global peace, common endeavor
GLOBAL PEACE, common endeavor
Bring in the New Year by dedicating your thoughts and actions to peace for one hour. How can you be at peace for this hour? In any way you choose. Here are some suggestions: Pray Meditate Sing Read the Universal Peace Covenant Spend time with God Hold a Circle of Love Walk in nature Read scripture Spend time alone or with your friends, family, or members of your church, temple, or synagogue |
What if there is peace on earth for one hour?
What if everyone on the planet - every man, woman, and child - will commit to thinking and doing only what will bring them peace for sixty minutes?
For one this might mean an hour of prayer, for another an hour of meditation.
One might choose solitude in nature's majesty, another communion with others in a beautiful temple.
One might spend the time telling his family of his love, another laying down his weapon.
The simple and universal truth is
Living peaceably begins by thinking peacefully.
Our vision is that every sentient being on Earth dedicate one hour to peace. Please join people of all nations as we create a Universal Hour of Peace December 31s at 11:30pm your time through January 1st 12:30am.
When we can make peace on Earth for one hour, just imagine what else we can accomplish!
Peace on idea whose time has come.
The touch of the cool,
fresh water all around me.
The sun beating down on my head.
eternal Peace, eternal Peace
- Elizabeth Vaughan, age 13
May peace be with you all ways!
Release. Peace.
People who don't know peace
They cease peace.
People who know peace
love peace. Their heart fills with
Some people who don't know peace,
Their soul is like
a shoe. They take it on and
off, and forget what really
is important.
Briana Padilla, age 11
Copyright© 1998, rev. 2002 School of Metaphysics