is making mentally and emotionally.
The best answer we have is that we should tune into all we need to know, but only to the degree that we can use what we see or hear in a constructive way.
We see within this one once again, some degrees of impatience and frustration directed toward the Self. We see as before, within the physical environment, this one controlling and curbing this in the control of the physical actions and these decisions; however, we see within the emotional and mental systems, this one holding this impatience and frustration towards the Self and this creating an uncomfortableness and a tenseness within the Self. We see the utilization once again of the tools seem by Self to be of benefit to Self. We see opportunities as recognized by this one for the fulfillment of desires stated within the past. Would suggest to this one through an even greater recognition of the value of Self and through the decision making processes which this one does follow the desires of the inner self and makes the decisions for Self, that the hurt and misunderstanding that is seen by this one of others towards these decisions not be taken upon the Self. We see this done in some cases to a great extent. Would suggest to this one through an even greater recognition of the value of Self, not only to others but for the Self, that this one would be able to relieve much more of taking the frustrations of others upon Self within the context already begun. #27762
If we take a problem, mastering it slowly step by step, we will be able to handle larger and larger amounts, correcting the thoughts and their effects as we progress. The individual always has the right to determine what he will accept into his vibratory pattern - the types of people he knows, the books he will read, the temperance of his own living. He has every possible opportunity for a positive existence if he will only choose to take it.
This constructive channeling of energy through the mental attitude of reconstructing the view of the Total Self refines the vibratory pattern, creating a stronger healthier energy field. This refinement is projected into the environment with a continuing peace and contentment which radiates from the core of this positive vibratory pattern.
Part III
Creating Causes to Control Effects
Reconstructing Your View of Self
Dont Defeat Your Purpose
Reconstructing Your View of Self
When you make the decision to apply your efforts in a constructive, positive way toward rebuilding your concept of Self, it is important to use any and every situation as a tool for growth and further understanding. By remaining objective and controlling your emotions your can see the cause behind each mental action, allowing yourself the fullest benefit in each situation.
Would suggest also that there is no escape from the situation as he has created it, for it is presented as a learning opportunity and if the opportunity is denied it will be presented over and over again; therefore, to attempt escape is a waste of energy and an erroneous conception on his part. #8227627
If you can remember that it is not the situation itself but your attitude toward it that makes it appear either good or bad, annoying or pleasant, you will begin realizing the effect your thoughts have on your actions, that indeed each act begins with the thought.
One of the easiest places to start in your reconstruction of Self is with your environment. Any serious delving into Self necessitates honesty. In viewing your environment honesty is required, for the moment you allow yourself to become emotionally attached to the situation at hand you have lost your ability to remain objective and honestly evaluate the implications. When you can maintain control of the emotions, you can begin to readily see how your attitude effects the people and circumstances which you attract to yourself.
You probably know someone who can walk into any crowd and immediately the conversation becomes livelier - the atmosphere seems to thrive on their presence. You probably also know someone who always seems to spread a cloud of gloom wherever they go; their depressive attitude not only affects them but also those in the environment. Now review your own circumstances, on which end of the spectrum do you fall?
Actually there is no mystery why this phenomena occurs. Those in the environment are merely reflecting the attitude of the individual. If this is possible, then is it not also possible that every attitude you have affects others? This emphasizes the importance of making sure whatever attitude or thought you are projecting to others is reflecting what you desire. In any situation where what you expect is not the same as what you are receiving look at your attitude for here too a cycle of energy is created.
