Manifest Destiny what to expect
Spiritual Focus Session experience
Manifest Destiny - Fulfilling Your Soul's Purpose
by Tad Messenger
At a very early age, I was attracted to the spiritual life. Ministers and religious leaders fascinated me. I soon became friends with my minister and became active within my church. At this time, I began to develop a concept and a relation with my God. I saw Him as all powerful and all loving. He cared for each and every person in the world. He was a protector, someone I could turn to in times of trouble. He would listen and know what was best for me and for the world. I prayed often, asking for guidance and his blessings upon each difficult undertaking. I also enjoyed nature and found my God to be part of every living thing. He brought beauty and peace into my life.
Soon, I began to doubt the existence of God and His loving concern. As a result of my confusion, I began to turn away from Him. I remember several nights crying out and chastising my God for the troubles in the world. I began to rebel against my faith and against my spiritual upbringing. This became a great source of pain and sorrow for me that gnawed at my passion and desire to become a spiritual person. I have wanted many times to return and renew my devotion and closeness to Him. However, the pain, and bitterness I held seemed to block my path back to a relation with my God. I often wondered how and why I had ever gotten to this point in my life.
It was from these experiences that I decided to search for answers and regain the joy I once felt. Some of this background was evident to me and some was not yet realized as I decided to attend a Spiritual Focus Weekend called Destiny -- Fulfilling Your Soul's Intention.
The purpose of this weekend was to offer the participants an opportunity to seek a direction to fulfill and answer some of the questions that they had pertaining to their life. Most people at some time, ask "who am I; what am I doing here?". If they are familiar with the idea of reincarnation, each time brings for
th an idea of what they have learned and can build upon, adding more understandings. These understandings may be learning to love, or learning to share their skills and teach others, or simply understanding permanent qualities such as determination, surrender, receiving, confidence, humility, or devotion. Whatever a person seeks to understand in this lifetime and add to their Spiritual Self is the "Soul's Intention" in this lifetime.
Each person I met during the weekend came from different walks of life, from coast to coast-- from a New York City vice president of a television station to the healer and psychic from San Diego. Each of us brought our questions, our concerns, our distresses, and our burning desires to find out our Soul's needs, and integrate that in our everyday life. When we met, I could feel the anticipation, energy, and inquisitiveness that we shared. There was an air of excitement that somehow this weekend was important to us; that something was about to unfold that would speak directly to a deep part of our Self and we would come away somehow changed, somehow different. We didn't know how or what that would be, but I could feel and hear the expectations.
The setting of the Spiritual Focus Weekend on Destiny was magnificent. It was held at a ranch where the rooms were large, spacious and had a simple, elegant quality of the country. Lush thick carpets greeted our footsteps; soft soothing music filled the air; home grown herbal teas, fruit juices, and gourmet coffees were offered daily. I especially recall the wonderful food that was prepared for us each day with loving care, food that was organically grown, including the meat, milk, and cheeses. The ranch itself is nestled in the Ozark Plateau, away from the hustle and bustle of billboards, traffic, business, and commotion. The sounds of cardinals, crickets, and other forest critters were our music and outdoor companions. All of the physical surrounding welcomed us to relax, and prepare to receive with an open mind deeper meaning to our lives.
Have you ever had a past life profile? Have you ever had one reading that was the most significant one to your present situation? Have you ever had any kind of information that spoke truth to you about your Self or your Soul? Can you imagine being present while you receive the past life that is of the greatest benefit to you right now; that gives you the truth about what your Soul's Intention is for you in this lifetime and then, on top of all that, have a caring qualified mentor with a Doctorate in Metaphysics to aid and guide you to fully understand your reading for two full days? That is exactly what we had.
Dr. Pam Blosser was our mentor for this session. She was marvelous! She prepared us to receive our reading; guided us in understanding it; caused us to look at our past life with new awareness to the point where we became that person. My profile came alive and I could feel the emotions, and the passions, and the joys that I held during that past life. Then, she brought clarity to our perception of who we are and how we could use this weekend to fulfill our hearts' desires during our everyday life.
As I began to work with my past life, I immediately realized that the source of my pain and sorrow concerning my relation with my God had been going on for a long time. I realized that I had created God in my image each time. The image of Him had not changed much, although the information and experiences I had in each lifetime changed considerably until the God I had created no longer matched some of the harsh realities of life. In my past life, I had also had a close relation with my God, loved the Holy land, Holy activities and had lived a righteous life. Suddenly, invaders came to our village, killed my wife and my son and I was thrown in turmoil again questioning my God for bringing sorrow and pain into my life. Out of the turmoil and pain, I realized that I was looking only at the physical life each time. I overlooked the opportunities to learn, the opportunities that cause people to unite, to become closer, to serve others.
I learned that I am beginning to understand humility and surrender. Humility is a type of modesty born in honesty, devoid of arrogance and vanity. Surrender is to yield to the power within. It means to align my outer will to my inner or creative power. Surrender is to trust authority, especially my own. I can see that humility and surrender go together. The more trust and confidence I gain in authority, the less I feel the need to boast about myself as I reach out to others and share my skills, talents, and knowledge, I will know my own needs as a spiritual being. These are attributes that I can practice everyday in many ways. Sharing our experiences as a group, I have no doubt that each of us have changed and are blessed by attending.
During the reliving of my past life that was given during this weekend I experienced a deep "catharsis", according to Dr. Pam Blosser. I looked this word up in the dictionary and it said a catharsis is "a purification of the emotions that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension". I could see that that was true. I could perceive and begin to understand the source of my pain that gnawed at my inner peace. I could also see that each person experienced a type of "spiritual renewal".
There are other Spiritual Focus Weekends the School of Metaphysics offers at the Ranch. If you want to know about your Spirit or Soul, if you ever want to make an investment that will be productive for you and your loved ones, I recommend you take the time and the effort to attend. These are unequivocally the highest quality truth I have experienced.
Tad Messenger has received a B.A. in religion from the College of Wooster in Ohio, and a Respondere from the School of Metaphysics. He is presently completing his work for his Masters degree in geology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His next goal is to earn a Doctorate in Metaphysics and teach an accredited program in Earth Sciences at the College of Metaphysics.
(reprinted from Thresholds Quarterly, copyright 1997 School of Metaphysics)