
GLOBAL UNITY, common story

journaling humanity's progress

Crossing the Thresholds of one millennia to the next

In 2002 Thresholds evolved again.

Meeting the challenge of the electronic age, much of our material is now found here, online.

More quickly available to the world and with a much more cost efficient base for our not-for-profit organization which functions solely on donations from those who care.

We keep in contact with members throughout the year, through email, telephone, and post. Updates throughout the year allow members to learn about research and opportunities to meet, and often include copies of new publications.

In the fall, we publish THRESHOLDS ANNUAL, a yearbook for Intuitive, Spiritual Man, sent to all current SOMA members.

Thresholds Magazine was first published in February 1976, birthed from the creative mind of a student in the Webster Groves, Missouri center.  The original magazine was designed in that center by students and printed by a commercial printer. Distributed by subscription and in bookstores, it was financed with paid advertising. Students wanted to have a way to network with others of like mind, through reaching and unifying our thoughts with others and sharing ideas with one another. Students also had a place to learn through self expression and creative endeavors which the magazine offered. One of its unique features was the metaphysical interpretation of the Book of Genesis in the Bible, chapter by chapter. Students used Thresholds Magazine to learn about writing, editing, sales and communications.

Like all activities of the School of Metaphysics, Thresholds Quarterly is staffed entirely by volunteers. With no editor for a period of time, Thresholds Quarterly ceased publication. For any venture to thrive it requires love from those who support it. The saying, "Love what you do and the rest will follow" is appropriate here. Nothing survives unless one is willing to breath life into it. The School of Metaphysics and its divisions exist because people, like Dr. Jerry Rothermel, Dr. Geraldine DeMate, Dr. Barbara Condron, Dr. Gayle Matthes, Dr. Daniel Condron, Dr. Sheila Benjamin, (all past presidents) with current president Dr. Pam Blosser and others were willing to support it and to immerse themselves into causing it to thrive.

When Thresholds was resurrected in 1987, different centers organized each issue around a theme, generating the articles and artwork from students and people in their communities. The layout and printing was completed at National Headquarters. In this second incarnation of Thresholds Quarterly. There was again the interpretation of Genesis in the universal language of mind and a metaphysical/spiritual advice column called "What's on your Mind?" Readers were educated about past life reports and health Analyses through a regular feature called The Book of Life.

In 1989, Thresholds Magazine was updated again, with a new look and new structure. Individuals were moving beyond the psychic phenomena, and sensational thinking and looking for individuals who lived their lives using sound metaphysical principles. Each issue featured an interview with a prominent person, such as the champion pool player Minnesota Fats, or renowned surgeon and author Dr. Bernie Siegel. The articles included Arts and Sciences, Business, Health, Scholar's Report, creative Writing, Humor and a piece each issue on My Most Influential Teacher. In addition, a dream interpretation column called Ask the Sandman was introduced. Contributors to Thresholds Magazine expanded, including a wide range of people with education, knowledge, inspiration or insight to communicate. Again metaphysical Bible interpretation was included this time advancing to the study of the Book of Revelation.  (The interpretations of Genesis and the Book of Revelation may be found in the book The Bible Interpreted in Dream Symbols.)

Thresholds became the journal for SOMA in 1992. Our mission is still to educate and inspire with Universal Truth, and in addition Thresholds Quarterly now informs SOMA members about the School of Metaphysics, its research and services. Features include interviews, Sandman, and the akashic library.   At World Headquarters we are able to consolidate our efforts through having a single instrument as a voice for our ideals. Since becoming the journal for SOMA, Thresholds Quarterly no longer accepts paid advertising. Instead, we have a resource directory in which SOMA members can communicate with one another about services or products they have to offer. Space in the Resource Directory is available through donations and all contributions further the education efforts of the School of Metaphysics and its divisions.

©1998, School of Metaphysics, Thresholds Quarterly.

In 2002 Thresholds again has evolved to meet the needs of SOMA members. In our fast-paced, computer-communication world, we are directing our efforts to making this website and its auxiliary campus the most accessible and reliable internet source on metaphysics and the evolving of humanity's consciousness toward Intuitive, Spiritual Man. Here you will find much more than we were able to put into a 32 page paper magazine and you can choose what you want to read, print and share with others.

As we make this giant leap into cyberspace we appreciate what has come before and realize the place Thresholds has held for most of the School of Metaphysics' existence as one of its primary sources of wisdom and history. For this reason we will continue to create and publish a print magazine each year. We are viewing it as a kind of SOMA yearbook which will reflect some of the best ideas, practices, and innovations coming out of our members each year. The first Thresholds Annual will be published in August and mailed to our membership shortly thereafter. To receive your copy, update your membership now!

Copyright© 2002 School of Metaphysics

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