We see this one again as having much beauty within to give to others, and we see a strong desire to understand the cycle of energy as opposed to the point of receiving and returning this again in giving. We see this one again becoming involved in the emotional state because of the lack of Self to recognize the fullness of this return. Would suggest to this one to begin understanding the usage of energy by loving the Self. We see that the origin of this discomfort begins from not recognizing the beauty and worth of her own expression. Would suggest that this one spend an amount of time in completely evaluating and analyzing the qualities that she demonstrates to others of her own expression. Would suggest the ways that these are attractive and magnetic to them be admitted and to begin to see that these are very good for her, and do not need to be used in a manipulative way. When this is done this one can begin to open herself up in reception to the love that comes to her. We see the cycle of energy being blocked from the standpoint of lack of appreciation of the Self. Would suggest to this one also that there is much beauty and much to give and to not doubt that. #726762
Would see also this one doubts his ability to draw to him the love that is needed in order to reinforce the Self value. We see partially this is due to past experience but partially it is due to his inability and lack of activity in creating love within himself and projecting this to others. Would suggest to this one that all cycles begin within Self, that if the activity is not projected from Self in giving love, then there will not be any return to him. Would suggest therefore, this one begin by projecting unconditionally to all he comes in contact with and realizing that because of this there will never be a stop in the flow to him. #8227627
This is where real honesty comes in, for you will have to be honest with yourself in order to truly detect your attitudes. The people you associate with, their goals, desires, tastes, and manner of presentation are what you have to you for greater understanding. In this way, each has something of value to offer you if you will only use the information presented. This does not imply a condemnation or judgement on your part; however, it does require evaluation and application of that analysis to the Self.
These people and things which you attract, hold a very special importance to you. Most will reflect both your positive and negative qualities. It is easy to recognize why we like or admire someone, but do you realize that you have this quality within your Self? When this appreciation becomes an envy or jealousy within your own attitude, can you remain objective enough to realize that this also is a quality within your Self? This is where honesty comes in. To view others, recognizing the bad and the good, and apply this to Self for greater understanding is the first step toward gaining control of Self. If you can recognize and admit those aspects then you have taken the first step toward reconstrucinting your Concept of Self.
The conscious mind, that part of mind which functions with the physical body on a day to day basis, will lie to you. It is the conscious ego which deceives you into thinking you are better or lesser than someone else.
We see this one as having difficulties in seeing the Self clearly and as having difficulties in bringing to the Self what this one desires. Would suggest to this one that the previous attitudes are held within the present time in a different manner. Would suggest to this one that the intent has changed upon the part of the Self; however, the value in expressing the Self or in associating and exchanging with the others is not seen. Would suggest to this one (that her) expression of Self merely restricts the Self. This is a form of egotism in that the individuality is not seen clearly and is being used in a manner which is not most beneficial to the Self at this time. Would suggest to this one to strive very diligently to see the value and the beauty within the Self. Would suggest to this one many conscious attitudes of lack of Self worth and the attitudes related in information given were chosen so that this one might use this for a learning opportunity and use the present intent in changing and building into the Self those qualities necessary to understand the previous attitudes and experiences. #911765
The uncontrolled ego will cry, scream, put, beg and demand attention in any conceivable way making your life miserable. It will foster the self-blame, self-pity and other-pity for greater amounts of attention. Your conscious ego can lead you into deeper and deeper states of depression if it is not recognized and controlled. It wants domination and will attempt to control you and those around you unless you make a conscious effort to discern what is truth and what is exaggeration.
This one is seen to again have a cynical attitude at times, and this one is seen to manipulate others through creating reactions which this one sees as appropriate. This one is seen to chose to use the reactions of fears created in others. This one is seen to not trust the Self or those around the Self. This one is seen to not trust the expression of Self as being respected by those around him. This one is seen to at times be quite tyrannical and at times to feel somewhat brutal in the nature of expression. This one is seen to see neither value in Self or those around Self, merely to control others. This one places much attention on controlling of Self. This one is seen to at times glimpse what would be the true nature of the Self and to desire to express this to a certain degree, yet this one is seen to create within the Self and to carry forward within the Self many fears of expression. Suggest to this one as this one views the happiness felt within the Self towards the attitude of those without the Self that this one place more attention upon working with the Self to create the qualities within the Self that this one desires and place less attention on the controlling of those outside Self. Suggest to this one to place more attention on the controlling and understanding of the Self, and understand that fears which this one has created for the Self are his creation. This one is seen to get a certain amount of superficial strength from this dealing with other people. Suggest to this one that this is only superficial and not a genuine strength and to look at this and to view this. We see in this one also many talents which this one has not developed to a great degree, that this one should view these talents, look at them, understand them and express them, seeing the qualities obtained through these talents. #96761
While your conscious mind will lie to you, your subconscious mind or the inner you, will never lie to you because your subconscious mind knows only understood experiences. A second valuable tool to use in reconstructing your concept of Self is through nightly communication which transpires between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind in the form of dreams. As your environment is a reflection of how you view yourself, your dreams are the reflection of why you view yourself in this manner.
