college of metaphysics, the power of thought, penny day

COLLEGE OF METAPHYSICS, the power of thought

Penny Day!

--Buffalo, MO
December 1, 1986

Monday, the School of Metaphysics made a payment on 712 acres of land near Windyville, Mo. Usually the name of the organization sparks the greatest curiosity but this time it was the transaction. The final payment, making the School’s students owners of the property, was made with over 700,00 pennies.

“It began in 1970 when a student said, ‘Let’s build a College of Metaphysics’,” said Dr. Gayle Mattes, president of the national not-for-profit educational and service organization. “The savings of pennies became a way of providing a unique place of study to fulfill that dream. Originally the pennies were collected to serve as a down payment in purchasing the land.

“When the time came to make the initial payment on the land where the college is being built, students wanted to continue collecting pennies. It was an idea that had power because it activated the imagination. The dream spread. Every time students saw pennies and contributed them, they imagined what it would be like to have their own college.”

Metaphysics is the study of how to use the whole mind. The beginning student develops discipline in the skills of undivided attention, concentration, memory and listening. These serve as the foundation for further exploration into the workings of the mind. “Studying metaphysics can aid people to improve all aspects of their lives because it teaches them mental efficiency,” Matthes stated. “Students use their developing control of thought to re-energize and relax, to increase financial situations, to communicate more effectively, to overcome depression , and to develop intuitive skills.”

The 31 branch locations throughout 14 greater midwest states offer weekly classes in the practical application of Universal Law. “It is the study of cause and effect, thought being the cause and the physical being its manifest likeness,” Matthes explained. “The students are expected to practice the exercises assigned, take what makes sense to them and use it in their everyday life. At the college, students attend classes daily and are actively involved in designing and constructing the college campus.” In addition to their education in practical metaphysics, college students develop skills such as animal husbandry, agriculture, construction, management, administration, food cultivation, preparation and storage, finances, and publishing.

The School of Metaphysics began purchasing the land in 1981. By 1983, students in the advanced course of study were attending classes at the college. They began clearing and cultivating the land, raising livestock and constructing buildings. Starting July, 1987, the residency work-study program will be open to the public for the first time.

The transaction made at O’Bannon Bank in downtown Buffalo today drew considerable response. The bank is offering a $250 savings bond to the person who is most accurate in psychically determing how many pennies are contained in a 130 gallon stock tank. The tank has been on display in the bank’s lobby since Thanksgiving and will remain there for two weeks. The bank is requesting participants to make a contribution to the local high school radio station, KBFL.

“We are excited that the people of Buffalo have become involved in our dream and are spreading this wealth throughout their community,” Mattes said. “In the past years, we have witnessed this same type of enthusiasm in people who want to be a part of making a dream come true. We are proud to have this kind of positive influence throughout the midwest.”

Will the School of Metaphysics stop collecting pennies now? “One of the characteristics that cause a metaphysician to stand out is his awareness of the importance of always having another goal in sight,” replied Matthes. “Pennies will be collected for the construction of a pyramid on the college land. Modeled after the Great Pyramid at Giza, it will house a library, offices, records storage, an auditorium, theaters, a greenhouse, and an energy generating system. The estimated cost for the structure is two million dollars.

“We are on the threshold of a new day where individuals are demanding to know the answers to the meaning of their existence both philosophically and scientifically,” Matthes stated. “Through understanding the power of thought controlled with intelligence, man does find his answers.”

©1986 SOM

©2002 School of Metaphysics

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