The Reason the School of Metaphysics Exists

GLOBAL UNITY, common quest

Thresholds Editorial

The Reason the School of Metaphysics Exists

October eighth marked the twentieth year since the incorporation of the School of Metaphysics as a not-for-profit educational and service organization. It has been two decades of the pursuit of excellence, an appetite for learning, and a dedication to service for the thousands who have contributed to this wholistic study for Spiritual Man.

The assignment of the School of Metaphysics is to unlock the power of the conscious mind - reasoning - and bring into the consciousness of all individuals awareness of the power of the subconscious mind - intuition. Evidence of this transition has grown abundantly during that time from scientific research in the field of genetics to global summits on ecology and the earth's environment, from interfaith dialogue and cooperation to the latest explanation for mystical experience - "quantum change". With each new advance, with each answer discovered, more questions arise. Where have we come from? Where are we going? Who are we as a humanity, and how do we respond to a growing maturity which makes us prophets with the power to determine our future?

For every ill there is a cure. Yes, answers are found in pursuing the physical causes for effects. Yet those answers breed more questions whose answers are and will be discovered in metaphysical investigation. These are the answers that the School of Metaphysics has been, is, and will be devoted to pursuing individually and collectively.

1993 has truly been "The Year of Higher Initiation" for the School of Metaphysics and its membership organization, School of Metaphysics Associates. It is not coincidence that the twentieth anniversary of the initiation of the School of Metaphysics occurs the same year of the centennial celebration of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Parliament gave all people invested in spirituality an opportunity to come together -- to learn, to teach, to receive, to give. It was a privilege and pleasure to meet others who are dedicating their lives to spiritual pursuits. As rarely before, I was awed by the beauty and simplicity of the School of Metaphysics teachings. Never before had I seen such a wholistic representation of mankind, all actively seeking ways to understand God, Self, and our fellowman. Everywhere I went I gained new insights and a deeper appreciation for the education I have received through my work with SOM. Parliament affirmed the dawning of the real need in all people for the kind of Spiritual, wholistic education that we afford. The time has indeed come. Awareness is quickening.

We are committed to sharing the Spirit of Parliament with you, for it is truly the spirit of love, cooperation, vision, and determination that will assist in accelerating the progression of mankind. We look foward to the next opportunity to meet Spiritual leaders from around the world. When it arises, be sure to include such a gathering in your chosen experiences.

I send you my Circle of Love,
Dr. Barbara Condron
©1994 Vol. 11 No. 4

copyright 2002 School of Metaphysics

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