During the dreamstate the subconscious mind relays its message to the conscious mind in symbols. Dreams are a language in themselves. As with any foreign language, communication is almost nonexistent unless the symbols are understood. For instance, if you went to France knowing only the English language, at first communication would be difficult, but the longer you stayed, learning more of the language the faster communication barriers would breakdown. Finally you would find the communication of ideas moving in a steady flow; unhampered by unfamiliarity.
So it is with the dream language. Until the symbols are recognized and utilized, the valuable information which the subconscious has to offer is misinterpreted and often neglected as being of no value. Each attitude and thought you have begins with a stimulus to the conscious mind from something in the physical. At this point you attach the emotion of desire to it. This seed idea is planted within the subconscious mind until it grows and develops, gathering more energy until that idea becomes a physical reality whether an attitude toward your Self, a new house, or a physical disease.
Since this cycle of energy moves between the conscious and subconscious mind, it is of great benefit to understand the subconscious minds message coming through the dreamstate. Once again this requires honesty with your Self. Your dreams will tell you what attitudes need attention, why they are important to you, and what you can do to change them. They will always denote your state of awareness, and since no dream is insignificant, each will provide you with valuable information as you reconstruct your view of Self.
Once you start implementing the mirror tools of others in your dreams, there is another tool you will find most beneficial to rebuilding your Self concept. This involves a further and deeper communication within through a method of meditation. Meditation is a process of listening. Most Westerners are born and reared in Christianity and are well acquainted with the practice of prayer. More often than not, this type of prayer has its essence in supplication to some external Being of Power. There is a place for prayer in meditation; however, it does not follow this other power concept.
In the meditative state, there is no such importuning or begging for what one does not have. Prayer used before meditation is a reorientation of the mind producing the knowledge by which all that is rightly wanted is acquired. The person who meditates does not ask for guidance from without for he knows that a calm mind focused toward a definite answer will call upon the Wisdom which dwells within. Prayer can be thought of as the approach of the heart, and combined with meditation and wise service, this produces the knower.
If you will consider that we were made in the likeness and image of God, would it make sense that we are inherently endowed with all the potential of the Creator within each of us? How much identification and knowledge is gained is always proportionate to the amount and quality of the attention placed upon this aspect of ourselves. If we insist upon scattering our attention amidst daily problems, becoming so submersed in these that we foster our own sense of worthlessness and totally remove ourselves from the concept of the Creator, we will remain within these limitations. The only limitations anyone has are those placed upon the Self.
The Delphic oracle urged to know thyself. This is best fulfilled during the meditation period for this is the time one truly knows his Self to be master of his universe. From this point of view, meditation is all inclusive. Wherever you are your universe begins with you. Each individual, according to the quality and quantity of his thought creates his own cycle of creation. To totally appreciate this aspect within yourself you must first realize that this is truly your essence. You are not the physical body. It is a tool for you to use while experiencing and gaining greater understanding. You are not your emotions, but that which controls and uses them. You are not your mental images, rather that which creates them. You are spirit.
Wherever you chose to place your attention is where you are. If you wish to understand any depressive thought - by it anger, fear, anxiety, pity, or blame - during your meditative state, contact the positive expression of each by meditating on understanding, hope, you, compassion, or love. Identify yourself with these concepts of Self allowing the answers you earnestly seek to come forth offering you the new perspective you desire. Look for the kingdom of Heaven within and all else will be given unto you.
Meditation is inner communication, ultimately with the third division of mind - the Superconscious. The Superconscious is that spark, the direct link with the Creator. In order for this communication to take place there must, as with any communication, be an aggressive act and a receptive act. If you are continually talking to someone, you are not communication because there is never the opportunity to listen. So meditation is the aggressive talking in the form of a prayer of what is desired, followed by the receptive act of listening for the response. This takes time and patience to perfect; however, the benefits gained from this inner communication of knowledge serve to reinforce your concept of Self. In this way, meditation is an important key to reconstructing your mental attitudes and channeling these in the manner you desire.
Anyone with the necessary determination and patience can achieve comparatively quickly the desired results of analyzing and reconstructing the Self concept. Success is the reward of a quiet, unremitting effort rather than intermittent bursts of energy with little direction or cohesive force. In building your concept of Self, practice this at all times of the day - in your observations of others, in your dreams, and in your meditative states. Make the peacefulness felt in meditation a part of yourself, making all thoughts, hence all actions, a channel for this calmness. In this manner your emotions will be more easily controlled and you will effectively deal with any situation, seeing the true value of each learning experience you encounter.
We see this one again having strong urges and directing Self in a manner in an attempt to follow these urges. We see this one having much difficulty in balancing her own thoughts with the reception of others. We see this one again having a tendency to place others in a higher position than self and because of this to again have much difficulty in discerning what is the correct path for herself. Would suggest to this one that the realization of Self worth is just dawning. That this one must recognize before accomplishment can be made that her own value and worth is equal to all others. That she has the right and ability to accomplish whatever goals she sets for her Self, but to acknowledge others as being greater or more powerful is to break down her ability and create limitations. Would suggest to this one that she is at a point of recognizing the use of the emotions and is able at this point to control these. Would suggest to this one to detach herself from these during times that she would consider crises and to begin directing these as an outsider would manipulate others. Consider these as an energy force and using them in a constructive way. Would suggest to this one that this is not difficult for her in her place of evolution, but it would seem difficult only as she considers it is and does not practice it. #726761
With this added tool for the Self to use, that of controlling the emotion, the true value of Self gains more conscious recognition. Forming a commitment to the Self is of the upmost importance for gaining the greatest understanding and growth. This commitment demands responsibility for and to the Self.
We see very strong desires within the mental system for the freedom of expression and for the expression of the creative abilities within this one. We see a lack of recognition of the abilities of this one towards obtaining this goal. We see this one placing most of the attention upon the more negative aspects of the Self in regards to accomplishments and progression of the Self. Would suggest to this one that with the placement of attention upon these negative attitudes that this is only expanding these and creating larger obstacles towards this ones desires. We see within the mental attitude lack of responsibility towards the Self. Would suggest to this one to view objectively the abilities of the Self, to see the harmony of the aspects of the Self which is already created, and the harmony within the mental attitude which has already been created expanding upon this and directing this toward the goals. Would suggest to this one that this is a part of accepting the responsibility for Self and taking action within the Self and without the Self towards the desires which this one has created. Would suggest to this one that many of the understandings, truths, and tools recognized by this one are not being utilized toward the gaining of this ones desires. Suggest to this one that this is also a part of the responsibility stated previously. #91769
We see many emotional reactions toward the situations which cloud the vision of the perspective of what is actually taking place. Would suggest to this one to view objectively those situations which Self has created and to express the emotions rather than holding these within the Self. We see the emotions being restricted at this time. We see fear in this system in the expression of the emotions. Would suggest to this one to begin with the emotions in learning to emotionally like the Self with also an attitude of mental concern towards the Self and to emanate this towards the Self as well as this one sees Self emanating this towards others. #911769
Once fears and restrictions are being overcome through consistent effort, the individuals expression to Self and from Self begins to harmonize, manifesting the beauty of the Self. This takes time, practice and will.
Dont Defeat Your Purpose
In dealing with any situation where your emotions are likely to flare, you must recognize one thing if you intend to start changing your reaction - any significant change in attitude will take time, patience and a great deal of will power. Just because you are successful once in controlling your attitude, do not delude yourself into thinking this will always be the case from this time forward. For each attitude you foster, there are many situations which can stimulate that particular response. Until there is a full understanding of the attitude and the continual application of your new way of viewing Self and the environmental circumstances, a great amount of will power will need to be exerted to avoid reverting into old familiar often self-defeating patterns.
Will power is merely the ability to make more correct decisions than incorrect. So whats a correct decision? Anyone will agree that a correct decisions is one which produces peace and harmony within Self. An incorrect decision may throw you for an instant even once you begin controlling your thoughts, but once you fully realize that there is nothing wrong with making a mistake you will more readily see how the error was made and understand why - allowing your Self the right to cease repeating the same errors. However, if you allow your Self to become emotionally involved with the mistake you will have great difficulty in analyzing why and how it occurred.
This thought process of observing your own attitudes will take time and practice, primarily because most people function from habit. Rather than continually place their attention on the situation at hand and decide from moment to moment what is desired, they see themselves in a situation and memory tells them how to react. Often, little if any attention is placed upon why this particular response is being emitted from the Self. There has been a decision process followed; however, this is so negligible that no conscious attention has been placed on the action taken. This is when you find yourself saying things you really didnt mean to say or doing something you promised your Self you would never do again. This is the point where the will must be applied.
A habit is a habit is a habit. Each time you react in a certain manner, and repeat that action, a pathway is made in the brain. This is referred to in Part II as the memory tag. Each time you repeat this action you reinforce this same response making a change harder to implement. Harder, but not impossible. The duration of any habit will be the kay to the amount of effort it will take to rechannel that habit. When you consciously place your attention on each situation, you will begin deciding what your attitude and feeling toward each situation will be, rather than allowing habits of thought to rule you. This is controlling your thoughts. It does take time and repeated practice.
For instance, if you have over a period of years established a habit of blaming yourself because you consider yourself uglier than your sibling, then it will take time to realize the cause of this attitude. You will have to go back within your memory to the point at which this attitude began. You must realize that you werent born with this attitude, so it must have originated somewhere during your lifetime, perhaps in childhood. Usually this type of attitude is the result of feeling inferior fostered by a sense of futile competition. Once you retrace the origin, begin viewing how this attitude has progressed, seeing how it has formed into a habitual pattern of thinking for you, how this misunderstanding that you are now attracting has become a part of your Self.
Again reasoning why this attitude has become a part of you and delving into the cause will allow you to see how this has effected your presentation of Self. Recognizing that you are your thoughts and that this is of the most importance, you will begin reflecting the inner beauty that is you. Others will notice the change before you do, and their comments will hold validity for you. Afterall, if youre growing in awareness, shouldnt others recognize it and compliment you?
An important point to bring up at this time is when you are serious about changing your attitude and do recognize that tit will take time, patience, and will to inact this change, then you do not want to impede your progress. There are three major things which will hinder your conscious efforts if you allow it. These are excessive sleep, drugs, and alcohol.
In persons suffering from depression, there is a high degree of insomnia reported. These aberrations range from difficulty falling asleep, awakening after a few hours of sleep, to early morning awakening. The typical problem is insomnia but in recent cases hypersomnia, or excessive sleep, has also been reported. These are directly related to the lack of hormones being released in the physical body. This causes the erratic sleep pattern in which the patient has little if any of the rapid eye movement stage of sleep or the dreaming time.
This deprivation in dreaming time is significant primarily because, for most people, this is the time of rest, not only for the physical body but also the conscious mind. During the sleeping state, the subconscious mind relays messages to the conscious mind through dreams. This inner communication is a valuable tool for understanding attitudes, desires, hopes, fears, hates, and loves. When this time is reduced, there is a lack of harmony within the mental and emotional states as well as the physical body.
During the dreamstate the subconscious mind sends its message from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. The pituitary serves as the interpreter of the energies emitted from the hypothalamus. The pituitary acts as the catalyst, creating the picture you see as a dream. Whether the energy is from the fingers, toes, eyes, ears, note, or palate, the pituitary is the interpreter. The subconscious inputs the information through and it is up to the pituitary to draw upon the cortex for the appropriate information to get your conscious attention. When the hypothalamus is physically malfunctioning this process is impaired and sleep is erratic reflecting the condition of the impulses emanating from the hypothalamus.
In this way depression hinders the much needed communication between these two divisions of mind.
On the other end of the spectrum is extreme periods of sleep. This is considered a will-buster primarily because when you are asleep you are not using your conscious will. You are escaping the opportunity to make decisions - and making decisions requires using your ill. There are always alternatives, you always have choices to make. Making a choice is creating a decision. Even if you are indecisive, you are making the decision to make no decision at all.
So if you are sleeping to access, you are not utilizing your thinking, reasoning capacity in making decisions. You are cheating your Self of many learning experiences and greater understanding of Self and environment as well as perpetuating your depressed state.
Drugs are the second will - buster. The current answer to many forms of depression is drug therapy consisting of monamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic compounds and lithium carbonate. Each of these have antidepressant properties within them which serve to stimulate the release of norepinephrine, the bodys chemical fuel which energizes the emotional circuit and creates both brain energy and a sense of physical well being. In the depressive state, the normal supply of norepinephrine is depleted by the hypothalamus decreased functioning.
The rationale used for drug therapy is that depression in its advanced condition is a physiological illness and will power has neither a causative nor curative role. It is a fact that will power is diminished during the depressive state, insofar as the individual is choosing to perpetuate the depressed condition rather then starting to rechannel his energies toward understanding the cause of the depression. Most advocates of drug therapy refuse to see that the implementation of drug usage wile stabilizing the physical also serves to reduce the use of the will; therefore, once the drug is removed, if the will has not been asserted into understanding the cause of the depression, the depressive state will resume or there will be dependence upon the drug prescribed.
We see this one tends to perceive outwardly or project outwardly in reaction to life as being very lighthearted and to attempt to demonstrate this attitude within the physical. We see though, that within himself, this one is not free with his situation and perceives much lack of control in causing changes within it. We see this one to manifest this attitude through his actions rather than his word and we see this one to attempt through the physical to relieve himself of the burden of responsibility of fulfilling his role at this time. We see this done through the use of chemicals in order to draw his attention away from the physical. We see because of this, this one tends to demonstrate an inertia in his expression and we see this again reinforces his inability to control his situation. We see because of this, this one tends to doubt the Self and tends to stop making efforts in order to achieve the understanding needed in order to change the situation. We see much is felt within the emotional system but little action is taken upon it. For we see again this one attempting to view life objectively but failing in this insofar as he sees objectivism as lack of movement. We see within the physical body, the accumulation of many toxins whin the liver and casing a degree of strain of the gall bladder and kidneys at this point. We see partially this is due to the type and quantity of toxins that the system is attempting to release at this point. We see that this has caused many dramatic reactions within the nervous system. We see this has depleted the transmission ability to some degree of the entire nervous system and has hauled forth a dullness of sorts projected into these certain areas. We see this particularly of the upper spinal region of the nerves projected into the lower brain portion, occipital portion and cerebellum. We see because of the lack of motivation within the Self, the body manifests the lack of movement within itself and we see this dullness as being the outward manifestation of same. #822767
Any type of drug which alters the mood by effecting the nervous system or gland defeats the use of will. These place the individual in a subjective state since the conscious will is not in use. Drugs place the individual within the subconscious mind, as with the dreamstate, without control There is not the knowledge or the understanding of where you are, what you are doing, or how long you will be in this subjective state. Many of the hallucinations experienced by depressed persons stem from this same state of uncontrolled probing within the subconscious.
Another point that may be stressed about drug therapy is the common side effects from many of the drugs prescribed for depression. These include mild tremors, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, skin rashes, and visual distortions. These, especially the visual distortions, (or hallucinations), again emphasize functioning in the inner levels of the subconscious mind without control. In my opinion, the excuse that will power is at a low ebb during the depressive state and therefore cannot be relied upon to aid the individual is one of the poorest rationales used since correcting one disorder by creating another will in no logical way aid the individual.
It is at this time that the depressed person can gain the greatest benefit and Self respect by viewing his condition as something which he has created and therefore can recreate in the positive manner desired. This is accomplished through using the will.
The third detrimental element to the use of the will is alcohol. Alcohol is mans oldest tranquilizer. Initially, one or two shots of alcohol seem to help the depressed person, but sooner one requires larger and still larger amounts to produce the same artificially induced relaxation. When the alcohol wears off there is frequently a rebound effect causing the person to deepen the state of depression. Often alcoholism becomes a habit that persists long after the depressive illness disappears.
The main objective in drinking alcohol seems to be temporary change in consciousness and behavior. Mild inebriation is usually accompanied by a feeling of euphoria. While more severe intoxication produces a hazy state that facilitates escape from the conscious mind. The pleasant feeling induced by alcohol consists essentially of an absence of negative feelings. Social drinking is usually characterized by a time limit during which the individual is expected to relax and have fun. The cocktail hour is often referred to as the happy hour when one can say and do things without being held strictly accountable or responsible. For the more habitual drinker who begins drinking early in the morning, the hazy state created by alcohol may serve a number of purposes. It may be used as a form of self medication, for moderating feelings of depression, reducing anxiety, and neutralizing resentment. It may provide an escape from the feelings of emptiness and futility. It may also serve as an unconscious means of expressing self destructive tendencies.
The individual will persist in drinking because he believes it will fulfill whatever mental or emotional functions it is called upon to perform. It is also readily available. Although the immediate effects may be satisfying, in the long run the results are harmful. Once the habit is firmly established, it is self perpetuating. The chronic alcoholic who insists he drinks because he is an alcoholic, is not being evasive. Whatever the reason he may have originally had for drinking, this is not longer pertinent. The established habit is reason enough for drinking.
When a persons intake of alcohol is daily, the alcohol soon takes precedence over friends, occupation, and family. Behavioral disturbances arise such as persistent remorse, marked aggressive behaviour, unfounded jealousy, and self pity - all intensifying the emotions the drinker first desired to escape. Each foster deeper states of depression. The diet will consist largely of alcohol and the physical body will suffer from lack of proper nutrients. Alcohol becomes a necessity to the continuously engrossed individual, to counteract hangover symptoms such as headache, diarrhea and acute thirst.
The mental and emotional dependence upon alcohol is seen clearly in this physical manifestation.
The behavioral signs of intoxication are due to the depressive effects which alcohol has on the nervous system. It acts as a general anesthetic, impairing the energy flow physically, emotionally, and mentally. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, there is progressive impairment or dysfunction in normal brain functions. The energy flows are restricted and slowed considerably so that thought and emotion can no longer be freely expressed, and the body is severely hampered.
At .05 blood alcohol concentration which would entail an ounce or less of alcohol for the average male, behavioral effects include a relaxation of restraints, informality, mild memory impairment and talkativeness. At .1 percent there is a feeling of well - being, slurred speech, impulsiveness and poor coordination. At .3 percent the gait becomes unsteady, there are distortions of sensations (ie. double vision), disjointed conversation, impaired speech destroying conversation. A .4 percent blood alcohol concentration perception is totally impaired, and at .6 percent unconsciousness occurs. during this state, there is a danger of death due to cessation of breath and heartbeat.
The normal brain functions are severely impaired as the intake of alcohol increases. The importance of the cerebral cortex is to inhibit impulsive activity, since this center is used for reasoning, and prevent instability. Impairment of this cortical functions places great strain upon the hypothalamus or emotional center accounting for the increase in excitement and loss of restraint commonly noted in mild levels of intoxication. Disturbance in sensation, speech, motor coordination, perception, judgement and memory directly reflect the anesthetic effect of alcohol on the nervous system. When the energy flow is hampered the ability to think clearly, interpreting the energies correctly, is diminished. The energy does not reach the cortex, so reasoning and judgement are not possible din the intoxicates state. The individual finds himself functioning from the emotions, and without the aid of the reasoning faculties there is a loss of control.
We see there has been some disturbance within the nervous system itself from past actions. We see this as originating from an introduction into the system of certain toxic substances which changed the pattern of transmission of the nerve energy itself. We see this as also having created some slowness in the transmission of the brain neurons insofar as it has created an imbalance of the chemical and electrical responses within the brain itself. We see this has diminished this ones ability to perceive correctly through the thalamus and pituitary bodies. We see that the body is making ready adjustments to this and attempting to create the balance needed within this area. We see, thought, it will require a degree of time in order to bring this into effect. We do not see this condition itself as alarming but one which will require time and patience to be remedied completely....(Question) Are these toxins going into the pituitary from external means? This has been a toxin introduction of the past period and we see the body at this point making the adjustments to correct the dulling of the system which has been created from that time. We see it an outside source introduced into the system and not one that has been produced within the system itself. #87766
The vitamin deficiency which frequently accompanies prolonged alcoholism may result in degeneration of the nerves. This condition is called Korsakoffs syndrome. This directly affects the cerebrum and peripheral nerves causing the misinterpretation of energies from the senses. The brain stem is affected during Wernickes disease. In this disease degeneration begin sin this vital area. The brain awareness and alertness is diminished and there is the inability of the mental and emotional systems to integrate the energy from the senses with previously stored information in the brain. During these advanced stages of prolonged alcohol use, the entire connection system between the environment (gathered from sensory nerves) and the individual is severed. He no longer can function as a single unit of mind, emotion, and body. Common effects during these periods are amnesia, a falsification of memory and disorientation in time and space, as well as physical destruction through cirrhosis of the liver, peripheral neuritis and endocrine disturbances.
The most important point to remember with the use of alcohol is the depressive effect on energy flow. This causes the reasoning abilities to breakdown and the conscious mind is pushed aside. Judgements are impossible to make since the will cannot be utilized in this condition. When this occurs, the subconscious mind, working through the hypothalamus, is forced to take control of the body since the energies cannot effectively reach the conscious, reasoning part of mind. Because the will and judgement faculties are impaired and dysfuncting there is no control. The individual finds himself floundering in the emotional level of consciousness and this is the primary reason a wide variety of emotions can be observed in persons indulging in alcohol: from brutality to melancholia to extreme happiness. With constant abuse of alcohol, there is less and less utilization of the reasoning faculties in the sober state, placing increasing pressure upon the subconscious mind without returning the energy used to keep the individual functioning. Eventually, the subconscious will withdraw its attention from the conscious mind and physical body. At this point death will occur.
In each case with the will buster, it is important to realize the effect they have on your ability to function with the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is and should be your best friend. The storehouse of your understanding is the subconscious mind. Therefore, it has unlimited knowledge to offer the controlled conscious mind. It should be kept in mind at all times, that without control of the conscious will, the benefits to be gained through the subconscious are negligible. Without the utilization of the reasoning faculties of the conscious mind no integration of the subconscious information can take place. As with dreams, unless the language is understood by the conscious mind, the subconscious message will be of little benefit to the dreamer. The same occurs with the use of drugs, alcohol or in excessive sleep.
Do not defeat your progress by allowing habit to again control you. When rebuilding your concept of Self, focus on your ideal and purpose at all times. Always mentally picture what it is you truly desire, and more importantly know why you desire this. Then place the activity with this thought so it will manifest in the complete functioning Self you visualize. This Self will be intradependent, not relying on any person, place or thing for its happiness.
When you fully realize your potential as a whole functioning Self, you will more fully recognize the cycle of giving and receiving. You will be the person you at one time idealized and through this manifestation of your desire you will respect and love your Self. This inner attitude will reflect on all those you come into contact with. In this way your circle of love will be extended to all in its purest form. It is at this time that you will never again wonder, What will I do tomorrow? You will always create that tomorrow through what you have achieved today.
I send you my Circle of Love.
©1977, School of Metaphysics